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Category: Restaurant

A Usjtje wd, Pasewalker Stra?E 40

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Hi there, We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 700-1500+ subscribers per month. - People subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos, increasing likes, comments and interaction. - All actions are made manually by our team. We do not use any 'bots'. The price is just $60 (USD) per month, and we can start immediately. If you have any questions, let me know, and we can discuss further. Kind Regards, Amelia

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankova

Rating: 1 out of 5.

My name's is James. Hi everyone one. I am new to this site. I can see most of you have had dealings with LENKA STANKOVA. You can include me in that group to unfortunately. Lenka stankova didn't show up at my appointment either. I to think she hates people but not just people I think she hates veterans just ask she has destroyed alot of lives. Most Veterans feel powerless as they can not afford to go to the outside and get a real doctor. Ask them they will tell you. I to Agee as I felt I was practiced on I thought then what I still think today no one can be this bad a doctor and be a legit doctor. I was wrong. I also agree with most Veterans the VA does not get quality we are a stop over for most doctors before retirement the last stop or buying time until doctors get good enough to start there own practice. You will not get any disagreement out if me. I agree with all of you. I agree with everyone. She's awful. She will ruin your life. Her subs never give you all the facts because if they did you would walk and they don't want that thus stealing your healthcare choice. Her subs never discuss alternatives to being cut on it all the side effects you might have again because the only thing the care about is getting the surgery at all cost in my opinion She did not show up in clinic not why I was in the hospital not after the surgery when I kept falling down and had trouble getting to the bathroom she was no we're to be found. I have never met her EVER. I could not point her out if she was standing two feet in front of me. You should be able to meet you doctor always especially someone who is going to cut in you not at the Dallas VA. The VA allows this. HOLT allows this bad practice even condones it I also agree with many of your assessments as being known by the name butcher, hacker, and the diablo the rest I had not heard but does not surprise me one bit. She likes to cut on people butcher and hack on them but she does not like to be seen because most people would see her as the fraud she is. I agree also with the assessment she will leave you worse off when she's done with you but you folks already knew that. I found out to late to be saved from this doctor. The Dallas VA allows this as a matter of policy. The management HOLT is his name I think it's ok that you don't meet and can not judge the character of the doctors by allow you to ask questions and look the person who is about to cut in you in the eye. I agree with each and everyone if you. Your assessments if this doctor do not differ my my own.

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Category: Grocery Store

Giant Eagel, 910 Freeport Road, Pittsburgh, PA, 15238

Rating: 1 out of 5.

The checkout Sheryl was very abrupt. She practically screamed at me for not social distancing since the in front customer had to still use the pin pad. I was unaware that he hadn’t used it already. I was beginning to load my items when I heard this abrasive abrupt voice chastising me like I should have known. Why is it so far back?? Any way she is a detriment to your team There is a reason NOT to hire Vocational rehab people In addition I said “ Wonder if Corp requires vaccinations to work here” and she abruptly said “I don’t discuss vaccinations” Who ask her to discuss anything? A simple I don’t know would have been sufficient

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Category: Boss

Dustin & Ronnie, Pelican Pointe Car Wash, LaPlace, Metairie, LA, 70068

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I sincerely thought I would be giving this company a rating if “5” after I worked for them since 2014 up until 2021. Sadly, after 7 devoted years of working my way up from being a walk in hired manager who co-managed with multiple other managers at different locations to being given my own wash that I ran for over 2 years without any major problems up until the pandemic started. For some reason we (a car wash) was labeled as “essential”. This did ensure my employment during a very hard time while others were finding themselves unemployed however, my household faced a problem which caused me GREAT emotional, physical and mental hardships - when Covid broke out, my (at the time) 9 year old stepsons doctor contacted my wife and informed her that she would need to lockdown our home to ensure that he didn’t come in contact with this virus due to the fact that he had a low immune disorder and when people did have to enter her home she needed to take all precautions possible. And there I was, having to accept the fact that my working to ensure my families home and financial well-being and being blessed to be able to continue to do so however I found in doing so and returning to our home each day put my stepsons LIFE at risk. I didn’t realize that this internal war I was having within my head was reflecting in my work. Rather than calling me in, sitting me down and talking to me, asking what’s going on, my higher-ups chose to use my few mistakes- and YES, there were literally 2-3 mistakes I made right before my boss who I answer to came to the wash I ran and literally took my shop from me, no questions asked about my mistakes. He stripped me of my head manager title and relocated me to a wash that was approx a 45 min to an hour drive away from my home and my family which was literally smack in the middle of a “high rating Covid zone”. I took this demotion as I was not going to flat out quit due to knowing that finding another job during this time would be near impossible. For about 3-4 months I went out there to work. Within the first week I realized they had canceled my company gas card which I seriously needed in order to continue to have reliable transportation to the newly demoted position. The “head manager” of the location treated me like I was new and this was literally after 7 years of devotion to this company. One day I was late, I called on my way in while stuck in traffic on interstate letting them know I would be there as soon as possible but I was at a stand still sue to a wreck ahead of me. That day nothing was said to me about anything however the next morning when I arrived at work on time, I was called into the head managers office and I was FIRED on the spot! I LITERALLY WAS NEVER THANKED FOR ALL THE TIMES I WAS THE REASON WHY THIS MAN RONNIES BUSINESS LOCATIONS WEREN’T CLOSED DUE TO BROKEN PARTS OF THE WASH - I was way more than just a manager - I WAS THE CAR WASH MECHANIC & THE AUYOMOTIVE MECHANIC bc when the wash damaged a customers vehicle, I was the person who fixed it- not a shop ( unless it was needing to be painted). Needless to say, THE PELICAN POINTE CAR WASH located in SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA AREA TREATED ME LIKE TRASH AFTER I FULLY DEVOTED MY LIVE BESIDES MY HOME LIFE TO WORKING FOR THEM - I even had planned to retire from that company bc I did enjoy my time employed there ... even without praise, thanks or acknowledgement... even after doing good things which benefited the company they chose to degrade anything they chose to rather than admit that on MANY different occasions, I was the ONLY one who was worth a damn. I have RECEIPTS for everything I’ve stated- EMPLOYEE WITNESSES as well as PERSONAL WITNESSES of the way I was treated... As the owner celebrates 10 years of 2 *** shows working got him, he could care less about everything I did - I admitted then AND am saying it now - I WAS MARRIED TO MY JOB... got treated like absolute *** and I honestly REGRET every penny I saved that USING SORRY EXCUSE FOR AN “EMPLOYER”! And YES, I AM in contact with lawyers to discuss possible legal ill-will they caused me due to their treatment of me and their refusal to concern themselves with my well-being during a literal pandemic... DISGUSTING AND UNFORGIVABLE!

