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Person Who Wants to Bang Miss Estevez

Rating: 1 out of 5.


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I'd bang her good

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Category: Dentist

Don Foster, 2205 Clinton Hwy, Powell 37849, TN

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Let me just say that if I can just keep one person from making the mistake of going to this place I will. I feel strongly that word of mouth for businesses is a strong and powerful thing. I had read the reviews for this dentist office and from that I had made the decision to take myself and my two kids there. I made the appointment and had to wait three whole weeks before we went. I made the appointment for us all three to go the same day my Son missed work and my daughter missed School we drove from Kingston to Powell and when we got there we were stopped right off the bat and told that they were going to have to reschedule us with a grin on their face the whole entire time and an attitude as if they could care less that the hygienist had just left because she said she was sick well that's all fine and good however I didn't get a call to say hey we need to reschedule no they waited until we got there to tell us this then proceeded to make me feel like it was my fault and really just had an attitude the whole entire time that they could care less when I told them that school was missed and work was missed the plan for that day was to all three have our teeth cleaned and then the dentist come in and do an initial analysis on what was going to need to be done for us in the way of cavities and such and then we would come back another day to get that stuff done well when I told the lady that that was the plan that I had made with whoever I made the appointment with that day she acted like I made it up or something and so I was at the understanding that she was saying even though they were having to reschedule us we still wasn't going to have gotten our teeth cleaned and a review of our teeth that same day so with a lot of anger building I said okay well my son can't miss work too much because he just started this job so we were going to have to put him a couple of weeks out and me and my daughter needed the next available because like I said it had been three weeks waiting on this appointment and told her that we needed the next available to have our teeth cleaned and have him look at her teeth to tell us what needed to be done and she got very snippy and rude and said well it will be a whole month out at least and even then I can't guarantee you that you can get your teeth cleaned and looked at on the same day even though that was the plan that we were going to do this day then when I said no we cannot wait a whole other month we've already waited 3 weeks to come today we just can't wait that long and she said well that's not my problem and just made me and my daughter feel like it was our fault that the hygienist had left early that day and was very very very rude so we just wound up saying forget it we would go somewhere else and all her and the other *** had to say was sorry in a very sarcastic manner and a *** eating grin on there ugly *** faces so anyway i can't stress enough to anyone who is reading this how rude and bitchy this woman was if I can just stop one person for making a mistake of going there then so be it it is called the Smile Center of course we never did get to go back and see the dentist so I do not know if he is a nice guy or not but I will bet you that he does not know what a *** his front ladies are being to his potential customers and he might want to look into it because he's going to be losing money because of them anyway I just hope that this review may help some people in making their choice I know there are so many dentists out there and like I said I made this appointment based off of reviews that I had read but my experience with this place was terrible I left there in absolute tears.

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Category: Boss

Tarsi Hall, City University of Seattle, Seattle, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She is a demeaning, condescending person who wants to shine in front of the leadership in order to climb the corporate ladder. She lacks the experience and knowledge of her basic tools of the trade and as such frequently makes decisions that are incorrect. Even people who she did not manage were expressed their concern working with her. When she talks to other people, she likes to keep reminding them for no reason that she is their supervisor so that she can feel superior. Dealing with outside vendors/contractors, she is frequently using humiliating tone of voice with inappropriate choice of words to express her dissatisfaction with their work. She excuses herself by saying that she is a "direct person" thinking this gives her the right treating others based on her mood swings. She has only managed three people at the university in two years, but all three of them left her after eight months for they could not stand her demeaning personality. She forgets about work requests sent to her three months back, and when she is questioned about it, she finds an excuse blaming the person who supposed to complete the work. If this wasn't enough, she posts materials on her Facebook account expressing that she admires bossy women, and thanks her family for bossing her around while she was growing up. Nice! She is one of those individuals who smiles through her teeth, but stabs you in the back the first opportunity she gets. That's how she enjoys being in the center of attention feeling superior. If you ever come across working with her, I recommend using your phone's voice recorder to record all conversations that takes place during meetings, and also forwarding all email correspondence to your personal mail - in case you need proof in the future.

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Category: Doctor

tatyana semenova, 7 corbin place, brooklyn, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

It is impossible to find such unqualified, unprofessional and not smart woman and Psychiatrist than this nonsensical person Tatyana Semenova. Looks like she need psychiatric help herself and her license in not real. Semenova is confused, lost, has poor memory, unknowledgeable about diagnostic, medications and very dangerous for anyone who wants to become her patient.

