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Person Critiquing Ben Shapiro

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Good for you, taking accountability. But if you post any other rude remarks, I'll lose my patience.

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Hello, I posted several reviews on Ben Shapiro. It's not considerate o...

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Person Defending Ben Shapiro

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Hello, I posted several reviews on Ben Shapiro. It's not considerate or helpful to call me a loser. That said, I have been somewhat hateful. A few of my reviews are disrespectful and exaggerated. Ben Shapiro is a human being with feelings (even if he believes facts don't care about them :) ). He doesn't deserve rude, unnecessary comments. While I disagree with how this man uses his platform, I need to be kinder in future posts. I hope we can both have constructive dialogue now.

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Shapiro rocks! You hate him. I get it. For there to be winners like Sh...

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Person Defending Ben Shapiro

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Ben Shapiro is a role model for all american men. Biological and trans. All of you should become smart, successful, articulate, and masculine. Nuff said.

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Hello, I posted several reviews on Ben Shapiro. It's not considerate o...

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Category: Podcaster

Ben Shapiro

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I think someone called him a "stupid loser" in pre-K, and he never let it go, so from then on, he had to REMIND every friggin' person he was so much smarter and more important than them

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Brainwashed by parents, corrupted by greed--and the need to FEEL like ...

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Category: Podcaster

Ben Shapiro

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Brainwashed by parents, corrupted by greed--and the need to FEEL like the smartest person in any room he enters since second grade

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"Facts don't care about your feelings"--so why do your &quot...

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Category: Podcaster

Ben Shapiro

Rating: 1 out of 5.

True dat

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"Facts don't care about your feelings"--so why do your &quot...

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Category: Podcaster

Ben Shapiro

Rating: 1 out of 5.

It's funny how he has such stringent views of gender. He practices traditional masculinity by wearing masculine clothing, providing for his family, being a father, etc., yet there's something about his energy that's extremely feminine. Anyone agree?

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Ppl only like the guy because he appeals to their biases and their des...

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Category: Podcaster

Ben Shapiro

Rating: 1 out of 5.

You're spot on. I can only imagine what my therapist would have to say about this man...

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Ppl only like the guy because he appeals to their biases and their des...

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Category: Podcaster

Ben Shapiro

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Ppl only like the guy because he appeals to their biases and their desire to *seem* rational. It's honestly hard to listen to the guy after a while. He often repeats himself, saying the same thing over, just more pretentiously, and his supersonic-speed, outrageously high-pitched voice gets really irritating to listen to after one episode.

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I think someone called him a "stupid loser" in pre-K, and he...

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Category: Podcaster

Ben Shapiro

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He also wants to pretend he's the political commentator "for the cool kids" because he can't accept he's been the irritating, pompous teacher's pet since...his elementary school days.

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Brainwashed by parents, corrupted by greed--and the need to FEEL like ...

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