Average rating of the most matched results:
Mr. Stout, Madison junior school, Madison, NJ
*** fat *** screaming mother fucker who got caught watching *** in our class needs bullies kids needs help looks like a *** bag of rice
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Mr. Madison, Dover Middle School, Dover, NJ
He’s very funny and makes the class wake up in 1st period. Good teacher overall
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Jennifer baggot, Memorial junior school, Whippany, NJ, 07927
Not very good. Very bad at teaching and, went by the lessons way to quickly.
? Like 6
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Marcie Barwick, Memorial Junior School, Whippany, NJ, 07981
Indifferent, poor understanding of subject matter, smug attitude, poor manners...perfect example of why tenure should be eliminated.
? Like 5
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Jennifer baggot, Memorial junior school, Whippany, NJ, 07927
My child had her—it was terrible. Who hired her? She is extremely immature. You can’t even believe you are discussing your child’s education with an adult when you speak with her. Her behavior with the kids is rude and intimidating. It killed me that my taxes went to pay for her salary.
? Like 2
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Mr.Pierson, Brunswick Junior High School, Brunswick, ME
He is the best teacher ever. He helps out a lot. He makes sure the students understand the work and helps them out if they need it. Awesome teacher :-)
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