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Rating: 4 out of 5.


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https://lavidastarships.com, Richard Clary

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Listings are out of date. Boats aren't on the lot. Wasted my time. The owner Richard Clary is as dirty of a used car boat salesman as there is. Tried pulling a bait and switch on me. Nearly got me until he couldn't find the paperwork on the boat. I called DPS and gave them the VIN. Boat never registered in Texas even tho it had TX stickers. And the trailer came back as STOLEN. Do your homework first. This guy and business have tons of negative reviews and people that own boats they can't even register.

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Pete Freedman, Dallas TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Weird bald creep who calls himself the Bad Boy of Dallas Media. He’s definitely the laughing stock of Dallas Media. Bankrolled by his trust fund friend and still can’t pay his writers. Had to beg his readers for money multiple times.

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Pete Freedman, Central Track, Dallas, Texas DFW

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Weird bald creep who calls himself the Bad Boy of Dallas Media. He’s definitely the laughing stock of Dallas Media. Bankrolled by his trust fund friend and still can’t pay his writers. Had to beg his readers for money multiple times.

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Google, google.com

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Google is so smart and it is so great to use! It can find anything existing there. Go go go, Google!

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Category: Boss

Albermarle, Amy Dunbar, Charlotte, NC, 28001

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This person is confirmed mentally ill and because she is a woman continues to cheat the system. She in fact calls news media to show she is moving from company to company with fake reviews on herself. She does not know much being used as the diamond ring for company advertising they promote woman. What the companies do not know is that she has an exclusive hidden deal with Robert Half. When she struts into the company she plays many games and can tear on a dime. She attempts to eliminate people by lying, blame game and also by covering her *** using others as a fall person. The excuses are great and her ownership is zero. Robert half makes head flip money and she continues to receive job endorsements from Robert half. (way to cheat the system). The companies never look for her acts of vindictive narcissism and all other medical mental illness she brings with her. Mentally ill people enjoy showing there manipulation and Amy is no different. Amy advertises on twitter page with the call sign of amycashqueen. If a male VP or CEO had a Twitter account with that name, they would indeed be fired.

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Category: Sales

Mike Heuer, Paragon Distributing, Plano, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Windbag that likes to harass good people for no reason. He has a hate page on Twitter. Hardcore Republican Trump supporter that wants to deport everyone that doesn't look like him.

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Category: Construction

Stephen Hays, Deep Space Ventures, Frisco, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This guy is a psychopath. Attacked his wife with a hammer and is now on Twitter blaming his family and alcohol addiction de his problems and preaching about mental health issues.

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Category: Doctor

Dr. Alejandro G. Tapia, 10301 hagen ranch road, boynton beach, FL

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Blatant Disregard Nov 6, 2018 I have never in all my 37 1/2 years of constant pain have I ever been treated so poorly with such cold blatant disregard. He said he would help he had no intention of helping. Far more interested in getting me there for 3 appointments and collect his fees he prescribed the incorrect amount of medication that I have been taking this is a reduced dose that is matter of record and can be verified. Dr Tapia is self center I think the term is self verified. He was far more interested in implanting a pain device, at a high fee I would guess. Upon learning that I have hypersensitive nerve endings I could not use his device he did not prescribe the remaining amount in a partial script as promised. He made me wait 5 days dodging my calls leaving me on hold for 39 minutes disconnected the call, I called back a 15 minute return call was I promised they would return my call after talking to the doctor they never returned the call. I asked if he was not going to prescribe as promised please tell me now, 2 calls later the office finally admitted he was not going to prescribe as promised on Oct 24, now on Nov 6th after 5 days of calling and waiting they could have told me sooner I could have seen another doctor in that time and not run out of medication. I did get appointment in 3 days with a new doctor but I'm out of medication upset in more pain from this experience. 9 back surgeries both hips replaced, my knee was damaged with hip replacement, shoulder pain and more. This man could care less how much pain I am in, He never examined me didn't even look. The office twisted my words as if this was my fault that I didn't understand I'm not foolish. I have never in all my 37 1/2 years of constant pain have I ever been treated so poorly with such cold blatant disregard. Doctor said he would help he had no intention of helping. Far more interested in getting me there for extra appointments and collect his fees he prescribed the incorrect amount of medication that I have been taking (this is a reduced dose that is matter of record and can be verified). Dr Tapia is self center, self verified I just read in another review. He was far more interested in implanting a pain device, at a high fee I would guess. Upon learning that I have hypersensitive nerve endings I could not use his device he did not prescribe the remaining amount in a partial script as promised. He made me wait 5 days dodging my calls leaving me on hold for 39 minutes disconnected the call, I called back a 15 minute return call, l was I promised a return my call repeatedly after talking to the doctor they never returned a call. I asked if he was not going to prescribe as promised please tell me now, 2 calls later the office finally admitted he was not going to prescribe as promised on Oct 24, now on Nov 6th after 5 days of calling and waiting they could have told me sooner I could have seen another doctor in that time. I did get appointment in 3 days with a new doctor but I'm out of medication upset in more pain from this experience. 9 back surgeries both hips replaced, my knee was damaged with hip replacement, shoulder pain and more. This man could care less how much pain I am in, He never examined me didn't even look I have a 12 scare down my back a scare on both hips never saw them doesn't care never did. The office tried to twist my words as if this was my fault that I didn't understand. I'm not foolish I may be older but I can use a computer very well, I have a Twitter account and Facebook there's Yelp.

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. James Englerth

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Eat a lead sandwich you queer

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Uhh, you sure about that? Please read the man's X (Twitter). He openly...

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