Average rating of the most matched results:
Marta Albertin, Saint Martin De Porres, Airdrie, Alberta
She is Amazing and I love how much she looks out for her students me being one of them she is probably one of the best things that’s ever happened to me I wouldn’t be passing any classes if it weren’t for her
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James Harline, Jasper Place High School, Edmonton, Alberta, T5R 2P2
he is a horrible teacher this one time during PE one kid was just having fun while we were outside in the soccer field and he was having a little too much fun and Mr. Stowe we didn’t like this so he made him run 10 laps around the field, and then he had to sit out for the rest of the game
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Steve milne, John cabot, Mississauga, Ont
Hey Mr. Milne it's me Tom. Longtime no see. My phone number is 6479363863 if you wanna call me
Silly and talks nonsense.
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Category: Restaurant
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Ms Martelacci
Nothing marked, spent 40 minutes ranting every day. No work completed in the 2 months before she left her airBnb and ubered away
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