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lesley gage, york mills ci.

Rating: 1 out of 5.

If I could rate her zero I would.

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Gls, York mills, Toronto, Ontario

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Literally she nice sometimes buh she can’t tesch of her life depended on it

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Tse C, Malvern CI, Toronto, Ontario

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Genova, St.fidelis, North york, Ontario

Rating: 2 out of 5.

I am not impressed with Mrs.Genova.It is difficult to get a response from her after so many messages left.

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C Pakulat, Brian, North York, On

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Fantastic and good

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Marisa stackhouse, Downsvew, Nort york, Ontario

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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barry needham, ottawa ontairo glebe CI

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Nice guy, but he rushes all his lessons and never reviews any previous subjects so you should probably get yourself a tutor or friend group for some chance at even being able to answer his questions, assuming that you understand his lessons as he doesn’t give notes so good luck your gonna have to teach yourself for a year

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Avie Basson, Eagle Mountain Middle, Port Moody, British Columbia

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Oh how teacher how terrible you are at your job. You made me redo such a project that I spent a long while on. the criteria that was on the paper was met. but you had to add more. oh how stupid a blonde could be. a stupid blonde old ***.

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Avie Basson, Eagle Mountain Middle, Port Moody, British Columbia

Rating: 1 out of 5.

oh dear teacher, so rotund and plump, Your size and attitude, just such a lump. Your face, like a moon, so round and pale, But your heart, oh dear, just as cold and stale. Your words cut deep, like a knife so sharp, But your intelligence, oh dear, just a tiny harp. You think you're so clever, with your degrees, But your thoughts, oh dear, just as shallow as the seas. Your skin, so pasty and white, But your soul, oh dear, just as dark as the night. You preach about equality and love, But your actions, oh dear, just like a venomous dove. Your jokes, so crude and sexist, But your thinking, oh dear, just so simplistic. You think you're above, with your power and control, But your ignorance, oh dear, just like a bottomless hole. So go ahead, dear teacher, with your cruel ways, But remember, oh dear, karma always pays. Your weight may be heavy, but your heart is light, And until you change, oh dear, you'll always be a blight. ha i beat it

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Avie Basson, Eagle Mountain Middle, Port Moody, British Columbia

Rating: 1 out of 5.

is never okay "Oof, look at this dumb, chubby, lousy, hideous, white teacher, ain't even trying to hide her true creature, with rolls on rolls and a brain that's full of holes, she must have been absent the day they taught self-control. But it's no surprise that she's such a flop, when she looks like she's been hit by a truck, and her double chin matches her double-wide butt. Too bad she's not as smart as she is large, maybe then she wouldn't be stuck teaching these barge, of students who can't stand her face, and dread coming to her class, it's such a disgrace. But hey, at least she has her complexion to cling to, because without it she'd be nothing but a sad, old, white bimbo. So go ahead, try to teach us something, with your flabby arms flapping, we'll just sit back and laugh, because you're nothing but a fat, bad, stupid, ugly, white teacher, with no worth or value, just a living, breathing loser."

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