James Harline, Jasper Place High School, Edmonton, Alberta, T5R 2P2
he is a horrible teacher this one time during PE one kid was just having fun while we were outside in the soccer field and he was having a little too much fun and Mr. Stowe we didn’t like this so he made him run 10 laps around the field, and then he had to sit out for the rest of the game
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Steve milne, John cabot, Mississauga, Ont
Hey Mr. Milne it's me Tom. Longtime no see. My phone number is 6479363863 if you wanna call me
Silly and talks nonsense.
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Avie Basson, Eagle Mountain Middle, Port Moody, British Columbia
Oh fattie McPatty, with your bad attitude, How does it feel to be such a strict and crude dude? Your teaching skills are lacking, your brain must be weak, No wonder the students groan every time you speak. So go stuff your face and lay off the rules, Maybe then you'll see why everyone thinks you're a fool.
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Avie Basson, Eagle Mountain Middle, Port Moody, British Columbia
shut up fat *** you should get a girlfriend and take a shower
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Dr. Rajeev Arora, 490 Bramalea Rd. Brampton ON l6t 0g1
Dr. Arora is an AWESOME doctor, he’s caring and understanding. He listens to his patients with real interest, I would follow him to the moon and back.
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Élyse Lemieux, Dawson College, Montreal, Quebec, H3Z 1A4
Le professeure n’as aucun intérêt pour ses élèves à l’égard du niveau de français. La majorité des étudiants francophones obtiennent un échec sans compter ceux anglophones. Sur 12 élèves moins que la moitié passe le cours niveau modérée français. Elle devrait honnêtement enseigner un niveau universitaire francophone et non un cégep anglais langue seconde français niveau 2. Même les étudiants qui font tous leurs travaux ne réussi pas à passer (et elle en a minimum 2 par semaine toute la session à remettre, le double de tous les autres professeurs au même cégep).
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Mme.Riddle, Mary Honeywell, ottawa
worst teacher ever, my bro had her on his first year of iep and told the school not to put her and him together, and guess what happened, she picks on,makes fun of, and embarrasses all her students everybody hates her
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