Avie Basson, Eagle Mountain Middle, Port Moody, British Columbia
She’s so round that she can be used to play soccer but no one will be able to kick her cause she’s so fat. We always played games in ur class and we knew when we walked because u made huge footsteps cause ur so fat and obese.
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ian canham, Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School Burlington Ontario
Mr Canham touches me and i like it
evil man, touches minors, dating an 18 year old, the leonardo decaprio...
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Mr Barletta, Eastdale, Stoney creek, Ontario
Mr Barlettas cool except for when he’s a little weird if I can I would give him a 4.5 By: Blaine
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Dale, St Francis Xavier, Ottawa, Onatrio, K1V 2H5
5 is an understatement for Ms dale. One of the best teachers I have had through my entire high school experience. You would be lucky to attend her class
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Dr. Jamie Lyn, 480 Advance Boulevard, Windsor, Ontario, N8N 0B7
Few months ago I had a FACIAL Acupuncture done by Dr. Jamie Rezoski at VALERO WEllNESS, Horrible service and I had a really bad reaction and bumps all over my face! I would not recommend her for that amount of money I paid!!
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