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John, Asia i think

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Hi I’m John I abandoned my son 13 years ago bye

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Category: Consultant

saoirse mcmanus, st pats hosp

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I have never felt so validated reading the dozens of complaints about Sarah McManus consultant in Saint Patrick’s University Hospital. This woman is an extremely damaging and dangerous woman reading through some complaints. Her repeated pattern of behaviour seems sadistic. Firstly she broke Irish legislation under the act of data protection and without my permission on signature accessed data from my past in which I did not want accessed. this is a chargeable offence. I went in for help at my lowest point knowing that bipolar ran in my family and within the first consultation I was told I was a very antisocial person with antisocial personality disorder in which is completely untrue according to many many chartered psychologist, more educated than her have confirmed , this woman continued to call me names and me once in my entire eight weeks stay meaning that I did not get any treatment whatsoever apart from vicious bullying off this woman whilst coming off benzo medications this woman made me feel suicidal she damaged me so much I had to get a chartered psychologist to give me therapy after her abuse and unethical lawbreaking weighs of treatment . This woman laughed at me did not care and as you can see from the money or the reports is a flat out bully this woman should never be in practice and when contacted by my father who is ahead of education who has a better idea of conduct an ethical duty of care than her She demonised him attacked him and then told me my father did not love me and that I was alone leading to more deep depression. Her team was a mess. I was left with no doctor and forced to see her to guest told names. Her degration left me with no trust in any of the medical system and at a point where I was very very close to killing myself and had a very serious attempt as soon as I got out of Saint Patrick’s University Hospital she offered me no after-care whatsoever for no given reason And she seems to be sadistic in the way she acts as in she enjoys watching peoples pain. This is a dangerous woman stay far far away.

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Category: Suicide Bomber

Mailton Masar

Rating: 3 out of 5.

I was walking past him on a dirty evening in the rain and he asked me do I know how many bombs u can strap to a jacket and I said no,I didn't think nothing of it at first but then when he was using the urinal all I heard was "tick tick tick tick" I shat myself in fear as I ran to the door, it was too late he super-glued it shut he unzipped his jacket and spread his arms like a sketch bloke down a dark ally way would but unfortunately for me Mr Masar didn't have white or green he had 4 claymores,10 tripmines 15-20 c4's and not only that but he had the trigger for them all in his hand, luckily the gaurds caught him in the act,they were hunting him down since last year after he illegally immigrated to Ireland after the bombing of Lebanon.

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Category: Teacher

mr wallace, terenure

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Didn't think he'd be good as a principal cause he's actually sound. I was wrong

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Category: Doctor

Dr Diane Mullins, Togher Community Centre, Cork, Cork, T12TX2Y

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Dr Mullins as I have know her for 8 years and her team I have found to be not been very helpful to me I was left in a waiting room for 3 hours and no patients there I also found the Medication I was priiscribed while in hospital by dr Mullins and her team distroyed me and me life I’m lucky to be alieve I have suffered unbearable pain with that medication For a condidition I did not have My life has been hell but thank god a gp has helped me with the pain I’m very weak from what I have gone though in the all the time I have been dealing with dr Mullins she is not to blame for the life problems I have endured But she has not not helped me one bit I have to wait 11 months for an appointment to see then again She never believed in me And to be honest I have lost faith in the mental health system And they dodo not take any responsibility For the damage they have done to people I. Not alone in thinking this I have spoken to many people that have harmed them selfs due to lack of care and compassion She actually as I was told told one person. Who was susideal to ring the smaritins I honest believe stuff Mullins is a very hard lady with no compassion In Her at all To wait 3 hours no sectery and no paitients there only me Is a disgrace to humananity

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Category: Teacher

Siobhan MacCarthy, TUD

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Her heads stuck so far up her auss u think it's the most action she's gotten in weeks

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Category: Teacher

Michael Carthy, St Joseph’s Boys NS, Boyle, Roscommon

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I was a pupil around 1960-63. He wanted you to learn. But his method was to instil deep fear. Beatings were daily and savage. My two years at 4th and 5th class changed me forever. My confidence was destroyed. My self-esteem reduced to nothing. Long lasting anxiety and depression stunted my later personal and professional outcomes. I was not alone. That is no consolation to me. Thank God Minister John Boland abolished corporal punishment in 1983. For too many like me this came too late.

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Category: Teacher

Mr mcelwain, St Vincent De Paul gps Marino, Dublin, Dublin

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Mr mcelwain is the most childish and stupid person I have ever met. I had a big problems with bullying but yet he did absolutely nothing, and this girl was saying for me to kill myself ect ect he is incredibly unprofessional by far the worst principal I have ever even heard of

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Category: Seat Warmer

spike dalton/ david, terenure

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I could smell shiitt of him. I think he's at it again

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Category: College

Trinity College Dublin, TCD

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Are you stuck up? Do you think you're better than everyone else and want to show it? I've got just the place for you Trinity College Dublin. The locals call it shitebox, but Trinity students affectionately call it Thinners. A beautiful campus full of students that wanted to go to Hogwarts but settled for trinity instead.

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