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Category: Doctor
Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119
I AGREE 1000 percent with the idea the DALLAS VETERANS HOSPITAL should post pictures of ALL the doctors so every single veteran that walks through those doors can see POINT OUT to other veterans whose great who excels and who should not be allowed to walk through the from door as they are that BAD. I came from LACKLAND I have ear issues and I would like to know who the doctor they call the BUTCHER is and believe it would be highly beneficial. Who the doctor they call the HACKER is? Some veterans feel like practice dummies and that should never be the case. Who the doctor they call LOST IN SPACE IS? I want to know who the doctor who makes the HORRENDOUS SCARS on American Soldiers is? We DESERVE a fighting chance at picking a DECENT DOCTOR at the Dallas Veterans Hospital, anything less would be immoral I AGREE WITH THE IDEA and think the VETERANS hospital should post the pictures so those of us who are newly separated will know who to stay as far away as possible? The VA in Dallas should do more to PROTECT us from these doctors and have routine, regular quality checks to make sure the skills they have if any remain top notch as they are operating on American Soldiers. Mediocrity among doctors at the Dallas Veterans Hospital puts us all in DANGER. Maybe one day they will actually care about what happens to us.
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Category: Doctor
angela guzetta, dallas
Lousy Doctor - Drove 40 minutes to see this doctor and she abandon me excuses were made as if my time was not important. 40 minutes to see some woman named Ashley. Waste of Everyones time. Learn to use a telephone if you not available. Angela Guzzetta reinforces one truth among all veterans they think were garbage and can not be bothered. Is it to much to ask to show up on time. I did it for 20 years. What is it with the va hiring these doctors not sure witch is worse Angela guzzetta or my cable guy who shows up sometime between 8 an 12 off at lunch and 1 and 5 pm. Management stinks in this place. If anyone if us Veterans did we would be AWOL or in the brig.
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Category: Doctor
We got our fair share of crappy doctors and nurses. Had a catheter removed she tugged on it like pulling a rope I guess she was in a hurry. There are no real stardsrds it's why we get so many sub par doctors. There are no real safety measures in place no quality checks to protect you from these bad doctors and worse nurses Dallas VA the vets in OKC stand with you as we know what you are talking about. Was at the VFW we were talking about it the other day. With so many complaints how do these doctors and nurses stay employed. Some are old as Methuselah in the bible
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Category: Doctor
Dallas veterans hospital
I would not go to the VA even if they paid me to go. My neighbor good guy Vietnam vet I think went in for surgery came out with an oxygen machine always wheezing. We could not be friends anymore machine was so loud. He used to tell my my kids stories about all the great men he served with. They screwed him up. Poor bastard been through wars only to cone home and be destroyed by lousy VA doctors. I asked him how he was doing attached to his long hose his response just waiting to die. Doctors at the VA are responsible to no one. Thet can not be sued it's why they work there for the protection of the government If you can afford it don't go to the VA. Every time I look at him I feel sorry for every veteran
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Category: Doctor
Stephen Holt, Dallas
Stephen Holt is his name. He's the top guy at the VA. He's supposedly a doctor probably not a very good one. It's why he runs the VA more political then actually helping people. Most people don't get it he has budgets he has not got the money so he picks hires the lowest doctors the ones that nobody else can stand because there so bad at what they do. THEY ARE WELCOME AT THE VA I stopped using the VA all together for that reason. I heard from other Veterans that surgeries without ever meeting your surgeon was common practice. Shows how much Stephen Holt cares about veterans. If a surgeon is going to cut on me You can bet I am going to look him in the eye and get my questions answered. Not at the Dallas VA
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Category: Doctor
Lenka Stankova
My name's is James. Hi everyone one. I am new to this site. I can see most of you have had dealings with LENKA STANKOVA. You can include me in that group to unfortunately. Lenka stankova didn't show up at my appointment either. I to think she hates people but not just people I think she hates veterans just ask she has destroyed alot of lives. Most Veterans feel powerless as they can not afford to go to the outside and get a real doctor. Ask them they will tell you. I to Agee as I felt I was practiced on I thought then what I still think today no one can be this bad a doctor and be a legit doctor. I was wrong. I also agree with most Veterans the VA does not get quality we are a stop over for most doctors before retirement the last stop or buying time until doctors get good enough to start there own practice. You will not get any disagreement out if me. I agree with all of you. I agree with everyone. She's awful. She will ruin your life. Her subs never give you all the facts because if they did you would walk and they don't want that thus stealing your healthcare choice. Her subs never discuss alternatives to being cut on it all the side effects you might have again because the only thing the care about is getting the surgery at all cost in my opinion She did not show up in clinic not why I was in the hospital not after the surgery when I kept falling down and had trouble getting to the bathroom she was no we're to be found. I have never met her EVER. I could not point her out if she was standing two feet in front of me. You should be able to meet you doctor always especially someone who is going to cut in you not at the Dallas VA. The VA allows this. HOLT allows this bad practice even condones it I also agree with many of your assessments as being known by the name butcher, hacker, and the diablo the rest I had not heard but does not surprise me one bit. She likes to cut on people butcher and hack on them but she does not like to be seen because most people would see her as the fraud she is. I agree also with the assessment she will leave you worse off when she's done with you but you folks already knew that. I found out to late to be saved from this doctor. The Dallas VA allows this as a matter of policy. The management HOLT is his name I think it's ok that you don't meet and can not judge the character of the doctors by allow you to ask questions and look the person who is about to cut in you in the eye. I agree with each and everyone if you. Your assessments if this doctor do not differ my my own.
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Category: Dallas Veterans Hospital
Dallas VA Complaints, lancaster, dallas, TX
New to the dallas va came from fort sill. I think the dallas va should put the faces of doctors on the va website. I got nose issues after speaking to other veterans I know I do not want the doctor known as the butcher hacker and lost in space I want someone new but didn't have a face to go with the name. The dallas va should post the pictures of all docs so we know who to give a wide birth too
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Category: Dentist
Dr Robert LaVille, 95 Mathews Blvd., Lafayette, LA
I am dying because of Dr. LaVille. I saw this man for twelve years. I never missed an apt. for anything. About four years ago I questioned a growth on my check. He dismissed it as me chewing on my cheek in my sleep and offered to make me a set of night guards. I told him that he made me a pair two years ago. Then he said, well maybe your crowns need contouring. On my last visit to his office, I asked him to look at the growth on my cheak. He said,"that is nothing to worry about." One month Later, I was told at MD Anderson Cancer Center, that I had about a year to live and that it would be a hard death. I chose to do life extension Chemo and radiation at the same time to try and save my life. Now I'm in palliative care therapy. Keeping me comfortable until I dye. Many other doctors who treated me after doctor LaVille were shocked at his gross negligence to biopsy such a large tumor. I would not ever recommend this man who practices dentistry. I wouldn't even refer to him as a doctor.
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Category: Doctor
Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119
Is it any wounder why our military can not get a fair shake or why many live on the street, why they got bad doctors like Lenka Stankova now they are looking into a Probe at VA facility uncovers orgy, official who had *** money disappears when all veterans really want is more quality doctors and nurses.
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