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Category: Molly Cain

Deputy Director IRS, Dallas, Texas

Rating: 5 out of 5.

No no people. Don't believe the lies! Let me set the record straight. My name is Molly Cain. I am the deputy Director of the Internal Revenue Service. I was CEO of tech based lobbying firm Gov City and I was CEO of a major female empowerment company called GlassHeel. One of the first of its kind. As you can see, I am not only a trailblazer, but I'm also credible. So credible that the government trusts me enough to make me an executive of the IRS. I was not fired or rejected by Comerica Bank, Tech or Health Wildcatters, or any employer. If anything, I was laid off because those companies suffered from poor management. I left the entire Texas startup ecosystem because I was the victim of constant sexual harassment from Hubert Zajicek, Ken Anderson, Steven Gehfeld, Robert Brevelle, Doug Lunn, Tony Milikin, Ricky Tejapaibul, Harry Kochat, Kevin Vela, and Stephen Hayes. Then there were the interns that harassed me daily it seems. I am an entrepreneur but I can't remember a company I founded that actually made a dollar of revenue or profit. That's what these horrible men do to women like me. Make life so crazy that I can't remember all of my successes. But I am happy now. Working at the IRS going after men, conservatives, republicans, and the like. Yes, I'm back you biooochees. Molly Cain forever!

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Stankova is worse than Covid Fauci

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Henssen, Jacobs, Brevelle and Stankova never heard of the 1st 3 so the...

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Henssen, Jacobs, Brevelle and Stankova never heard of the 1st 3 so they cannot be at the top of their field maybe they are the doctors behind the doctors behind more doctors who are at the top of their field with Anthony Fauci on top the guy who told us the covid vaccine would protect us and our children that would make more sense and explain why no one has ever heard of Hessen, Jacobs, and Brevelle. I suspect somewhere in the middle I would think but certainly not at the top of their field. The 4th doctor Stankova everyone's heard of her I don't think you could throw a stone and not hit someone who hasn't heard of her I was at the YMCA, and they have heard of her. Stankova has touched so many lives and not in a good way and that's self-evident by all the other sites who have her listed as well every single person cannot be all wrong. I too often wondered why my father a WWII veteran never saw a black doctor ever the entire time he was alive at the Veterans Hospital so I would agree white privilege certainly plays a huge role not qualifications followed with some racism as well. Qualified Black Doctors are just as good as white doctors, and they have the coveted MD in front of their name as well. My question still applies were are the qualified black doctors at the Veterans Hospital no doubt behind a white doctor with white privilege.

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Stankova, Hessen, Jacobs, and Brevelle are some of the most respected in their field. I have no idea why she is being flamed on this site. Who are these people

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I worked for government for years. The Federal Job is the best job ev...

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Everyone please stand. The great doctor Stankova is here. Board certified and at $750k a year, I am medical royalty. Stand when. I enter and bow you losers

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That's correct. She does not care about you. Why? Because you are a fr...

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankova

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Lenka just got promoted at the VA. So much for your fake complaints you losers.

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I had a doctor like that who was always in the background it is a diss...

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Category: Nepotism

KSI Knowledge Source Incorporated, 3010 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy #1515, Dallas, TX 75234

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This place is nepotism hell for employees and clients. It is nepotism heaven if you are one of the worthless offspring of one of the owners. These clowns are a waste of everyone's time, an embarrassment for the teams, and a liability for the company. Lazy, goofy, socially awkward, and for lack of a better term, they are losers. They should be working at a car wash or wally world. Not here. And unfortunately for the rest of us, we are paying their salaries as they sleep in after what I assume was a long night of gaming and peeping tom foolery.

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Category: Teacher

Mr Easterling, Ok, Ok

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I met Mr Easterling 3 years ago he was a horrible old man always harassing students telling us to stop dilly dallying in front of his house and to get to class saying kids on street corners bring down housing values calling us stankovas. Mr Easterling had the hearing of a bat always listening to everything and everyone that crossed his path while pretending to be napping on his porch. My friends and I were talking about the Romeo Juliet assignment given out he came unglued, hysterical begin yelling at us for not being passionate about it. He told us everything you do in life you do it with passion or dont bother passion is what separates the winners from the losers he would say. I told him I lost my book and to shut up old man, no one cares about a play where people spoke funny a play that has lasted over 400 years he said. Mr Easterling gave me a new book he had purchased the next time I passed then yelled at us to be passionate about school and to get to class. I believe Mr Easterling is why I didn't drop out, behind all that yelling were actually words of wisdom.

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Category: Investment

Dallas Golden Investment Club, Dallas, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

What a bunch of losers and scammers. Avoid at all costs.

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Category: Investment

Azalea Ventures, Highland Park, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Run by John Reed, the crook that got all the heat for that defunct energy deal. Watch out for him and his son. Two losers living off an inheritance.

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