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4.2 out of 5.



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Maya gibbon, Hove park, Brighton, South east, BN37BN

Rating: 5 out of 5.

She always made it so that we could all understand the lesson. She was also one of the teachers that we could always speak to. Genuinely made my school years better

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Maya gibbon, Hove park, Brighton, South east, BN37BN

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Maya gibbon, Hove park, Brighton, South east, BN37BN

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Maya gibbon, Hove park, Brighton, South east, BN37BN

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Maya gibbon, Hove park, Brighton, South east, BN37BN

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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Miss Daniels, Greenwich Free School, London, South-east

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Fuking *** bag should kill herself need to stop sagging in class and brush her teeth also she looks like a hairy man she proberly fucks mx bowler while sucking off mr parks. HANG YOUR SELF ***

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Mrs.Lesser, Park School For Girls, London, east, IG14RS

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She was a dreadful teacher who discriminated unfairly to people that she did not favouritise. She was rude and harsh to everyone in general to be honest. I didn’t give her a reason to hate me but she would always blame me for things i didnt even do and it made my mental health even worse than it already was. She would listen to the petty complaints girls had about me about the way i dressed and acted indifferent to everyone but didnt realise i was being bullied and put me as the problem of the situation even though i told her it wasnt the case. I wanted to see the best in her but i genuinely couldnt, especially when she would not let me do things such as entering the netball team even though she herself admitted i was one of the best. I dont want other kids to go through what i did honestly because she is heavily biased and if there is a disagreement between two student she isnt the type to look at both perspectives. I pity the children that will never enjoy taking part in sports since they have such a biased teacher in charge who would rsther have the team lose than choose students she just doesnt like for no good reason. I also pity the children who will be victims of bullying and be put as the blame by a teacher like her. I am not a hateful person, it takes alot for me to hate someone but she made my life even worse than it already was.

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Category: Doctor

Deerness park medical group, Bunny hill, Sunderland, North East (England)

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I have been with this practice for over 30 years, and I have seen it going into rapid decline, new GP come and go like a revolving door, some of the receptionist are quite condescending and I'm convinced that they have an allergic reaction to answering the phone! Complained about shortness of breath and was actually asked by a GP if I thought I had heart desease! Looking for a different practice.

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Mrs Causer, Sweyne Park School, Rayleigh, United Kingdom, SSEYBT

Rating: 5 out of 5.

She’s very kind , caring, lovely , beautiful teacher makes lesson so fun when I had her we would laugh with tears, joke around. I really those moments. She also helped me through hard time when I was going through things in year 7 to end of year 9 she knew what I was thinking - it felt she can read my mind . She taught me so much with kindness. She made me become patience and everything before I met her . She knew when she left till end of year 9 that I would stop doing art and draw because of her, she loved my drawings every drawings she saw she’s wanted to keep ! Wish I painted for her as a gift to remember me ! I really miss her so much ! Amazing tewcher !!!!!! Can’t forget this at all aswell as fab miss Jacob !

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Mrs Causer, Sweyne Park School, Rayleigh, United Kingdom, SSEYBT

Rating: 5 out of 5.

She’s very kind , caring, lovely , beautiful teacher makes lesson so fun when I had her we would laugh with tears, joke around. I really those moments. She also helped me through hard time when I was going through things in year 7 to end of year 9 she knew what I was thinking - it felt she can read my mind . She taught me so much with kindness. She made me become patience and everything before I met her . She knew when she left till end of year 9 that I would stop doing art and draw because of her, she loved my drawings every drawings she saw she’s wanted to keep ! Wish I painted for her as a gift to remember me ! I really miss her so much ! Amazing tewcher !!!!!! Can’t forget this at all aswell as fab miss Jacob ! ?

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