Average rating of the most matched results:
Ryan Bentley, valley, carlsbad, CA, 92008
Our 12yo son was very happy with his math & science teacher this year. Given the challenge of COIVD, this teacher did an amazing job balancing learning and positivity. We were very impressed watching him teach online both in-person and virtual.
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Timothy Ryan, Atlantic middle school, Quincy, MA, 02169
Greatest teacher ever the Tom Brady of teaching aka the GOAT
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Mr ryan, Creekside midlle school, Fairfield, OH, 4501
Horrible if i chould rate 0 i would
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Mrs Ryan, McNab Elementary, Pompano, FL
Mrs Ryan is the best teacher I have ever had. She is so nice and caring and really helps you with your work if you don't get it. She is always at school and only has missed two and one half days. Those were just for teacher workshops and a meeting! She interacts very well with parents and even has her own website. Mrs Ryan is the best! Ashley
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Craig Evenhouse, Marina Middle School, San Francisco, CA
Horrible a pedophile. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED. Told class his wife sniffed his feet and is his pet. HORRIBLE. Said racial slurs
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