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Category: Doctor

Tatyana Semenova, Brooklyn, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

It is impossible to find such unqualified, unprofessional and not smart woman and Psychiatrist than this nonsensical person Tatyana Semenova. Looks like she need psychiatric help herself and her license in not real. Semenova is confused, lost, has poor memory, unknowledgeable about diagnostic, medications and very dangerous for anyone who wants to become her patient.

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One of the People Rating Mr. James Englerth

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I can't tell if you're the same kid who made most of the posts (because your story seems similar), but this particular review seems respectful, nuanced, and fair.

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He is so kind and wants to support kids but is biased. For instance, I...

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. James Englerth, Pittsford Mendon High School, 472 Mendon Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Sorry that this is so long. I have to be really precise about what I am implying (and am not implying) because trolls on this site are looking for any reason to verbally abuse anyone. This story is in response to the stereotyping prompt. I knew a kid who was ridiculously book-smart--literally Stanford-level talent at science and writing. Talented, creative musician too. She happened to be stuck in a rough family situation. It had always made school more difficult, but in the past, she had always persevered through, even in all her accelerated--and double accelerated--classes. Her home situation started to get even more out of hand, and the kid had the courage to confide in Mr. Englerth about what was going on. He listened to her concerns earnestly and tried to help her as best as he could. Good on him, really. :) Unfortunately, he simultaneously began to treat her like a broken kid. I think he assumed she couldn't have the executive functioning others her age could. (Mind you, that couldn't be further from the truth.) Many times, he told her it wasn't "reasonable" for her to take as many AP's or even honors classes as she wanted. She ended up listening to him and dropped the hard classes. Worst of all, she started to genuinely believe she was just some troubled kid, unable to achieve what the others did; even though she knew she was smart, she felt she was too much of a basket case to show it. Even in her required classes, she started underperforming and missing a ton of school. Since fourth grade, her dream school was Harvard. (She probably was smart enough not to tell Mr. Englerth because she didn't want to be considered even crazier for holding herself to "even more unrealistic expectations.") Fast forward to her senior year, and she was hard-pressed to get into a run-of-the-mill state school. She was sad of what had become but still maintained this harmful mentality. It's tragic. By the way, I used to go to Mendon, and I had Mr. Englerth as my counselor. I have a soft spot for the man. He's a good guy who genuinely wants to help his kids. NONE of this is intended to bash him. Without a doubt, he was just trying to make school easier on this girl and protect her from difficult situations. Unfortunately, he failed to realize she was such a strong person that all she needed was a reminder of her own strengths. She needed to be encouraged--not told to play it safe to avoid more tough stuff in her life. I don't know what ended up happening to her. [Insert name], if you see this, as always, I hope your family is doing better. Secondly, please know that your path to success has not been closed; it has just been interrupted. (Plus, whether you are at a community college or Yale, the school is unbelievably lucky to have a mind like yours.) If you believe in yourself like you once did, you will accomplish awesome things for the world! I think you know who this is. If you ever need to talk, just search my name in Instagram, and DM me. And Mr. Englerth, thanks for being a loving man. Just please be more conscientious about the value of your advice. After all, guidance is literally in your job title. Your words have more weight than you may realize.

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Category: Doctor

D. David Ezeanolue, M.D., 1701Bearden, Las Vegas, NV

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Dear Dr. EZ and Kind Staff: My account was been turned over to collections last week because I was billed (and rightly so) for injections that took place after my insurance had run out. I was not told this. Now I owe the office upwards of $1000 which I am willing to work on with monthly payments. However, the woman I dealt with in your collections was not the most accommodating person. I tried to work with her but all I can afford is $50 a month. I'm on a strict budget, I am HIV+ and on medications and all the costs that entails, and I also see other doctors for that medical condition as well as have expensive blood work 3 times a year. So now I have to find a new pain doctor all because she (collection agent) refused to work with me. This pains me because I thoroughly enjoyed coming into your office and seeing people who I now consider my friends because they are so caring. I find it so hard and sad to think that I won't be coming back under my Health Plan of Nevada because of the actions of one woman. I will miss seeing the nice, professional people in the office who took such great care of me---not only my pain but always asked about my HIV status and genuinely cared. It's very, very sad to me to have to locate another pain office as Dr. EZ and his staff were always so kind and helpful. In the future, I will definitely recommend APEX but not after recounting this horrible experience with one collection agent in your office. So sadly and with a heavy heart, I say goodbye to APEX and my wonderful "family" of medical professionals there. Sincerely, Rick Grayson 702-376-9016 (DOB 11/10/1964)

