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Tech Wildcatters and Azalea Ventures, Dallas, Texas

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Molly Cain. 5 ft tall. 150 pounds. Dang! Thats a fat IRS auditor. Lol.

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Tech Wildcatters and Azalea Ventures, Dallas, Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Fired Molly Cain for violations of ethics and company code of conduct. Then she accused him of being a sexist and discrimination. She started spreading rumors that he harassed her at work. John is like a saint. so professional. he never did any of those things. Either way, she was fired, cried like a baby, and had to be manhandled out of the office. She came back, trespassed, and was drunk. Made a huge scene and trashed her office. Molly Cain of GlassHeel, GovCity, Sumo Ventures, and Deputy Director of the IRS. 5 feet tall, 150 pounds, fake blonde hair, fake eye lashes, fake lips, fake resume, and a fake personality. What a loser.

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Tech Wildcatters and Azalea Ventures, Dallas, Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He was mentor. I used to flirt with him and he would flirt back even though his is 30 years my senior. He would always complement me and slap my behind. But then he betrayed me when he let Gabriella fire me. He wouldn't return my calls. He didn't do anything to save my job even tho I did a lot for him. Then he supported replacing me with an intern. I was nearly 40 years old and replaced by a college intern. How embarrassing, but the joke is on all of them. Now I work for the IRS, and I am an Executive. Yours truly, Molly Cain.

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