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My dad eats hemp hearts and oats all the time, so he gets plenty of fiber, but when my mom and I clean his toilet, we notice there must be something wrong with his digestive system. According to my mom, he has never formed a stool in their marriage. He always sharts. Even though he's 56 years old, he has refused to see a doctor--let alone a proctologist--for the past six years. How can I help him? I'm not even joking.

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My dad eats hemp hearts and oats all the time, so he gets plenty of fi...

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

My Lenka Stankova was the AC man that took half my social security check I am 81 years old and it was 100 degrees in my home for 10 minutes' worth of work what happened to an honest days work or an honest days pay? Its now get all you can from absolutely everyone no matter their age, financial situation or the danger to ones health it does not matter. A capacitor gone bad that could have been bought on Amazon for 40.00. There really is no more integrity left in this world. It's a scam apparently used throughout America on seniors so before you get taken check your capacitor first.

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Category: Doctor

janelle pieros, 678 3rd Abr, Chula Vista. Ca, CA, 91910

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I have been a patient of Dr Pierros for approximately 5 years. She works at the San Ysidro health Center on 3rd Avenue in Chula Vista. I am a disabled senior citizen. I use a walker, and it's difficult for me to get around especially since I used public transportation. Despite the covid virus, she really has consistently treated her patients poorly. I told her in the past that she tries to hide from patients and that is no way to be a doctor. I am in a bad situation now, I'd like to talk to her, but as usual, she is nowhere to be found. I am really upset, despite the virus, she treat patients like crap. I scheduled an appointment almost 2 months ago to see her... and I waited this long! I was not told by anyone that she wouldn't be there for the appointment. In fact I tried to contact her directly to determine whether she is going to be there or not and I never received a response. Guess what, she wasn't there! Iam hopping mad!!! A doctor should not treat their patients this way. They should have some compassion and respect, which I believe Dr pieros lacks both in. If she can't be a proper physician, have the care and respect necessary to be a doctor, then perhaps she should go into used cars sales

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Category: Doctor

Susan Smith, Blount Memorial, Maryville, TN

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Dr Smith has an incredibly strict policy regarding appointment time. If you are 5 minutes late you HAVE to reschedule. No exceptions. Ever. I didn’t know this (new patient) and tried to call as I was driving to tel them I was running late due to a traffic issue. No one answered or returned the call. I was made to reschedule. I showed up 20 minutes early just to avoid any issues on my end. Dr Smith however was 30 minutes late to my appointment. No reason was given nor was there an apology for wasting my time. When I asked why I had forced to wait past MY scheduled times (with no one coming in to let me know she was running late) she became defensive. She never apologized. Never attempted to diffuse the situation that she created by being late. She instead told me she wouldn’t be seeing me because of my ‘attitude’. As she walked out with no explanation I said ‘holy f***’ due to my shock at being treated that way. Those two tiny words muttered into the air prompted a call to the security guard to *** me out. While they weren’t the most kind words ever, I stand by them because I have never been treated like that before by a doctor. She clearly thinks very highly of herself and her time, while completely disregarding her patients feelings. Anyone would have been caught off guard. I was (no lie) escorted out of the building by the security guard because of my behavior. I know that I didn’t act ‘professionally’. I didn’t really have time to process what had just happened and react in a manner they wanted me to. The security guard was massive overkill and completely unnecessary. The office manager literally hid from me. Why is it that doctors can treat patients so insignificantly and it okay, but when a patient calls them out on their double standard we are the villain?? I cannot recommend this practice. It left me blindsided and humiliated. I know that I was 7 minutes late for the first appointment but I in no way deserved what they did to me today.

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Category: Doctor

Dr. Debra Friedlander, 8200 Jog Road, Boyton Beach, FL

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I am blessed to have Dr Friedlander as my PCP. Along with het expertise as a PCP she is understanding of any problems I may be experiencing and spends as much time as is necessary to discuss them with me. I never feel "rushed" and any questions I may have are always answered to ensure that I understand the course of action that needs to be taken to resolve that particular situation..She is compassionate and REALLY LISTENS to what I have to say.

