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Kristen hengel

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Blames innocent students, screams at us, blames us for things we didn’t do! The list goes on and she never wears a mask. She Yelled in my face and GRABBED my phone away from me. She also doesn’t teach us and talks waaay to fast. She lets us have our phones. Which is breaking a teacher rule. But when I have my phone out when she says it’s ok she YELLS at me. She also made my friends do extra work cus we were sick and couldn’t come to school and yelled at us for not doing homework threw Focus even tho we were SICK.

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Tyee, 13630 SE Allen Rd Bellevue WA.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I got an A in Mr. Martinez class, but I had to work. I learned quite a lot. The problem with Mr. Martinez, is that he is honest. There is no way to play dome and earn a good grade with him, as we do in other classes.

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ms mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 3 out of 5.

she is so big boned that she grew bones in her belly that make her belly look big and round. Its all bones.

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Reminder that none of the words she saids to you and the way she is ov...

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M. Skillman, Bellevue WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Yeah, I don’t like this teacher. She looks at you and talks to you as if she is smelling ***.

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ms mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

gurl pays the school to let her in and her *** probably broke the bathroom tiles, took ate and left no crumbs liteartly when she went to mcdonalds, probably consumes her students when she has the chance 😭😭

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Ms. McGarrity, I.S.187

Rating: 1 out of 5.

bro literally rolls her way to school cause her *** definitely never took one step in her entire life

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Gregory Marchildon, Fresh Meadows, NY

Rating: 5 out of 5.


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ms mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Reminder that none of the words she saids to you and the way she is overly strict and disciplinary isn't relevant to real life in any way. She is a sad human being that projects her own problems onto poor 12 and 13 year olds. If she yells at you, don't take it personally, please, I took it personally for many years and needlessly suffered over nothing. Just remember that she is a NPC bot who is upset about her own lack of control of her life, so she powertrips to control little kids. She has no one, not even the fiance she claims (a lie she's been saying for over a decade). So just feel pity for this sad human being. Don't take anything personally. Nothing you do is your fault, just be yourself and never let her dictate your own worth. Remember you can always report her to Mrs. Sadiki if she does something unfair to your grade. Then report her again once she becomes passive aggressive to you afterwards for reporting her. It doesn't matter, just mention how she bullies kids and wrecks their self esteem.

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Nathan Allen, Mesa Robles Middle School, Hacienda Heights, CA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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Mr. Thygeson, Rancho del Rey Middle School, oldgrandpaAndnotcool street

Rating: 1 out of 5.

he’s old and not cool 🧏🏻🤫🧏🏻🤫🧏🏻🤫

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