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If the month to month inflation rate is not flat or negative, the year over year inflation rate will bounce back higher than the 3% in the next three months. So likely, the Fed will raise the rate in their July or Sep meetings.

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Do you think the Fed officials will raise interest rates again at the ...

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Do you think the Fed officials will raise interest rates again at the July 25 and 26 meeting?

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Category: Doctor

lisa primiani, n/a

Rating: 3 out of 5.

This review is in reference to a United Healthcare virtual visit on July 3, 2022. I'm a 49 year old male who has suffered through anxiety and sleep related issues. To give a little more background I'd previously spoken with 2 other doctors on June 30 and July 2, also through UHC virtual care. But unlike this experience, those two were 5 stars. I originally called because at the time I was going through severe withdrawal symptoms after having to abruptly stop a sleep/anxiety medicine. I had a scheduled appointment with a new primary care physician on July 8 but I had no idea what to expect from the new doctor, plus I needed some immediate relief from the withdrawal symptoms which were making it almost impossible for me to sleep. The first doctor, William Errico, DO was extremely helpful and prescribed a 30 day supply of .1 mg Clonidine to help me. He was friendly and I immediately felt comfortable with him. On July 2, I spoke with Karen Beers, NP. At this point I hadn't noticed much effect from the Clonidine and was looking to gather a little more input on things. She was very patient and helpful and gave me some good suggestions on natural remedies to help with my issue. The 5-HTP she recommended has worked very well for me. By late evening July 2/early July 3 I noticed the Clonidine was starting to have a positive effect. I was still apprehensive about what to expect from the new doctor and I felt that I could possibly gain some more insight from talking to a third doctor and possibly get a refill on the Clonidine since it was beginning to work for me. Plus I had no idea whether a new pcp would even prescribe it. My mistake was getting Lisa Primiani. From the beginning she projected a cold, unfeeling demeanor and I felt uncomfortable with her. The only good thing about the visit was there was no cost because it was fully covered under my insurance. But in this case I got what I paid for. She tended to use the word "unfortunate" a lot but the truly unfortunate thing was this visit. Well, where do I begin? I clearly stated my issue and my concerns and her first response was that I'd already had 3 previous visits with other doctors (it was only 2 - the first visit with Dr. Errico was accidentally disconnected before it had begun). In essence, this made me feel very uncomfortable. Like I'd already called several times already and why was I wasting her time? This isn't what she stated word for word, but it was clearly the impression that I got. To quote a phrase from my 13 year old daughter, it was a "cringe worthy" moment. It got worse from there. At this point I knew I was wasting my time, but I decided to approach the subject of giving me a Clonidine refill. I stated the reasons for this as I did earlier in this review. Her response was basically if I'd taken the whole bottle already then I had a serious problem. These weren't the exact words but they're nearly identical. My initial reaction was complete shock. I honestly don't have words for it. At the time, this comment kind of reminded me of an old lady with a serious case of dementia who will pretty much blurt out the worst possible thing. I was like, no way, she didn't really say that! Also, if I'd actually taken the whole 30 day supply of Clonidine in 3 days then chances are that I probably wouldn't have been having this conversation in the first place. Another truly cringe worthy moment. Unlike the previous 2 doctors, she offered me nothing. Well, actually she did. She offered me an excuse. She stated that her specialty was not "chronic" issues but rather short-term issues or something to that effect. Well, I'll make it a point the next time that I call a telehealth doctor to tell my body not to have a "chronic" issue but a short-term one instead. One word of advice for this doctor, actually 2 words, smile more. A little friendliness goes a long way. I'd love to see the world of telehealth become a kinder place as exemplified by my visits with the first 2 doctors. Every patient out there deserves nothing less.

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This review is in reference to a United Healthcare virtual visit on Ju...

