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Rating: 5 out of 5.

Had an ultra sound on my heart today in Louisville. I have never seen a woman work so hard, so fast, and so efficient. Its not normal and everyone knows it. She knew I was frightened when I walked in the door did everything possible to relieve my stress witch was through the roof, fears about my heart and while she said I needed to speak to my pcp to confirm but 20 plus years she said it looked clean. I wanted to hug her but was afraid I would never let go. So So Happy. Wonderful Job 5 plus stars

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Category: Doctor

Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I AGREE 1000 percent with the idea the DALLAS VETERANS HOSPITAL should post pictures of ALL the doctors so every single veteran that walks through those doors can see POINT OUT to other veterans whose great who excels and who should not be allowed to walk through the from door as they are that BAD. I came from LACKLAND I have ear issues and I would like to know who the doctor they call the BUTCHER is and believe it would be highly beneficial. Who the doctor they call the HACKER is? Some veterans feel like practice dummies and that should never be the case. Who the doctor they call LOST IN SPACE IS? I want to know who the doctor who makes the HORRENDOUS SCARS on American Soldiers is? We DESERVE a fighting chance at picking a DECENT DOCTOR at the Dallas Veterans Hospital, anything less would be immoral I AGREE WITH THE IDEA and think the VETERANS hospital should post the pictures so those of us who are newly separated will know who to stay as far away as possible? The VA in Dallas should do more to PROTECT us from these doctors and have routine, regular quality checks to make sure the skills they have if any remain top notch as they are operating on American Soldiers. Mediocrity among doctors at the Dallas Veterans Hospital puts us all in DANGER. Maybe one day they will actually care about what happens to us.

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankova

Rating: 1 out of 5.

My name's is James. Hi everyone one. I am new to this site. I can see most of you have had dealings with LENKA STANKOVA. You can include me in that group to unfortunately. Lenka stankova didn't show up at my appointment either. I to think she hates people but not just people I think she hates veterans just ask she has destroyed alot of lives. Most Veterans feel powerless as they can not afford to go to the outside and get a real doctor. Ask them they will tell you. I to Agee as I felt I was practiced on I thought then what I still think today no one can be this bad a doctor and be a legit doctor. I was wrong. I also agree with most Veterans the VA does not get quality we are a stop over for most doctors before retirement the last stop or buying time until doctors get good enough to start there own practice. You will not get any disagreement out if me. I agree with all of you. I agree with everyone. She's awful. She will ruin your life. Her subs never give you all the facts because if they did you would walk and they don't want that thus stealing your healthcare choice. Her subs never discuss alternatives to being cut on it all the side effects you might have again because the only thing the care about is getting the surgery at all cost in my opinion She did not show up in clinic not why I was in the hospital not after the surgery when I kept falling down and had trouble getting to the bathroom she was no we're to be found. I have never met her EVER. I could not point her out if she was standing two feet in front of me. You should be able to meet you doctor always especially someone who is going to cut in you not at the Dallas VA. The VA allows this. HOLT allows this bad practice even condones it I also agree with many of your assessments as being known by the name butcher, hacker, and the diablo the rest I had not heard but does not surprise me one bit. She likes to cut on people butcher and hack on them but she does not like to be seen because most people would see her as the fraud she is. I agree also with the assessment she will leave you worse off when she's done with you but you folks already knew that. I found out to late to be saved from this doctor. The Dallas VA allows this as a matter of policy. The management HOLT is his name I think it's ok that you don't meet and can not judge the character of the doctors by allow you to ask questions and look the person who is about to cut in you in the eye. I agree with each and everyone if you. Your assessments if this doctor do not differ my my own.

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Category: Doctor

Dallas veterans hospital

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I would not go to the VA even if they paid me to go. My neighbor good guy Vietnam vet I think went in for surgery came out with an oxygen machine always wheezing. We could not be friends anymore machine was so loud. He used to tell my my kids stories about all the great men he served with. They screwed him up. Poor bastard been through wars only to cone home and be destroyed by lousy VA doctors. I asked him how he was doing attached to his long hose his response just waiting to die. Doctors at the VA are responsible to no one. Thet can not be sued it's why they work there for the protection of the government If you can afford it don't go to the VA. Every time I look at him I feel sorry for every veteran

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Rating: 5 out of 5.

5 STARS after 34 years going to the VA the management has finally git off its BUTT (useless people) and sent me a survey about my experience. Not confident anyone is actually reading them but it was NICE TO GET ONE and feel like someone actually valued my opinion. 5 stars

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Category: Dallas Veterans Hospital

mri clinic

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I am a veteran of the dallas va and I had an mri and everything was smooth, and easy GREAT PEOPLE would give these people 10 stars if it was available. Way to Go

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Category: Dallas Veterans Hospital

Dallas VA Complaints, lancaster, dallas, TX

Rating: 2 out of 5.

New to the dallas va came from fort sill. I think the dallas va should put the faces of doctors on the va website. I got nose issues after speaking to other veterans I know I do not want the doctor known as the butcher hacker and lost in space I want someone new but didn't have a face to go with the name. The dallas va should post the pictures of all docs so we know who to give a wide birth too

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Category: Doctor

William hogancamp, mercy hospital, paducah, KY, 42003

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Terribly slow giving test results

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Category: Doctor

mark tranovich, v a columbus ohio, columbus, OH

Rating: 3 out of 5.


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Probably worked at the Dallas veterans hospital were doctors are not r...

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Category: Doctor


Rating: 1 out of 5.

Doctor I would never ever recommend a magazine that was discontinued the American Way used to sit in chair backs of airlines along with the sky mall both you could pay to get into also discontinued for those of us who are old enough to remember those magazines to tell people how good you are smells of desperation. Are you desperate doctor by your negative reviews absolutely everywhere I would say so? I would also never tell people that you received doctor of the year from the VA hospital either a place were many veterans including my neighbor a Vietnam veteran are all F. UP. Its a public hospital for veterans a TRAINING HOSPITAL for up and coming doctors who get to practice without fear nothing more. THEY HAVE TO PRACTICE SOMEWHERE. I would agree with that they have to gain experience. Most people know the VA hospital is were careers start as most medical students do time at some VA hospital somewhere I did and were careers die as they want the protection of never being able to be sued personally or fired as every American knows the FEDERAL workforce his huge and keeps on growing its truly the best job to have. My experience in the medical field is 1 bad review is one thing 5 bad reviews is another when you have 50 plus bad reviews across every aspect of the internet, social platforms, blogs, bulletin boards dark web you have a serious, serious problem as a person and a doctor. Doctor of the year is not just given out for bringing in the most grant money as the lady said its also given out for being published in some cases. When a doctor, psychiatrist etc can not get published on the own they attach there name to a study you probably have attached your name to more then a few studies to make yourself look good everyone does it exactly like a congressperson does a bill to add legitimacy to there credentials every American knows this it happens all the time. It does not add value or make you a better doctor if you sucked before you will certainly *** afterwards Americans know this. As a head hunter I would make this suggestion doctor. Ask Yourself why do people hate you? Is it your attitude? Do you think you are better then everyone else? Do you treat your patients with dignity and respect they deserve value there opinion? Have you ever asked your patients were you could improve? When you find that out your reputation as a doctor and a person might turn around but right now I would NEVER send you out on a job interview. You are RADIOACTIVE as they say. If you can not find that anwser you should certainly find a new career as you are a danger to yourself thinking you are better then you are and a danger to your patients. I have worked in the medical field for over 35 years its just my opinion take it with a grain of salt.

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