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William Nikolakis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Bad at marking, no clear rubric for essay writing. Poor class discussion leading

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John sheyegan, University Canada west, Vancouver, British Columbia

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Very poor knowledge..reads from the slides and grading is very bad eventhough we work hard for the assignments..neither does he passes nor teaches properly

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Dr Nisa Chand, University Canada west, Vancouver, British Columbia

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Very knowledgeably professor. Great knowledge in the qualitative research. And very good at grandings but eventhough she teaches very well I cnt understand what she is saying.

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Category: Doctor

parisa mehdian, 805 W Broadway Suite 1801, Vancouver, British Columbia, B5Z 1K1

Rating: 1 out of 5.

After very expensive treatment my tooth has been hearting for 7 months. The assistant of Dr. Parisa is talking all the time during the treatment, she is not concentrated on her job, and sometimes she hurt me. When I arrived to install a new bridge, it turned out that the bridge had not yet been delivered to the clinic. It was very painful for me, since the temporary bridge had been destroyed by that time and I looked terrible. The treatment was interrupted in the middle for an unknown reason. I discovered that there are other court cases against Dr. Parisa after dental incidents. I hope by saying this it might help others make a clear decision as I don't believe her work is equivalent to her rating.

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simon duffy, columbia college, vancouver, BC

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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NABU504, Capilano University, North Vancouver, BC

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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Category: Teacher

Mr. Lawrence, Windermere Secondary, Vancouver, BC

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Bad breath, very openly gay during the late 80s / early 90s when that community was not understood. Taught 3 classes per year at that high school. Was bare present at each class, but had high demands for high school artwork not yet assigned even at a College / University level. Students were left to simply use class time to work on their project. Mr. Lawrence retained most of the high achieving students' output. Terrible teacher that pushed hard every 3 months from students and never gave back the students' work. He may be retired now, but he was an awful teacher. Instead, he created pressure to produce University-level artwork at a high school level without instruction / support / guidance. He has become a nightmare to me since, even after 25 years.

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Category: Teacher

Avie Basson, Eagle Mountain Middle, Port Moody, British Columbia

Rating: 1 out of 5.

is never okay "Oof, look at this dumb, chubby, lousy, hideous, white teacher, ain't even trying to hide her true creature, with rolls on rolls and a brain that's full of holes, she must have been absent the day they taught self-control. But it's no surprise that she's such a flop, when she looks like she's been hit by a truck, and her double chin matches her double-wide butt. Too bad she's not as smart as she is large, maybe then she wouldn't be stuck teaching these barge, of students who can't stand her face, and dread coming to her class, it's such a disgrace. But hey, at least she has her complexion to cling to, because without it she'd be nothing but a sad, old, white bimbo. So go ahead, try to teach us something, with your flabby arms flapping, we'll just sit back and laugh, because you're nothing but a fat, bad, stupid, ugly, white teacher, with no worth or value, just a living, breathing loser."

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Category: Teacher

Avie Basson, Eagle Mountain Middle, Port Moody, British Columbia

Rating: 1 out of 5.

and ugly Oh dear teacher, with a face like a creature, your weight alone could sink a ship, your cruelness makes me wanna take a dip, in a pool full of vomit and slime, because listening to you is such a waste of time! Your skin as pale as a ghost, your intelligence is what we need most, but instead we get stuck with you, a teacher so dumb, it's like you have no clue! Your ugliness is beyond compare, it's no wonder no one wants to give you a stare, your presence alone makes my eyes sore, it's a pity you were never taught manners, you uncouth boor. But most of all, your fatness takes the cake, it's like you ate the whole bakery for goodness sake, every time you wobble down the aisle, I can't help but let out a snicker and smile. So go ahead and teach your boring bland lessons, I'll just sit here and count the seconds, until I can escape this hell, from the likes of you, my dear teacher from hell. beat that

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Category: Teacher

Avie Basson, Eagle Mountain Middle, Port Moody, British Columbia

Rating: 1 out of 5.

You blubberous blob of blubber, oh how you slob around the room Your double chin flops, your gut teeter-totters, it's an abject sight of doom Teaching a class? Ha! You couldn't teach a snail to crawl With your lopsided brain and vacant stare, you're just a bumbling ball Your intelligence is lacking, your knowledge is a joke I bet you struggle to spell, let alone solve a simple math stroke And don't even get me started on your looks, or lack thereof With skin as pale and dull as a doorknob, you could use a good shove But what's truly ugly is your sexist ways, thinking you're above Treating female students like they're lesser, just because you have a pair of balls to shove. So go ahead, keep sitting on your throne of ignorance and hate But know that we all see through your facade, you pathetic, fat, bad, stupid, ugly, white teacher, you're nothing but a disgrace

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