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Category: Doctor

Marwan Dib, Weston, WI

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Dr. Dib may very well be a good doctor. It’s hard to tell because he will only show you the “stage” version of his professional demeanor. From the minute he walks into a room, he’s in entertainment mode, and that is all you will ever see… unless you criticize him. Well, in a minute... My wife, Donna, developed an atrial fibrillation, which is what brought us to Dr. Dib. To be fair, he was very thorough in making sure that she had no parallel conditions that might lead to stroke during the electrical cardioconversion procedure he planned to perform. However, when I asked him (at least a couple of times) what happens if this procedure fails, all we ever got was, “You will be fine, we don’t need to worry about what comes next, we will fix your heart for you,” with a tone like a parent annoyed with a child asking too many questions. As a result of this “I will take care of you,” fog, we were taken completely by surprise when Donna had to be admitted to the hospital, after three attempts failed to shock her heart back into a proper rhythm. The next step, it now became known to us, was to administer a drug through IV for 24 hours, to accomplish what the shocking couldn’t. Had Dr. Dib answered our questions, we would have been ready for this. Instead, we were totally unprepared and I had to make an extra trip (100 miles, round-trip). Hospital admission after this procedure is not common, but not rare, either. Dr. Dib should have explained this possibility to us before the procedure. Dr. Dib likes to play practical jokes, at your expense, as part of his presentation. Some people like this, I hear. We didn’t. For example, at our first office visit, he spent a few minutes talking perfunctorily about the procedure, then grabbed a pair of rubber gloves and told Donna to get on the table for her “rectal exam.” Huh? After we fumbled a few confused words about this, he smiled and told us it was just a joke. We were trying to listen carefully to what he was saying, trying not to miss anything, when he tossed in this ridiculous “humor,” knocking us completely off-balance, just to satisfy his sense of showmanship. This left us squirming in our chairs, wondering how we should respond to anything he was saying. Joke? Medical information? Hard to tell. Clearly, though, the jokes were more important than offering substantial answers to serious questions, several of which were still hanging when he walked out of the room. Time, and time again, he would respond to technical questions with deflecting, condescending “reassurances,” failing to offer any information. The final insult came at discharge. The intravenous procedure ended at noon, the next day, and we were told that Dr. Dib would be in thereafter to finalize the discharge. Even though we were told, repeatedly, that he was “on the floor” and would be in to see us “shortly,” it was 3 ½ hours later that he finally walked in the room, said in the most off-hand way, “Oh, I see that you are fine; you can go,” and started walking out. At this point, I lost my temper, a bit, and asked him if there were some medical reason that required us to wait over three hours, at the end of a completely unexpected hospital stay, for this 5-second proclamation, and why weren’t we told about the possibility of hospitalization before hand? He did not take this criticism well. After a few more words, he told me that “You (meaning me) needed to find a new cardiologist,” and stormed out of the room. The problem with this is that I didn’t need a cardiologist, Donna did. She had nothing to do with the discussion that Dr. Dib and I had about his behavior. In fact, she did not approve of my interference (rightly so; it was her procedure). Yet Dr. Dib dismissed her without the slightest recognition that she was a different person, his patient, and had made no verbal quarrel with him. Subsequent attempts to bring this logical fallacy to his attention elicited no response. His sense of pride turned out to be much more important to him than fidelity to the Hippocratic Oath. In my opinion, Dr. Dib failed to provide good medical care for us. He repeatedly failed to answer technical questions, substituting his version of humor and condescending dismissal, all of which left us confused about what to expect, and unprepared for the hospital stay. When confronted with this inadequacy, he displayed childish arrogance, which is unacceptable anywhere, but much more so when it comes from someone you hope you can trust with you r life. He refused to follow through his obligation to provide medical care to his patient, all because he didn’t like the patient’s spouse. I recommend that prospective patients look elsewhere for a cardiologist, unless you enjoy being the butt of crude jokes, are ok with inadequate information about the treatment you seek, and don’t mind a capricious attitude toward your needs as a patient.

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Category: Boss

Jill Hopkins, Bland County Public School, Rocky Gap, VA, 24366

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She has to be the most horrible woman I’ve ever worked for. Evil in a human form. She acted like my friend then made sure to screw me over before not even returning to her job as principal. The kids hated her, the teachers hated her and we all pray she doesn’t get a renewed contract next year. Pretty sure the superintendent had some reason to let her keep her job. God only knows because no one wants her there.

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