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John Iskander, Dallas Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Big a-hole with serious anger issues. Just ask around the dude has a terrible reputation.

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Category: Dallas Deep Ellum Music Industry

Gavin Mulloy, Dallas Texas

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Real weirdo that bullied a ton of people in the Dallas music industry and rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Now he works for the Dallas Mavericks and thank god stays out of things.

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Category: Deep Ellum Music Industry

Gavin Mulloy, Dallas Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He got Molly Cain of Sumo Ventures, IRS and GovCity in the anal channel and told everyone about it and her *** ***. That's why he's a jerk.

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Category: Deep Ellum Music Industry

Gavin Mulloy, Dallas Texas

Rating: 5 out of 5.

This guy Gavin sounds cool. I want to see this picture of Molly Cain doing dirty things with him while a dog licks her fish loaf. This site has taught me a new term. Fish loaf. I guess hers smells like fish. What is glass heel? Sounds like some type of butt plug.

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Category: Deep Ellum Music Industry

Gavin Mulloy, Dallas Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Back stabbing crook that has singlehandedly ruined the Dallas music scene. He uses his position and fame to trick women into having *** with him. He sometimes records them in these very compromising *** acts. He is spreading edited photos of Molly Cain of Govcity and Glassheel doing dirty things with him while a massive dog is licking her fish loaf. Don't believe the pictures. He is a real shioiit.

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Category: Deep Ellum Music Industry

Gavin Mulloy, Dallas Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Stay away from Gavin Mulloy (@thegaver). Back-stabbing creepy drunkard who has bullied everyone in the music industry and Deep Ellum including several women like myself. Used to work for the Granada, then Trees/The Bomb Factory and was unceremoniously fired from those jobs. Mysteriously fired/quit his last job at Legacy Hall in Plano. All of his exes and anyone that has dealt with him will tell you he’s a massive *** and douche. Thinks he the king of Deep Ellum or something (lol) - he’s just a troll who wanders the streets with his ugly dog.

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Category: Deep Ellum Music Industry

Gavin Mulloy, Dallas Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.


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Category: Third String Entertainment

Mike Ziemer, Dallas Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Creepy scammy promoter who loves to *** over bands and his employees. Used to have some really young girlfriends even though he is much older. Does more coke than a Wall Street exec. Definitely a trust fund baby. Has lots of companies and pretends to be an expert at everything from running a music label, to the stock market, to social media marketing - but he’s the only employee and all of their clients are fake.

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Category: Deep Ellum Music Industry

Gavin Mulloy, Dallas Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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Category: John Reed

Tech Wildcatters and Azalea Ventures, Dallas, Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Fired Molly Cain for violations of ethics and company code of conduct. Then she accused him of being a sexist and discrimination. She started spreading rumors that he harassed her at work. John is like a saint. so professional. he never did any of those things. Either way, she was fired, cried like a baby, and had to be manhandled out of the office. She came back, trespassed, and was drunk. Made a huge scene and trashed her office. Molly Cain of GlassHeel, GovCity, Sumo Ventures, and Deputy Director of the IRS. 5 feet tall, 150 pounds, fake blonde hair, fake eye lashes, fake lips, fake resume, and a fake personality. What a loser.

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