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Pete Freedman, Central Track, Dallas, Texas DFW

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Weird bald creep who calls himself the Bad Boy of Dallas Media. He’s definitely the laughing stock of Dallas Media. Bankrolled by his trust fund friend and still can’t pay his writers. Had to beg his readers for money multiple times.

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Pete Freedman, Dallas TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Weird bald creep who calls himself the Bad Boy of Dallas Media. He’s definitely the laughing stock of Dallas Media. Bankrolled by his trust fund friend and still can’t pay his writers. Had to beg his readers for money multiple times.

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Category: Realtor

Christopher Chris Lamrock, Allen DFW Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I'm warning everyone out there. Keller Williams Realtor Chris Lamrock is a lying, bullying, pscyho. We had to avoid him and let the listing agent contract we signed with him for our home in North Dallas expire. We were afraid of what he might do if we canceled the contract. We received numerous complaints during those 6 months from other agents about his behavior. The feedback was unprofessional to say the least. I would post more here but I am afraid the details would help him identify who we are. Texas Real Estate #692550 as of November 2020.

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Category: Doctor

Lenka stankova, Dallas Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Satans Doctor - TV show already exist if I recall you will have to come up with something new. I wounder if Satans Doctor knows this. I think maybe a reboot old satan and really older satan. A farther and daughter type of thing has not been done. I think curing covid, ebola sounds cool you are on the right track but I dont think shes capable based on the blogs, peoples comments. I guess she could get lucky a broken clock is right twice. I dont know the lady, sounds like I dont want to know the lady a lonely janitor I am below her station. It seems to me she could not cure covid, ebola or any other serious issue if you gave her the formula for success..

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Category: Scumbag Investor

Ricky Tejapaibul, Tech Wildcatters, Dallas, Fort Worth

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Greedy, lying, incompetent, deceitful, two faced POS running a jerk me off accelerator in DFW that preys on startups and young women. Avoid him and his North Texas Angel Network crooks Jeff Murphy, Trey Bowles, and Chris Wilkes.

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Category: Realtor

Christopher Chris Lamrock, Allen DFW Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Chris comes up with the list price and tells you its good and will sell fast. That way you hire him to list the house. Every couple weeks, he blames other realtors, the crap market, your crap house, and you as the reason it hasn't sold. He says his vast real estate expert experience is to drop the price. He does this over and over until your selling your house below market and cheaper than every other house in the neighborhood. FU Chris.

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Category: Teacher

Pete Kleemann, East Alton Middle School, East Alton, IL

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Explains class well, straight to the point, playful, simple assignments, loses track of time easily, strict within reason, doesn’t do 1 on 1 very well but still exceeds teacher goals

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https://lavidastarships.com, Richard Clary

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Listings are out of date. Boats aren't on the lot. Wasted my time. The owner Richard Clary is as dirty of a used car boat salesman as there is. Tried pulling a bait and switch on me. Nearly got me until he couldn't find the paperwork on the boat. I called DPS and gave them the VIN. Boat never registered in Texas even tho it had TX stickers. And the trailer came back as STOLEN. Do your homework first. This guy and business have tons of negative reviews and people that own boats they can't even register.

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Category: Rowlett High School

Brigette Collins, DFW Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She's a real karen. She needs to shut her mouth and chill out.

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Nosy parent that only cares about herself and daughter. The rest of us...

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Category: Rowlett High School

Brigette Collins, DFW Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Nosy parent that only cares about herself and daughter. The rest of us have just as much at stake here. Get in line you nosy biatch.

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