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Dr. Levi, somewhere in the Upper East Side, New York, NY, new york

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He refused to answer any questions, spend 10 seconds looking at my eyes, didn't give a diagnosis, then left!!!!!!!

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Belgorod, 115 East 61 Street, Suite 1C, New York, NY, 10065

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Belgorod is the very best ophthalmologist that I have ever seen. His office is immaculate. His staff are welcoming and friendly. His equipment is the most up-to-date that I have seen. His academic record is phenomenal and his hospital affiliations are the best in New York.

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keith raskin, 317 east 34 st, new york, NY

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Raskin is the One!! last feb,. my then 14 year-old boy started to have pain in his right wrist, with no obvious injury, and with rest, pain med, he did not get any better but worse. after second mri in july, he was diagnosed with kienbock's disease and was put in cast. we were graciously recommended by our dr. to look for a more experienced surgeon for this condition. so from then and there, my family started a very long, hard and draining journey for a trustworthy surgeon to operate on my son for this rare but serious condition, esp. in a teenager. we covered pretty much all the renowned pediatric orthopedic facility on the east coast, including boston children's hospital, children's hospital of philadelphia, hss in nyc, and met with top pediatric orthopedics. unfortunately, each dr. had his own understanding of the condition and no two came up with the same surgery plan and none sounded even close to being assuring for his own plan. at one point we were told to go back and wait till the condition got worse enough for the very aggressive surgery at the next level. meanwhile my son, a very athletic kid and a competitive baseball player, was wearing the case from elbow down ( from the diagnosis in july till surgery in dec). frustration, exhaustion, desperation, helplessness, financial burden, missing school....all that doesnot even begin to describe what we went through.... untill in nov., right before thanksgiving, i was sitting in front of my computer, having exhausted all resources and feeling desperate, not knowing where to go next, when i got a phone call from dr. raskin's office that changed everything!! in no time, i found myself sitting with my son and dr. raskin in his office, settling down on his least aggressive, most assuring and convincing surgery plan with best postoperative prospect. dr. raskin, is god-sent!! he is very kind, patient, personable, understanding, warm. his office feels like a living room at a friend's house, very relaxing and welcoming. his assistant and staffs are very patient and attentive. above all this, dr. raskin is proved to be and stays as an experienced, top-notch surgeon in his field. in april this year, four months after the surgery, my son was cleared for sports and nowadays, he is pitching and in-fielding for baseball and dunking on basketball court. my family cant never thank dr. raskin enough!! we recommend him highly and without any reservation.

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Rosenthal, 201 E 15 at, New York, NY, 10003

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Rosenthal, has been my neurologist for over 9 years, he is the best and most compassionate doctor. Prior to becoming Dr.Rosenthal’s patient my migraines where being treated with epilepsy medicine and other unorthodox medications causing horrible symptoms. His dedication and commitment to my well-being changed that and my migraines where now under control, allowing me to get back to my regular life. However a few years later I was diagnosed with a prolactinoma brain tumor, and the GYN that informed me of my diagnosis was not only crude but uncaring informing me that I would have to follow up with a Endocrinologist but there was no vacancy until 5 months after the diagnosis. I once again visite Dr.Rosenthal and within 48 hours of my visit he was able to secure an appointment with an ENDO and my road to recovery began. Last month I visited Dr. Rosenthal once again because of weird and debilitating headaches that blurred my vision. He once again took it upon himself to communicate, research, and help me get better. I’m still under his treatment but extremely confident that I will overcome this recent hurdle. If you are looking for the best neurologist in the tri state area look no further Dr. Rosenthal is the best!!!!

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Kyle R. Flik, Everett Rd., Albany, NY, 12054

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This doctor was recommended as a dr. who could relieve the condition on my left knee where fluid had accumulated. He did not even touch my knee. He talked to my daughter and not me. My daughter was there because she drove me to the office. I tried to get him to understand that I was the patient, but was ignored. He said I should see a plastic surgeon. None of the doctors I questioned thought that wass swhat I should do. I have been to a very nice drl at the bone and joint center in Albany new York.. He is going to operate on the sac in my knee sometime in May when'hopefully' some of the medical scare in the country is lessened I would not recommend him to anyone.

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Raja Flores, 1470 Madison av, New york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

The worst experience I had with a Clinic visit in my life, arrived 11:25 for my 11:30 appointment, no space to sit over croweded, only have been able to check in at 12:15 then waited and the dr assistant came out apologizing for the delays as this was their first day back to office, which is not my problem if they don't triple book people, then when we asked her how long more she checked inside and came back at 12:45 to say it will be 45 min at least, which I assumed would be another 1-1:30 hrs to call me inside then another wait to see a Dr who is already late by nearly 2-3 hours. So I decided to leave and handed over my bracelet to her as we have work to do and my office leave was for 1-2 hours and not the whole day. A total waste of time to see this Dr and I was there for a possible surgery comsultation, imagine I would trust this Dr for a surgery, no way, this is NYC and there hundreds of Doctors who respect us more than this. Never back again in this facility.

