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2.7 out of 5.



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Dhar Mann

Rating: 5 out of 5.

True dat-- he isn't a f*cking small business owner like one of you mothaf*ckas insisted. He's a multi-multi-millionaire. Literally bought a mansion that belonged to Khloe Kardashian (look this sh*t up if you don't believe me).

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Holy cow, the way he handled these protests is unacceptable. Thankfull...

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Dhar Mann

Rating: 1 out of 5.

"Small" business owner? The man is a multi, multi-millionaire! Have you seen his mansion? A few years ago, that mansion belonged to none other than Khloe friggin' Kardashian.

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Let's interfere with all of the small business owners, tell them how t...

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Dhar Mann

Rating: 1 out of 5.

#holddharmannaccountable #holddharaccountable

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Dhar Mann

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Holy cow, the way he handled these protests is unacceptable. Thankfully, he finally met with the remaining actors regarding studio improvements, but he did not even create an apology video. To save face, he played victim, posting that the protestors were being unfair to him and disrupting his work. Tremendously Trumpian behavior! I cling on to a slight hope that he might actually pay his actors more regularly and stop firing them for providing reasonable feedback, but with the way he has acted, it's not much hope. #holddharaccountable

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Dhar Mann

Rating: 3 out of 5.


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Dhar Mann

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Dhar's story is inspiring, and some of his often cliched videos are genuinely moving--especially his earlier works. However, disregarding constructive criticism in the name of optics and firing actors who bring up reasonable concerns is unacceptable. Additionally, the rate of $33-$44 per hour for speaking actors seems suitable, but with that rate, giving an actor only four hours of work a week--and making them turn down any other acting opportunities--is not okay. I am glad Dhar finally addressed the concerns of protestors, but he needs to follow through. #holddharaccountable

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Dhar Mann

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Let's interfere with all of the small business owners, tell them how to run their business, shut down their business, and then everything will be better.

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