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Category: Grocery Store

Lazy acres natural market, Encinitas, CA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I suggest removing the store director, one: it's clear after working here that it's a one way street. To management your side or opinions don't matter and are more of an annoyance. Two: if you are brought into the office for disciplinary action or to discuss a grievance, your not actually heard because management makes up their mind about the situation before you enter, so save your breath and I wouldn't sign that "write up". Finally my impression is that either management is seriously flawed in the brains or this company really likes the lazy aspect of this brand, out of all the time I worked there I only had one meeting with my department and it wasn't even a meeting worth having, it was more of a patch up job where my manager from the underworld read from a peice of paper for an hour waisting everyone's time. Not once was I updated on sales in the store or what was going on in my department. Keep in mind that you might have to kiss up a lot of you don't want to be harassed here, if your not liked it shows, lazy acres pretends to care, but doesn't actually do anything to help you. For example, I was being harassed constantly by my manager to the point where I developed anxiety driving to work, I spoke with EVERY MANAGER I could in the store and HR, and even the one up above the store director. I pleaded with them to help and that I was drowning in this department from the distinction. I received none, instead I was then harassed and made out to be a bad employee. Finally lazy acres beat all care the effort I had left to even try at this job so I started to look for a new one and decided that trying to work here was pointless.

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Category: Guidnce Counselor

Mr. James Englerth

Rating: 5 out of 5.

There's so much vitriol on this site, so let me share something positive. I had Mr. Englerth, and I was going through an extremely difficult, complex situation outside of school. As a result, I went from getting straight A-pluses--to scrambling just to pass all my classes. He tried his best to understand what I had to endure and how it harmed me. I cannot overstate that a lot of this was PERSONAL STUFF--not ANYTHING guidance counselors usually deal with. Moreover, he always appreciated the courage it took for me to share that with him. He was extremely supportive. He cared about me; he wanted me to heal, and he wanted me to get back on track academically. Honestly, he didn't always know how to help me do that, but he tried as hard as he possibly could. To reiterate, this was an incredibly complicated situation, so I couldn't have expected anyone to have the answers! I didn't even unpack everything until about six months ago. Any questionable decisions Mr. Englerth and I made are only regrettable in hindsight. Really, he tried. As hard as humanely possible. (Were this any less of a complex situation, his advice probably would have been spot on.) Mr. Englerth, if you see this, this is exactly who you think it is. I'm in a safe place now. Because of what happened in high school, I'm still working to transfer to what you might consider a good college--but I found a realistic track to do it, and a Plan B JUST in case it doesn't. Plan A is going smoothly though. :) Thank you for letting me spontaneously walk in your office to have a conversation whenever you could be available. Your honesty, selflessness, and unwavering willingness to listen were WELL beyond your job description. It's unfortunate you only knew me when I was suffering so much though. I hope one day, we can catch up, and you'll get to see a stronger version of me. Until then, keep being empathetic; keep offering your honest insight, and keep being yourself. You matter more than you realize.

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I respect your opinion, but I personally disagree a little--at least, ...

