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Mrs.Ridout, Calvin park, Kingston, ON

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She is rude and never gives anyone enough time to finish projects.

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Anthony Ball, St. lawrence college of Applied Arts and Technology, 100 Portsmouth Ave, Kingston, ON K7L 5A6

Rating: 1 out of 5.

An old cocksucker who teaches Civil Litigation. Doesn't care, rude, mean, condescending and arrogant old man who should quit.

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Maria Caleja, Park Lawn JMS, Toronto, Ontario, M8Y4B6

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She has been teaching for 15 years and looks everything up on her phone and puts you on detention for doing math in math class

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lisa irwin, earl of march, ottawa, ontario

Rating: 2 out of 5.

I just started my year, so hating a teacher on the first few weeks is a bad start. But Mrs. Irwin hasn't really help us if we need help. And she is always comparing us to her other class when she should be focusing on how she could help us in the educational department. She is extremally rude and she should be kinder to all her students and if you reading this good luck.

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Mrs. Loik, St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Elementary, Cambridge, Ontario

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I dont know if she still works there but I'm writing this in quarantine and I just randomly remembered how she was absolutely awful to me in 5th grade. One time I was doing a project (presentation of a model I made) and someone asked how long it took me. I answered "I dont know, I didnt keep track of time". Because of this she pulled me aside and said "Well you would have gotten an A, but because you were rude I'm not giving you one". Being a child taught to 'respect elders' I didnt really say anything, but made a face because part of me knew it was wrong. Then she asked what the look was for and I said I didnt understand. And then she went on a whole tangent about how I have an attitude and need to get rid of it. I was 11. If she's not already fired, I hope they fire her.

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mrs magolon brown, st davids, waterloo, ontario

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Needs to explain things more clear and make sure everyone understands instead of just moving on and assuming Everyone knows

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Mrs jenson, Kvhs

Rating: 1 out of 5.

*** ***. School couldn’t have a worse face to put on it. Absolutely terrible principal

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Avie Basson, Eagle Mountain Middle, Port Moody, British Columbia

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Oh how teacher how terrible you are at your job. You made me redo such a project that I spent a long while on. the criteria that was on the paper was met. but you had to add more. oh how stupid a blonde could be. a stupid blonde old ***.

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Avie Basson, Eagle Mountain Middle, Port Moody, British Columbia

Rating: 1 out of 5.

is never okay "Oof, look at this dumb, chubby, lousy, hideous, white teacher, ain't even trying to hide her true creature, with rolls on rolls and a brain that's full of holes, she must have been absent the day they taught self-control. But it's no surprise that she's such a flop, when she looks like she's been hit by a truck, and her double chin matches her double-wide butt. Too bad she's not as smart as she is large, maybe then she wouldn't be stuck teaching these barge, of students who can't stand her face, and dread coming to her class, it's such a disgrace. But hey, at least she has her complexion to cling to, because without it she'd be nothing but a sad, old, white bimbo. So go ahead, try to teach us something, with your flabby arms flapping, we'll just sit back and laugh, because you're nothing but a fat, bad, stupid, ugly, white teacher, with no worth or value, just a living, breathing loser."

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Avie Basson, Eagle Mountain Middle, Port Moody, British Columbia

Rating: 1 out of 5.

You blubberous blob of blubber, oh how you slob around the room Your double chin flops, your gut teeter-totters, it's an abject sight of doom Teaching a class? Ha! You couldn't teach a snail to crawl With your lopsided brain and vacant stare, you're just a bumbling ball Your intelligence is lacking, your knowledge is a joke I bet you struggle to spell, let alone solve a simple math stroke And don't even get me started on your looks, or lack thereof With skin as pale and dull as a doorknob, you could use a good shove But what's truly ugly is your sexist ways, thinking you're above Treating female students like they're lesser, just because you have a pair of balls to shove. So go ahead, keep sitting on your throne of ignorance and hate But know that we all see through your facade, you pathetic, fat, bad, stupid, ugly, white teacher, you're nothing but a disgrace

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