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3.7 out of 5.



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Mr. James Englerth

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Hey, dude. You commented on my review. Thanks for giving yoru honest opinion. Really, I wasn't trying to say anything misleading, but if you felt that way, I apologize. That wasn't my intent. I was just trying to share my perspective because I got exasperated at people constantly flaming him on this site. Obviously, I think he's a great guy, and he does way more for kids than most other guidance counselors. That's all I was trying to share. If you got something else out of my review, I'm sorry, no cap. If you want to share what upset you, I want to hear it.

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Mr. Englerth is the best. I hate you tho. Watch your 6 biotch.

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Mr. James Englerth

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Very well said. Thank you.

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I love your story, and you were blessed to have Mr. Englerth in your l...

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Mr. James Englerth

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Great guy. Always lets kids in his office whenever he's available to talk about their needs. He has a lot of info on the environment and opportunities at specific colleges, and he's good at predicting your chances for most colleges. I wish he had a little more specific info on admissions at very selective (<10% acceptance rate) schools. That's my only complaint. He's still an amazing counselor in the most important ways though.

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs Guidance

Mr. James Englerth, Pittsford Mendon High School, Pittsford, NY

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Mr. Englerth is a cool guidance counselor and administrator. The reviews saying otherwise are false.

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs Guidance

Mr. James Englerth

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Rated #1 in his field for telling students the truth.

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs Guidance

Mr. James Englerth

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Follow his Twitter @englerth_j.

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs Guidance

Mr. James Englerth

Rating: 5 out of 5.

There was a bomb threat at Mendon, and I found out our family’s beloved dog passed away that same day. As a result, I spent an hour bawling in the Counseling Office. No exaggeration, this was like losing a brother. The following day, I had my freshman meeting with Mr. Englerth. His opening question was, “Do you have any pets?” He quickly realized it was insensitive and apologized, but still…??. He’s so kind though. This guy knows more than anyone about cool music, basketball, and golden retrievers. He might have pressured me into dropping a lot of classes I was passionate about. Not his finest moment. Still, he’s a good dude. No shade! Definitely follow his Twitter @englert_j. It’s based! ?

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. James Englerth, Pittsford Mendon High School, 472 Mendon Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Nyu is a state university. If you are struggling to get in there then you are going to need a whole lot more than a few AP courses. All the while I thought this kid was trying to get into a top notch University like Stanford or the ivy League. Nope. Just trying to get into a good old state university. How sad is that

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. James Englerth, Pittsford Mendon High School, 472 Mendon Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Best counselor in the state.

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. James Englerth, Pittsford Mendon High School, 472 Mendon Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Let me rephrase. Mr. Englerth is a realist. Obviously, this is a problem for dreamers and potheads...and the people no one imagines anything of who COULD grow to accomplish the things no one can imagine.

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