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management, 315 executive dr hillsborough,nc

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Hillsborough,nc distribution center... What a joke for management. They expect you to do every job there for no extra compensation. Joel,the warehouse supervisor is a joke. How did this clown even have any qualifications to be a supervisor in any company?? Ben, a warehouse lead is obviously nothing but a gofer and does Joel's bidding just like darth Vader and the emperor. Adoki, the warehouse manager doesn't seem like a bad person, but, he doesn't seem to know what he's doing as a manager either. Todd, the other lead has no clue whatsoever to what he's even doing. He is supposed to be over Receiving yet doesn't even know how to receive. This place isn't worth working at. I would never recommend anyone to work here under current management. If you work on the b-side, once you're finished for the day,you're expected to bail out the a-side which is full of slow individuals that can't seem to work at a steady pace. Whereas, if the b-side has a heavy load and needs help, they are left to struggle to get the job done while the a-side just gets to go punch out for the day. Double standard city at this place.

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Category: Stihl

mid-atlantic stihl, 315 executive dr hillsborough,nc

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Mid-Atlantic Stihl distribution cebter..................Management is a complete and total load of bull***. Joel(warehouse manager), is a complete jerk and has a bad attitude toward almost everyone on a daily basis. When I started working here everything seemed pretty good, but over the last few months it has become low morale central. it's the only place I've ever worked where 8 hours seems like 12. Good thing I'll be quitting soon and get away from this stress of being there. The job itself is very simple, but the management makes it harder than it has to be.

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Category: Retail

distribution center, 315 executive dr hillsborough nc

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Management is a complete and total load of bullshit. Joel(warehouse manager), is a complete jerk and has a bad attitude toward almost everyone on a daily basis. When I started working here everything seemed pretty good, but over the last few months it has become low morale central. it's the only place I've ever worked where 8 hours seems like 12. Good thing I'll be quitting soon and get away from this stress of being there. The job itself is very simple, but the management makes it harder than it has to be.

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Category: Supervisor

Lisa jackson(vietri,inc), Hillsborough, NC, 27278

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This person is a total joke as being a supervisor. She needs to be terminated from her position immediately. She is more like a dictator or czar than a supervisor. Seems like she is trying to run everyone in the warehouse off.

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Category: Boss

Lisa jackson, Vietri,inc, Hillsborough, NC, 27278

Rating: 1 out of 5.

If I could give a 0 rating, she would be a prime example. The very worst supervisor you could imagine. She is constantly looking for employees errors, etc. She is an obvious narcissist. It has to be her way or else. She is a terrible trainer and when errors are made she deflects the criticisms that come with them. In all the years I have been working, I've never worked for a more corrupt individual. The upper management can be held to account as well, although many have reported Lisa Jackson's actions, nothing is ever done about her conduct. She is the epitome of all a supervisor should not be. The turnover here is worse than I have ever seen it. Instead of teamwork, she individualizes things for her own personal gain. We employee a lot of temporary workers for hire, yet her actions run most them away within days. I would advise that no one should accept an assignment from temp agency, nor straight hire to apply here.

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jeff campbell

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Used to be a fun place to work. However, when Jeff Campbell took over as warehouse manager the place started being a place that one would hate to work at.This guy is a complete clown that has no clue what he is doing and if the upper management had any sense, they would replace this sorry excuse for a "warehouse manager" immediately. He is solely responsible for running off many many long time employees as well as temp workers. What a joke.

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italian ceram8cs

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Very unsafe workplace. Clutter as far as the eye can see. Management has absolutely no clue what they're doing. Temps get away with whatever they want there while tenured employees are always getting the blame for everything including inventory counts being wrong. The turnover rate is Godawful, the training there is pure garbage.

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Category: Vietri Inc Hillsborough


Rating: 1 out of 5.

Over all shitty place. Nasty used soda cups and coffee cups every where. Supervisors carry on with sexual activity with employees. Upper management knows of the bias that is in there and encourage it. Don't value go reliable and hard working people but praise the ones who contribute nothing. If you are a convict you will fit in nicely half of the people are convicted felons. From bank robbery to drugs. The owner of this company would rather stay out of the country than to really understand why her good help is leaving . Susan Gravely you need to wake up and open your eyes to the problems in your company. If you are EVER sent to the place avoid it. All it does is cause health problems. Also if a supervisor injures you the receive no punishment for their actions . In fact they laugh about it. Precede with caution!!!!

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Category: Vietri Inc Hillsborough


Rating: 3 out of 5.

I agree with this person 110%... There is so much favortism going on at this company that it is out of control. The supervisors and upper management is apart of the problem. They need to fix this problem before you are left with a bunch of slackers who don't give a damn about you product.

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Category: Boss

District Manager, Spencer’s Gifts, Charlotte, NC, 28277

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Bad communication, no empathy, no advocacy and strict. Gets on lower management as if they are being paid enough to deal with being berated. Doesn’t even Acknowledge sales associates - treats them as if they don’t matter. Everyone I know who has left this company, has left because dealing with said District Manager takes too big a toll on their mental well-being. She is not helpful, but claims to be when in reality she is a burden and gets in the way of the task at hand. She sets up her office in the back room, making it impossible for associates to feel comfortable on their break. Ultimately she contributes to a hostile work environment and makes everyone uncomfortable.

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