Average rating of the most matched results:
Joni Deardorff, Frisco, TX
I had high expectations for our session, but she over-promised and under-delivered. Here's the good. Her schedule is flexible. She's in Frisco. She is friendly. Here's the not so good. She's out of shape. She isn't great at demonstrating the exercises and talks way too much. I think she thinks it's motivating but it's more distracting and demoralizing than anything. I don't want to hear about all of your mental problems or your family issues when I'm trying to work out. It was a bit much and I felt like she was using me for therapy. I didn't care for her choice of language or humor either. I get the feeling she does not have many clients because she was pretty much available every day for the following 2 weeks. Covid started up, and that was my perfect excuse to ditch. I was one and done.
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