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Management, 4500 South Lancaster Rd Dallas Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Elon, Bring your nerd squad to Dallas VA and analyze the books every veteran already believes the management are crooks. The top people salary is so large they don't even list a salary in some spots there is no doubt you will find corruption, fraud, waste and abuse at the Dallas Veterans VA it would not surprise any veteran at the Dallas Veterans Hospital if you find people phoning it in. The management should be justifying there existence with your paperwork survey every month.

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankovas, 4500 S Lancaster Rd Dallas Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Jake from Louis Stokes I would like to know how many of these Lenka Stankovas are receiving money from USAID. I can think of 3 doctors veterans would love to see escorted by Veterans Hospital Police to the front door watch as they put them in there vehicle and *** them from the premises and would probably clap the entire time. Its bad enough they are getting paid through the VA suffer no consequences for the poor work, or lack of work there are just no standards and quality went out the window a long time ago. To be collecting from USAID as well would just be down right humiliating akin to prisoners getting covid checks while they are in prison and would explain a whole lot getting money from the government to cure covid thats like curing the common cold. Elon bring your students to Louis Stokes veterans would welcome you with open arms even one Lenka Stankova is one to many at Louis Stokes

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I agree there are more then enough good Ear doctors out there to waste time with a doctor who is woke not liked not wanted can not be fired like most government employees as evidenced by all the complaints. Management is equally responsible for choosing cheap of quality. People get hurt. I guess this is the world we are all living in. My understanding is the Veterans Hospital is a training hospital is that not correct? Is it possible shes a doctor in training? It seems that way. She clearly needs it. One complaint said she was in-tolerate, has no bed side manner does the Veterans Hospital not require DEI training like most workplaces? One complaint said Lenka Stankova was trying to cure covid. Is Lenka Stankova still wasting our money yours and mine on things that can not be cured that's there are injections made available? Sign me up for one of those coveted government jobs.

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I had a doctor just like Lenka Stankova his name was Conroy, everyone kept telling me to trust nothing he said and to verify everything never a good sign. Sounds like patients should do exactly that with Lenka Stankova. The second appointment concluded and I told him he was fired cited the reasons. I had to go before I went mid evil on him. Lenka Stankova sounds just like doc Conroy he was the ice burg that sank the titanic if they listened on the radio many would have survived. The bomb that fell on Nagasaki and Hiroshima if they had surrendered sooner many would still be alive. If more people listened about Doc Conroy and more people listened about Lenka Stankova I would guess less people would have been hurt. I would guess somewhere it says how grateful people are to have her on some team or some crap like that. Whose grateful management people she will never service in her entire life are they grateful because shes the bottom of the barrel and cheap just like Doc Conroy was. Did they ask the veterans the people who she was supposed to service who have the most problems with her. I don't think so based on all the comments. Lucy P Keller Texas

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Category: Doctor

Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Your son can probably get a job at the Dallas Veterans Hospital or Parkland as requirements are small, management does not care and work for Lenka Stankova herself. Wouldn't that be . When finished you will think thats my 250,000 medical tuition wasted. She will probably still be 30 years later there butchering, hacking on veterans as shes not qualified to work anywhere else that has a reputation of quality according to every veteran that has crossed paths with her.

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I am glad someone is finally using Elon Musk to solve some serious government problems but he can only suggest. Elon Musk has no power. I think we all wish he did to be able to have an HR department or a complaint office front in center who would actually investigate a veterans complaint instead of file 13 every single complaint due to doctors protections inside every VA accessible to every veteran not tucked away hidden in the back of some campus is not conducive to veterans trust. Congress has a higher approval rating and that isnt saying much. It allows poor doctors like Lenka Stankova who are hated by young and old veterans, who waste taxpayer dollars do more harm then good to flourish on every Veterans Hospital Campus because they are protected. We have more then a few Lenka Stankovas at my VA. Doctors who should have been shown the door a long time ago but enjoy the government protections and the thrill of screwing up Americas Heroes with no recourse.

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Category: Doctor

Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I AGREE 1000 percent with the idea the DALLAS VETERANS HOSPITAL should post pictures of ALL the doctors so every single veteran that walks through those doors can see POINT OUT to other veterans whose great who excels and who should not be allowed to walk through the from door as they are that BAD. I came from LACKLAND I have ear issues and I would like to know who the doctor they call the BUTCHER is and believe it would be highly beneficial. Who the doctor they call the HACKER is? Some veterans feel like practice dummies and that should never be the case. Who the doctor they call LOST IN SPACE IS? I want to know who the doctor who makes the HORRENDOUS SCARS on American Soldiers is? We DESERVE a fighting chance at picking a DECENT DOCTOR at the Dallas Veterans Hospital, anything less would be immoral I AGREE WITH THE IDEA and think the VETERANS hospital should post the pictures so those of us who are newly separated will know who to stay as far away as possible? The VA in Dallas should do more to PROTECT us from these doctors and have routine, regular quality checks to make sure the skills they have if any remain top notch as they are operating on American Soldiers. Mediocrity among doctors at the Dallas Veterans Hospital puts us all in DANGER. Maybe one day they will actually care about what happens to us.

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Dallas VA Complaints, lancaster, dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

During Covid they had a machine that took your temperature automatically told you what it was right on the screen like amazon. I liked it. I heard that others liked it. It allows a patient who may not realize he has a temperature as he or she has no symptoms to inform there doctor if there is a problem and protects everything else but management can not see the benefits because management only watches out for managment

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Dallas VA Complaints, lancaster, dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I like the no appointment lab policy come in when you can no appointment needed 5 stars and it moves fairly quickly. I wounder if that was a suggestion by the lab folks as it was a good one or was it a management doing after years and years of complaining either way someone finally did something right. Congratulations

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Dallas VA Complaints, lancaster, dallas, TX, 76118=9

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Some Veterans believe we should be able to be able to comment, release, fire, trade management and doctors like stocks a PROXY VOTE. Every year they should send out surveys to the all the veterans registered and if you get more negative then positive MANAGEMENT AND DOCTORS YOUR FIRED. A PROXY VOTE. I LOVE IT GREAT IDEA

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