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Category: Teacher

ms mcgarrity, is187, is 187, new york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

man she *** *** bro this fat *** lays around in her chair for 12 hours, she cant even get up, the technology she teaches us is *** bro she needs to get fired, they’ll probably fire her by giving her a year of free mcdonalds bro. When she gets up an earthquake occurs bro this teacher gay as *** she probably spend 6 hours trying to find a chair on ebay that fits her. Shes so rude to us and when were late for like minutes because the last teacher had to talk to us she says your late and when we try to explain she says nope nope no. Like bro she so fat she cant even sleep on the wrong side of the bed bro.

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Category: Dentist

Hegedus, 30 Central Park South, New York, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Had a 10:00 AM appointment and made the mistake of arriving 15 minutes early (first time there so I knew there would be history to write). Was told the office wasn't open yet and was made to stand in the hall outside the door for 20 minutes -- this with extremely painful arthritis in my hips, knowing the whole time that there was an empty waiting room on the other side of the door, and forms to be filled out. When they finally let me, and the others who arrived early in, I cancelled on the spot. Such a lack of understanding of the patient experience, and the inhospitable discourtesy to deny patients access to comfortable seating (there are none in the cramped hallway outside the door) bespeaks an utter lack of empathy which for me rules this oral surgeon out.

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Category: Dentist

Robin Nickleson, 30 East 60th Street, New York, NY

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I'm a physician, so I know that finding a good dentist is very very important. Robin is the most talented dentist I've had in decades. She's smart, fast, and clear. She's not a big schmoozer--if that's what you want to pay for,--but she's plenty pleasant and pleasantly direct. She replaced a crown for me and got it in one take. I've got a strange bite so it's usually hours of grinding to get a so-so fit. I was amazed! It's the best fit I've ever had. Sincerely, G.H.Beachum, MD

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Category: Dentist

Dr. Michael Sullivan, Gaylord, MI

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Very sad experience. Dr. Sullivan performed a root canal on my number 13 molar. The root canals of this tooth are very narrow and extended. I warned the Dr. that I had a traumatic experience with elongated tooth roots which for teeth being extracted both as an adolescent and as a young serviceman in the Navy. Both of those times the dentists had a rough time with the teeth. The procedures lasted over 4 hours for the tooth when I was a child, and two visits over 3 hours each when I was in the Navy. Dr. Sullivan assured me that he was capable, and that his skill was superior. I believed him. After his first attempt at root canals on this tooth, Dr. Sullivan sent me home telling me that there wasn’t enough time that day to finish the procedure. Mind you I’m under the influence of sedation at this time. I told Dr. Sullivan that I would rather have the tooth pulled than go through another 3 hours in the chair. Amazingly I believed him again when he told me the reason he couldn’t finish was because of scheduling. He also said that he wanted to prove to his dental assistants he could finish the job! Being as high as I was on the anesthesia I made the poor judgement call to return. Two days went by with excruciating pain in my upper jaw. I was having to take Tylenol and Advil to relieve the discomfort. I went back to Sullivan’s office, asked AGAIN if it would be better to just extract the tooth, and he said it was his opinion he could save it, and this time he could finish the job and apply the cap. So I strapped on his gas mask and knocked myself stupid only to have the “Doctor” root around, stretch my jaw and break off half of what was left of the tooth. When I came to I distinctly remembered the snap, the dental assistant saying “Oh God!”, and the good Dr. scurrying away into another operatory. What was I told this time? Of course that I’d have to come back since it was the tooth’s fault it was so damaged that it cracked, and now he had to make a new cap with his machine. Stoned on the good Dr.’s laughing gas I told him “that’s okay, mistakes happen”. What an idiot I was. The laughing gas wore off and the Tylenol Advil routine lasted a week. I went back to Beacon Dental Center, this time for the last time, to finally get the remnants of my tooth capped. This time he squirted the glue in to fill the root canals, fixed the cap on the tooth, and away I went. Fast forward 5 years and I’m in the chair of a very competent dentist. The dentist asks if I’m in any pain and I mention the constant pain I’ve had on my left sinus area. I’ve felt this pain for three years. I’m shown the current X-ray of the area and the Dentist tells me that it’s not normal. The capped tooth is great work (machine made, remember) but there is stuff in the canals of Number 13 tooth that extend into the sinus. After visits to an Ear Nose Throat MD, Oral Surgeon and Endodontist specialists, I’m scheduled to have an operation to remove the so-called saved tooth, and resultant fistula created by the extensive overfilling of the Number 13 root canals with guttapurcha, the latex based root canal filling material. Predictably I could sue and win to recover the costs of these procedures, but the good Doctor has closed his practice, and is now enrolled in a school in Detroit. The lawyer I consulted doesn’t see that my case is strong enough to show the pain I’ve been living through since I trusted Dr. Sullivan. Of course there are risks to root canals. I accepted the possibility of a dry socket, and possible infection, but was re-assured by Sullivan that he’s done thousands of these procedures with no bad outcomes. General dentists can perform root canal procedures along with other dental procedures, but often they refer patients needing endodontic treatment to a specialized practice, who works in collaboration with your dentist. An endodontist is a dentist who specializes in saving teeth. Dr. Sullivan should have not touched that tooth after I warned him of the history of my other root issues, and certainly after he saw the roots narrowness and length.

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