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Category: Doctor

lisa primiani, n/a

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This review is in reference to a United Healthcare virtual visit on July 3, 2022. I'm a 49 year old male who has suffered through anxiety and sleep related issues. To give a little more background I'd previously spoken with 2 other doctors on June 30 and July 2, also through UHC virtual care. But unlike this experience, those two were 5 stars. I originally called because at the time I was going through severe withdrawal symptoms after having to abruptly stop a sleep/anxiety medicine. I had a scheduled appointment with a new primary care physician on July 8 but I had no idea what to expect from the new doctor, plus I needed some immediate relief from the withdrawal symptoms which were making it almost impossible for me to sleep. The first doctor, William Errico, DO was extremely helpful and prescribed a 30 day supply of .1 mg Clonidine to help me. He was friendly and I immediately felt comfortable with him. On July 2, I spoke with Karen Beers, NP. At this point I hadn't noticed much effect from the Clonidine and was looking to gather a little more input on things. She was very patient and helpful and gave me some good suggestions on natural remedies to help with my issue. The 5-HTP she recommended has worked very well for me. By late evening July 2/early July 3 I noticed the Clonidine was starting to have a positive effect. I was still apprehensive about what to expect from the new doctor and I felt that I could possibly gain some more insight from talking to a third doctor and possibly get a refill on the Clonidine since it was beginning to work for me. Plus I had no idea whether a new pcp would even prescribe it. My mistake was getting Lisa Primiani. From the beginning she projected a cold, unfeeling demeanor and I felt uncomfortable with her. The only good thing about the visit was there was no cost because it was fully covered under my insurance. But in this case I got what I paid for. She tended to use the word "unfortunate" a lot but the truly unfortunate thing was this visit. Well, where do I begin? I clearly stated my issue and my concerns and her first response was that I'd already had 3 previous visits with other doctors (it was only 2 - the first visit with Dr. Errico was accidentally disconnected before it had begun). In essence, this made me feel very uncomfortable. Like I'd already called several times already and why was I wasting her time? This isn't what she stated word for word, but it was clearly the impression that I got. To quote a phrase from my 13 year old daughter, it was a "cringe worthy" moment. It got worse from there. At this point I knew I was wasting my time, but I decided to approach the subject of giving me a Clonidine refill. I stated the reasons for this as I did earlier in this review. Her response was basically if I'd taken the whole bottle already then I had a serious problem. These weren't the exact words but they're nearly identical. My initial reaction was complete shock. I honestly don't have words for it. At the time, this comment kind of reminded me of an old lady with a serious case of dementia who will pretty much blurt out the worst possible thing. I was like, no way, she didn't really say that! Also, if I'd actually taken the whole 30 day supply of Clonidine in 3 days then chances are that I probably wouldn't have been having this conversation in the first place. Another truly cringe worthy moment. Unlike the previous 2 doctors, she offered me nothing. Well, actually she did. She offered me an excuse. She stated that her specialty was not "chronic" issues but rather short-term issues or something to that effect. Well, I'll make it a point the next time that I call a telehealth doctor to tell my body not to have a "chronic" issue but a short-term one instead. One word of advice for this doctor, actually 2 words, smile more. A little friendliness goes a long way. I'd love to see the world of telehealth become a kinder place as exemplified by my visits with the first 2 doctors. Every patient out there deserves nothing less.

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Category: Uams Neurology Clinic

