Average rating of the most matched results:
5 STARS after 34 years going to the VA the management has finally git off its BUTT (useless people) and sent me a survey about my experience. Not confident anyone is actually reading them but it was NICE TO GET ONE and feel like someone actually valued my opinion. 5 stars
? Like 93
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You could not get a worse doctor then Stankova, left my appointment wondering if she even likes people witch came out in her skills F across the board. I would not return if they paid me. Stankova makes INSABI health care look like GOLD.
? Like 85
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Lab, Dallas
Been using the lab for almost 50 years it's the most hated place next to dentist. Today was the exception in and out and on my way home in less then 20. Kudos all around to the lab ladies
? Like 73
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Dentist Villafane, TX
I was given this dentist Villafane. This guy is COOL. Didn't feel a thing. Who ever hired this guy knew what he was doing. Appointment was top notch
? Like 78
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mri clinic
I am a veteran of the dallas va and I had an mri and everything was smooth, and easy GREAT PEOPLE would give these people 10 stars if it was available. Way to Go
? Like 106
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Dallas VA Complaints, lancaster, dallas, TX
New to the dallas va came from fort sill. I think the dallas va should put the faces of doctors on the va website. I got nose issues after speaking to other veterans I know I do not want the doctor known as the butcher hacker and lost in space I want someone new but didn't have a face to go with the name. The dallas va should post the pictures of all docs so we know who to give a wide birth too
? Like 122
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10 STARS good for another 5 years. In and Out just like old guys everywhere. Felt very little discomfort. Was very worried due to family history. Put at ease, explained the procedure, quick guy knew what he was doing explained everything in common English not them long complicated doctor terms. Understood every word. If I am lucky I will get him again.
? Like 35
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Dallas VA Complaints, lancaster, dallas, TX, 76119
My STANKOVA could not spell STANKOVA due to all the weed Bradley Parsec. Stop smoking every single day
? Like 3
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Dallas VA Complaints, lancaster, dallas, TX, 76119
I work at the mall and I agree the things you see at the mall make a person cringe. Stankovas in MASS
? Like 4
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