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Category: Doctor

Dr. Debra Friedlander, 8200 Jog Road, Boyton Beach, FL

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I am blessed to have Dr Friedlander as my PCP. Along with het expertise as a PCP she is understanding of any problems I may be experiencing and spends as much time as is necessary to discuss them with me. I never feel "rushed" and any questions I may have are always answered to ensure that I understand the course of action that needs to be taken to resolve that particular situation..She is compassionate and REALLY LISTENS to what I have to say.

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Category: Doctor

Warren Henderson, 1602 Vernon Rd, LaGrange, GA

Rating: 2 out of 5.

He took me off medication & didn't bother to tell me. The medications I was on where helpful to me & he didn't explain why he was taking me off them. I asked at check out desk before leaving & they called the back & was told he only wanted me on 3 meds. The meds he took me off were for depression which I suffer a lot from & gave me nothing to replace them. I did not find out until I saw the paperwork that was sent home with me. Did not give us time to ask any questions. I do not plan at going back at this time. Have tests scheduled that I plan on canceling. I do not want to go to a doctor that does not discuss our health plans with us.

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Category: Doctor

Ray Jonathan Lara, 6340 North Campbell Ave., Tucson, AZ

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I was recently diagnosed with an ear infection on 06/23/18 by a local care provider. I sought out additional information from Sonoran ENT as a confirmation that the ear infection was reacting to anitbiotics prescribed and that nothing else was wrong with my inner--ear. I clearly stated to the staff at Sonoran ENT that I have never had an ear infection as a childe and that as an adult, I have no clue as to how an ear infection may impact my hearing, the duration of an ear infection, or what to expect from the healing process. On (06/27/18), Dr. Lara chose to remove cerumen (ear wax) he viewed with a binaural microscope using a procedure called, "micro suction." I have been dealing with tinnitus (ringing of the ears) and sensitivity to certain sounds ever since this procedure was performed. Up until the procedure, my ears were fine. At no time did Dr. Lara or the Sonoran ENT staff ever discuss the timeframe related to the healing process of an ear infection, nor did he ever discuss what to expect from an ear infection. Furthermore, he never discussed the potential harmful side effects of ear wax removal. Do yourself a favor and "Google" side effects of "micro suction." In speaking with two additional ENTs and nurses since the procedure, it has come to my attention that the advice given to me on 06/27/18 by Dr. Lara should have been to simply let the ear infection play out and then investigate other options if the antibiotics did not improve my situation. If Dr. Lara had an ounce of bed side manner or in this case any understanding of ear infections, he would have taken the time to explain the ear infection healing process and he as a professional ENT would have not chosen to remove what little ear wax may have been present. Unfortunately for me, he did not. Dr. Lara may have performed an unnecessary procedure at the cost of not only my pocket book, but my enjoyment of life. I am still a young adult. I highly recommend seeing a different ENT. I also highly recommend not letting anyone use the "micro suction" procedure on you.

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Category: Keller Williams Real Estate

175 Peninsula Drive, Rowlett, Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

If you want to see a house built without the use of a leveler, tape measure, or any permits checkout 175 Peninsula Drive in Rowlett. You too can build a house without any experience and sell it for $3,400,000. Oh wait, now its down to $1,900,000 and dropping. Realtor is like "I don't know why the walls leaning". Only in Texas.

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