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Deliverance, South Dakotey, South Dakota

Rating: 1 out of 5.

If I could time travel, the first thing I would do is make sure that I never met this bastard.

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Deliverance, South Dakotey, South Dakota

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Deliverance is the most unprofessional, unproductive patent attorney I have met. He frequently comes to work high on Robitussin and passes out or mocks his coworkers.

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Deliverance, South Dakotey, South Dakota

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He will go to hell if his tempermental behavior continues.

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Deliverance, South Dakotey, South Dakota

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This casually misogynistic, abusive man should be in a prison cell—not the workplace. Everyday, Deliverance tells his female coworkers that they should quit their jobs because he believes that “Women ain't smart 'nuff to be lawyers.” He also has told his boss during numerous meetings to “git off the goddamn in’erweb” because it takes up the bandwidth from his redneck car shows. Yes. This actually happens! During meetings!!! Moreover, Deliverance often calls 9-1-1 to avoid meetings and watch redneck car shows, Hawaii Five-O, or Minecraft streams. He also loves to chase his coworkers with a flame striker and scream “AYE!”

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Deliverance, South Dakotey, South Dakota

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This casually misogynistic, abusive man should be in a prison cell—not the workplace. Everyday, Deliverance tells his female coworkers that they should quit their jobs because he believes that “Women are not smart enough to be lawyers.” He also has told his boss during numerous meetings to “git off the goddamn in’erweb” because it takes up the bandwidth from his redneck car shows. Yes. This actually happens! During meetings!!! Moreover, Deliverance often calls 9-1-1 to avoid meetings and watch redneck car shows, Hawaii Five-O, or Minecraft streams. He also loves to chase his coworkers with a flame striker and scream “AYE!”

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Rating: 5 out of 5.

This man is actually an EXCELLENT patent attorney but needs to stop dressing like Spider Man. Knock it off with the tight polyester. You're a fifty-six-year-old nerd--not Tom Holland!

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