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jung dao, 2517 great western drive, prescott, AZ

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He is without doubt the rudest,uncaring,obnoxious Dr I have EVER had the displeasure of visiting in my entire life. Do not visit him at any costs.

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Leslie Lemeke, 500 Hgwy 89, Prescott, AZ, 86301

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Leslie is professional and highly regarded in her field. You are like most veterans. You want something for nothing and complain when you aren't treated special just because you wore camo and had to make your bed each day. Get over yourself. It was just a job so go find another one with medical insurance.

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This Dr. gives anyone an attitude if things don't go her way. She does...

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Rheinfelder, prescott valley az

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Easy access including urgent care outside normal hours, creative and flexible. Not constrained by institutional protocols. Good referrals when needed.

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brownsberger, 3769 crossings dr, prescott az, AZ, 86305

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Leslie Lemeke, 500 Hgwy 89, Prescott, AZ, 86301

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This Dr. gives anyone an attitude if things don't go her way. She does not help veterans and don't care to, she thinks we are problem children. Her RN LPN and front desk helpers will through away paperwork and info from the patient to be relayed to the Dr.. Not professional at all, and, WHAT A ***!

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nitin patel, 3785 Windsong Road, Prescott Valley, AZ, 86314

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I saw nitin patel for extensive heart testing. Well, actually I saw him a total of fewer than 5 minutes in 3 visits one of which was not at all.  The second day into a 2-day stress test, the technician was very kind and gentle but could not locate a vein for injection. After 5 attempts the tech went to get the doctor. Then nitin patel came in and was quite visibly angry and chose to berate in a tone as though speaking to a child, "you were TOLD to drink water, you did not drink water!".   Attempted to explain that a medication I take will dehydrate and that yes, perhaps I did not drink enough and apologized in spite of his very rude demeanor. Also tried to work with him by offering to drink more water and come back but he completely ignored any attempt to engage him.  Other than the statement about drinking water, he never said another word to me.  He then grabbed my arm. Without using alcohol, he literally shoved the needle into my arm attempting to do what 5 tries could not produce. I cried out and jumped. He became even angrier, I turned to see him yank the needle out of my arm which created further pain. I looked away as he immediately plunged the needle into my arm again. He did not use a fresh needle and again did not swab with alcohol. Neither time was there a warning that he was about to inject the needle. I jumped and cried out again to which his reaction was to yank the needle out a second time and left the technician to cover and bandage my arm while apologizing profusely. He told the technician "just reschedule" and stormed off as I stated to his back that I am a human being. This "doctor", and I use the term loosely as he does not honor his oath, does not care one whit about the patient in front of him. You are just an insurance claim and nothing more.  His arrogant tantrum and extremely dismissive attitude was nothing I have encountered with any doctor and, unfortunately, I have seen many. Phewwww, what a painful, draining and ironically stressful experience. Clearly, I would NOT recommend this "doctor" for ANYthing.

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jordan smith, 1555 E River Road, Tucson, AZ, 85718

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I was impressed front my first meeting with Dr. Smith. Not only was he professional, well spoken and personable, but he had a very efficiently run office. Everything about my experience from pre surgical visit, surgery to post surgical visit was outstanding. I had put off this surgery for years because I don't deal well with western med - Dr Smith took this objection away with his method of care delivery. Also, of note, Dr Smith's PA, Tim, only complimented Dr Smith's approach. Tim visited me the morning after surgery in the hospital with empathy and positive words. I was delighted with the whole experience.

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Daniel Skinner, MD, 2250 W. Southern Ave., Mesa, AZ

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Skin Cancer Specialists, LTD. Dr. Skinner is a Professional in all aspects of a Mohs surgery. His staff are friendly, knowledgeable, and first rate. I have a Great respect for he and his staff and would recommend them HIGHLY.. I have been going to him for many years and will continue to do so as long as we live in Arizona.

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Mark A. Cepela, 2865 Chancellor drive, Crestview Hills, KY

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Cepela is a most professional and excellent physician. The elderly gentleman for whom I care and I have both had eyelid surgery by Dr. Cepela, and we are both extremely happy with his work. I will return if the need arises for any other surgery, as I am completely at ease with him. His office staff and assistants are great as well. I truly highly, highly recommend Dr. Cepella.

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anthony nazaroff, 3533 canyon de flores, sierra vista, AZ

Rating: 5 out of 5.

a great doctor

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