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Express File Tax Service, 2735 Oakland Ave, Garland, TX, 75041

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Oh me oh my. This site is for real. They got Mr. Milton Whitley and they got him good. My brother did some work for him and you can believe what they say about Mr. Milton. His is a two-faced Christian that does not treat his own people fairly. He sure won't pay you what he owes you. We know that firsthand. You can not believe any of the words that comes out of that man's mouth. I am glad people are finally speaking out about him. I don't know if I believe he was ever even an educator like he says. I do know he does taxes for Express File Tax Service of Garland. 214-227-5333

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Category: Tax Preparer

Express File Tax Service, Milton Whitley 2735 Oakland Ave, Garland, TX, 75041

Rating: 1 out of 5.

214-227-5333. Search online before trusting this tax advisor named Milton Whitley. He claims to be an IRS tax preparer, custom home builder, chef, teacher, and politician. Multiple personality disorder??? Or is he just a liar.

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Category: Businessman

milton whitley, 217 tanner creek, sunnyvale, tx

Rating: 1 out of 5.

As a result of 3 complaints with the BBB and a case filed with the Texas Attorney General, Milton has suspended his whitmoore custom homes web site and his express tax file web site. google maps state they are permanently closed, and the phone is dead. He was also run out of Mount Hebron church for lewd conduct and a scandal involving other parishioners. (469) 779-2750. 2735 Oakland Ave, Garland, TX 75041.Thank you, Kenny.

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Category: Home Construction Custom House

Milton Whitley, 217 Tanner Creek, Sunnyvale, TX, 75182

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Go to manta, yelp and pissedconsumer to find reviews on this corrupt home builder turned politician that does taxes on the side. His tax service was shutdown by the IRS government. Express Tax Service. 2735 Oakland Avenue Garland, TX 75041. He lost the election after the democrat party would not endorse. That says a lot, doesn't it.

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Category: Express File Tax Service

Milton Whitley, Garland, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Milton Whitley is not a Registered CPA, Accountant, or Financial Advisor. Think about that before you let him touch your taxes. He just about had us fooled. You can find out more about him on the PTIN directory at ptindirectory . com

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Category: IRS Taxes

Express File Tax Service, Mr. Milton Whitley, Garland, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Had my tires changed and the people that changed them forgot to tighten down the lug nuts on one tire. I didnt make it a block before I was on 3 wheels. A real STANKOVA then they tried to claim I left there establishment and loosening my lug nuts so the tire would fall off IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE

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Category: IRS Taxes

Express File Tax Service, Mr. Milton Whitley, Garland, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

If you got a stankova working for you, working with you in the same office, same building tell us all about it. You know who they are Nothing But Problems shortens everyone life, raises the blood pressure of millions. You can take comfort your not alone we all have Stankovas how we deal with them individual can help everyone out. Tell Us All About Your Stankova

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Category: IRS Taxes

Express File Tax Service, Mr. Milton Whitley, Garland, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I had a plumber tried the ,same thing had a busted pipe witch I called him to fix slipped and fell and tried to sue me. One word came to mind STANKOVA

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Category: IRS Taxes

Express File Tax Service, Mr. Milton Whitley, Garland, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I had a STANKOVA come over to give me an estimate for a new roof and when he fell through a week spot he is now suing me. WHY DO YOU THINK I CALLED YOU. STANKOVA STANKOVA STANKOVA

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Category: IRS Taxes

Express File Tax Service, Mr. Milton Whitley, Garland, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Got yourself a Stankova had a few of those myself and the IRS said is that your name at the bottom then you are responsible. I never could understand why people who can not add and subtract work in the tax industry witch is all numbers.

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