Rescheduling and changing drs without telling me., Little rock, AR

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I have epilepsy and have had it since I was 10 months old and am now 30. I've had to see a neurologist every 4-6 months my whole life. Well my last neurologist retired gave me a 5 month notice so I had time to find a new one. I did and had he retired in March 2016 I found a dr ar uams neurology clinic for July 2016. That would of been fine I had just seen my dr. Then they called and rescheduled it for September 2016, then again for December 2016. Then in December right before my appointment they called and said my dr I was supposed to see left and I was now scheduled to see a new one for July 2017. I of course went off on her but she didnt care. Then in June she called and said that dr left and I now had a new one and my appointment was now in September. At this point I'm giving up hope. A week before my appointment they call, I'm thinking it's to remind me of my appointment. Nope. Rescheduled for March 2018 so now it's been 2 yrs without seeing a neurologist. I just hang up on her. She calls again and its rescheduled for September then again for January 2019 then again for February then again back to January. It was supposed to be January 3rd. I hadn't heard anything from them or gotten anything in the mail like new patient forms. So I called and they rescheduled it again for February and changed the dr again without telling me. So now it's going on 3 yrs no neurologist. I said I dont have any hope of actually seeing a dr until the end of 2019 maybe 2020. Has this happened to anyone else? What should I do? I would definitely not refer them to anyone. If I could of given a 0 or -10 I would of.

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Category: Keller Williams Real Estate Allen TX

Christopher Lamrock, 1002 Raintree Cir STE 100, Allen, TX 75013

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Hey Chris Lamrock, previously of Sonic. How's that real estate empire treating you? Lol. Still living in that little crack house in Rockwall! Lol! Well you know, that house you were bragging about at 175 Peninsula in Rowlett ain't doing too hot, now is it? Like other reviewers have said about you, you're real estate expertise is to reduce the price and then reduce it some more. You have reduced the price on this property 9 times. $3,400,000 to $1,959,900. You must hold the record for being the worst realtor in Texas. Go back to working at Sonic where your sales expertise can't screw up people wanting to buy a burger. Lol! What a joke you are! Lol!

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Category: Doctor

michael Ruffolo, 212 Asheville Ave, suite 30, Cary, NC

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Ruffolo did a total revision Hip arthroplasty on my right hip on Oct 17, 2017. Surgery went great and I was released from hospital in two days. Dr Ruffolo spent considerable time with me post op and each day I was in the hospital to insure all was well with me. This was a remarkable change from my initial surgery on June 2, 2017 when the performing surgeon did not come see me at all either post op are the 2 days I was in the hospital.

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Category: Tech Wildcatters

Ricky Tejapaibul, Dallas, Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

IT IS JUNE 2024. IT IS OFFICIAL. Ricky Tejapaibul was fired by board of Tech Wildcatters for cause. Terminated and not even given the chance to resign for reasons not disclosed due to HR policies and employment laws. However, those inside Tech Wildcatters have disclosed that Ricky was found embezzling funds and absent from work for weeks at a time. Ricky, who invested over $100,000 of his own money has lost the entire TW Fund which he was working on raising for 10 years. The TW website has been taken down and Ricky is believed to have fled to Thailand. This is a similar story to former TW CEO, Gabriella Zielke that trained and mentored Ricky. Gabriella fled to Mexico after embezzling over $1M in investor funds in 2015 leaving Ricky to run the company. Dallas awaits the next chapter of TW as its board and investors figure out a solution.

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Category: Scamming Conman With Bad Karma

Vu Tran of Rolex Inc, 9714 Peach Tree, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Vu Tran, Employee, Rolex Service Center, Dallas, Texas; Date Posted: June 7, 2017. This diversity employer policy must be revamped. Currently it promotes all the wrong values and people. We have a guy in the office that does not have a college degree or people skills. He's been promoted over others that are much more qualified. He that can barely speak english. Several people have complained about his communication abilities. I can barely understand 10% of what he says. He is the office goof constantly laughing and smiling ear to ear no matter what's being discussed. With that face, no one is sure if he actually understands what's going on in the meeting. He will say he understands but he doesn't. He requires follow-up after follow-up. He gives preferential treatment to other asians. He jokes by saying 'asians work harder and better'. If I said something like that about my race, I would be fired. What is ironic is that he is asian and he does not work harder or better than anyone I know. To be honest, he is a very inefficient worker that brings down the productivity of others around him. Rolex, hire and promote qualified people based on their performance. Stop all discrimination, including reverse discrimination. Replace Vu with someone that can manage, communicate, and be inclusive to all employees.

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