Average rating of the most matched results:
Allison Fraleigh, CDI College, Edmonton, Alberta
Does not like to answer questions or put in the time to make sure all students understand the course
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Category: Teacher
French, West Island College, Calgary, Alberta
Were strangely rude to the kids that were in her class. Gave lots of work and over covid-quarantine she used it as an excuse to give us EXTRA homework. Does not have a good teaching style everyone in my class nearly failed and all hated her. Over covid-quarantine she expected us to GO OVER to each others houses for projects.
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Category: Teacher
Math, West Island College, Calgary, Alberta
Threw a chair at a kid while I went there. Had favourites and mocked kids that didn't reach her expectations because they're slower learner. Overall horrible teaching style 1/10 wouldn't recommend.
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Category: Teacher
Dr.Ma, Colonel Irvine, Calgary, Alberta
He is sometimes mean. He can yell at us and he does yell at the whole class at least once or twice a day.
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Category: Teacher
Ms lou, William Aberhart, Calgary, Alberta
Ms. Lou is a crap teacher she cannot speak proper English and does not know how to control students she is an all out crap teacher who also needs to stop eating noodles
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Category: Teacher
Justin Bechthold, John Ware Jr High, Calgary, Alberta
He is cool
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