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. Englerth

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Honestly, your entire situation sounds absolutely awful, so I don't want blame you for anything...but still, let this be a cautionary tale to others. "Guidance" counselor is often a misnomer for these people when it comes to anything non-academic. (And for some, like Mr. Englerth, also when it comes to academics.) They love it when you confide in them about difficult stuff because then, if you see any success, they can feel like the hero who saved you. However, rarely are they genuinely helpful. I had Mr. Englerth. The man's been in the job for over twenty years--the only useful thing he can do is tell you what kind of SAT/grades (and in some cases, extracurriculars) most colleges are looking for...which Naviance can honestly just as easily tell you. I don't think he has the best understanding of what a lot of elite colleges are looking for (for me, he couldn't explain how to boost my chances at Cornell or Brown)--which is one of the few specialized pieces of info you would expect someone in his position to have. Or maybe, he just really hated me and didn't want me to have a chance at those schools. I ended up not applying to either because he advised against it. :( And what's worse, he legitimately misadvised kids about which colleges would be a "good fit." He assumed U of R would "potentially re-ignite mental health issues" because he's heard "kids are very focused on GPA and stuff there." I completely had the grades and scores for the school--and probably the personal essay too--I now regret trusting his advice. Moreover, I don't have mental issues--I was just in a narcissistic relationship that created circumstantial stress and led me to believe *I* was "the insane one." (I'm past it now. :) ) Honestly, no disrespect to the guy, but I need to be blunt. He's in a throwaway job! (And still failing at it.) He's so much better at "guidance" on the basketball court, so honestly, he should probably just focus on that. Please don't confide any personal stuff to him unless there's absolutely no choice; as much as it seems like I'm challenging him in this review, I acknowledge he's a kind man and genuinely wants to help kids. Unfortunately, he's not the most capable at that. And in general, I don't know that most guidance counselors are much better advice givers (when it doesn't come to academics). Sure, they're probably better at helping kids get into the colleges of their choice and less...presumptive in their academic advice. I've heard Mendon has some of the best ones (other than Mr. Englerth)...and I know so many kids who have had issues with every single one of the counselors at Mendon. Moral: never confide personal stuff to a guidance counselor--unless it's really, really good stuff that could *never* be used against *anyone* and could help them write a better rec letter.

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Assuming I can't handle advanced classes or regulate my mental health ...

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. James Englerth, Pittsford Mendon High School, 472 Mendon Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Sorry that this is so long. I have to be really precise about what I am implying (and am not implying) because trolls on this site are looking for any reason to verbally abuse anyone. This story is in response to the stereotyping prompt. I knew a kid who was ridiculously book-smart--literally Stanford-level talent at science and writing. Talented, creative musician too. She happened to be stuck in a rough family situation. It had always made school more difficult, but in the past, she had always persevered through, even in all her accelerated--and double accelerated--classes. Her home situation started to get even more out of hand, and the kid had the courage to confide in Mr. Englerth about what was going on. He listened to her concerns earnestly and tried to help her as best as he could. Good on him, really. :) Unfortunately, he simultaneously began to treat her like a broken kid. I think he assumed she couldn't have the executive functioning others her age could. (Mind you, that couldn't be further from the truth.) Many times, he told her it wasn't "reasonable" for her to take as many AP's or even honors classes as she wanted. She ended up listening to him and dropped the hard classes. Worst of all, she started to genuinely believe she was just some troubled kid, unable to achieve what the others did; even though she knew she was smart, she felt she was too much of a basket case to show it. Even in her required classes, she started underperforming and missing a ton of school. Since fourth grade, her dream school was Harvard. (She probably was smart enough not to tell Mr. Englerth because she didn't want to be considered even crazier for holding herself to "even more unrealistic expectations.") Fast forward to her senior year, and she was hard-pressed to get into a run-of-the-mill state school. She was sad of what had become but still maintained this harmful mentality. It's tragic. By the way, I used to go to Mendon, and I had Mr. Englerth as my counselor. I have a soft spot for the man. He's a good guy who genuinely wants to help his kids. NONE of this is intended to bash him. Without a doubt, he was just trying to make school easier on this girl and protect her from difficult situations. Unfortunately, he failed to realize she was such a strong person that all she needed was a reminder of her own strengths. She needed to be encouraged--not told to play it safe to avoid more tough stuff in her life. I don't know what ended up happening to her. [Insert name], if you see this, as always, I hope your family is doing better. Secondly, please know that your path to success has not been closed; it has just been interrupted. (Plus, whether you are at a community college or Yale, the school is unbelievably lucky to have a mind like yours.) If you believe in yourself like you once did, you will accomplish awesome things for the world! I think you know who this is. If you ever need to talk, just search my name in Instagram, and DM me. And Mr. Englerth, thanks for being a loving man. Just please be more conscientious about the value of your advice. After all, guidance is literally in your job title. Your words have more weight than you may realize.

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