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Business, Carroll Daily Times Herald, Carroll, IA

Rating: 3 out of 5.


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Okay place to work, but getting your paycheck and it being right was a...

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Business, Carroll Daily Times Herald, Carroll, IA

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Okay place to work, but getting your paycheck and it being right was awful. My paycheck would be weeks late and I was always made to feel like I was being unreasonable when asking for it. Poor, poor bookkeeping and treatment of employees as far as getting them their pay.

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Dustin & Ronnie, Pelican Pointe Car Wash, LaPlace, Metairie, LA, 70068

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I sincerely thought I would be giving this company a rating if “5” after I worked for them since 2014 up until 2021. Sadly, after 7 devoted years of working my way up from being a walk in hired manager who co-managed with multiple other managers at different locations to being given my own wash that I ran for over 2 years without any major problems up until the pandemic started. For some reason we (a car wash) was labeled as “essential”. This did ensure my employment during a very hard time while others were finding themselves unemployed however, my household faced a problem which caused me GREAT emotional, physical and mental hardships - when Covid broke out, my (at the time) 9 year old stepsons doctor contacted my wife and informed her that she would need to lockdown our home to ensure that he didn’t come in contact with this virus due to the fact that he had a low immune disorder and when people did have to enter her home she needed to take all precautions possible. And there I was, having to accept the fact that my working to ensure my families home and financial well-being and being blessed to be able to continue to do so however I found in doing so and returning to our home each day put my stepsons LIFE at risk. I didn’t realize that this internal war I was having within my head was reflecting in my work. Rather than calling me in, sitting me down and talking to me, asking what’s going on, my higher-ups chose to use my few mistakes- and YES, there were literally 2-3 mistakes I made right before my boss who I answer to came to the wash I ran and literally took my shop from me, no questions asked about my mistakes. He stripped me of my head manager title and relocated me to a wash that was approx a 45 min to an hour drive away from my home and my family which was literally smack in the middle of a “high rating Covid zone”. I took this demotion as I was not going to flat out quit due to knowing that finding another job during this time would be near impossible. For about 3-4 months I went out there to work. Within the first week I realized they had canceled my company gas card which I seriously needed in order to continue to have reliable transportation to the newly demoted position. The “head manager” of the location treated me like I was new and this was literally after 7 years of devotion to this company. One day I was late, I called on my way in while stuck in traffic on interstate letting them know I would be there as soon as possible but I was at a stand still sue to a wreck ahead of me. That day nothing was said to me about anything however the next morning when I arrived at work on time, I was called into the head managers office and I was FIRED on the spot! I LITERALLY WAS NEVER THANKED FOR ALL THE TIMES I WAS THE REASON WHY THIS MAN RONNIES BUSINESS LOCATIONS WEREN’T CLOSED DUE TO BROKEN PARTS OF THE WASH - I was way more than just a manager - I WAS THE CAR WASH MECHANIC & THE AUYOMOTIVE MECHANIC bc when the wash damaged a customers vehicle, I was the person who fixed it- not a shop ( unless it was needing to be painted). Needless to say, THE PELICAN POINTE CAR WASH located in SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA AREA TREATED ME LIKE TRASH AFTER I FULLY DEVOTED MY LIVE BESIDES MY HOME LIFE TO WORKING FOR THEM - I even had planned to retire from that company bc I did enjoy my time employed there ... even without praise, thanks or acknowledgement... even after doing good things which benefited the company they chose to degrade anything they chose to rather than admit that on MANY different occasions, I was the ONLY one who was worth a damn. I have RECEIPTS for everything I’ve stated- EMPLOYEE WITNESSES as well as PERSONAL WITNESSES of the way I was treated... As the owner celebrates 10 years of 2 *** shows working got him, he could care less about everything I did - I admitted then AND am saying it now - I WAS MARRIED TO MY JOB... got treated like absolute *** and I honestly REGRET every penny I saved that USING SORRY EXCUSE FOR AN “EMPLOYER”! And YES, I AM in contact with lawyers to discuss possible legal ill-will they caused me due to their treatment of me and their refusal to concern themselves with my well-being during a literal pandemic... DISGUSTING AND UNFORGIVABLE!

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Anthony and Peter, Bucatini Restaurant, Edmonds, WA, 98020

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Hostile and unprofessional work environment. Anthony, one of the many “owners” who owns about 1% of the business will scream at you in front of guests and blame it on his “personality”. Peter, one of the many “owners” will mess up your checks, not catch his own mistakes, and when you come to him with a problem, will literally nod off while you’re talking to him. He will also light up a cigarette in your interview, like he thinks we are in Paris or something. All owners are unbelievably unrefined, unprofessional, and just prove that any one can go into business for themselves if they have the funds. Doesn’t make them real worhy professionals though. Checks were late, was screamed at in front of customers, checks were not accurate, payroll messed up many times, and the work environment and restaurant is rudimentary and lackluster, but everyone you work with will think they’re curing cancer. Don’t work here. Go work for someone where you will actually be paid on time and correctly and not abused.

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Category: Doctor

Dr. Lisa Gaday, 8199 Southpark Ln, Littleton, CO

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I met with Dr. Gaday for the first time today, her office called 2x's and insisted I make an appointment for my father. Threatening me that if I don't they will not fill my fathers prescriptions. I made an appointment to introduce myself and ask about my father prescriptions and review a report from my father Eye surgeon. She with a huff, walks in the room plops down leans back in her chair and says I am your father doctor. I tried to speak with her several times and she cut me off each time. I TRYED to explain, my father and I have been estranged for several years, but have now over the last year have managed to patch things up. She cuts me off again and says "yea i know the whole story". she then proceeds to lean into my face and say, "what are you doing here", "What do you hope to gain", Why did you come?, Whats in it for you?:" Again I try to explain and AGAIN she cuts me off, stating, your father does not want you here, you need to leave, she then gets up and walks out of the room. I comment my sister and brother-in law want to speak with her, without the common courtesy of turning to speak to me, she walks away with her back turned and says "go get them" and keeps on walking away. So I get them, and Dr. Gaday walks in the room, says hi sweetie to my brother-in law and they hug.....Dr. Gaday states she wants only one family contact and Mike your it! I was living with my father and caring daily for him after I had moved all the way here from MI at my father multiple months of request.. She then turns and introduces herself to my sister...who by the way has stated time and time again she takes dad to his Dr. appointments. Caught in her own lie once again! What kid of professional behaves this way, and what kind of Dr. tells her patients to get a reverse mortgage, without consulting with the family? This Dr. was WAY OUT OF LINE, after phone conversations with my Brother in law, she had already made her mind up about me without even meeting me. She was RUDE, OBNIXOUS, AND TOTALLY UNPROFESSIONAL AND VERY BIASED. I would think twice about using this so called Dr. she cannot be objective and is totally one sided. I have worked in the medical field for all of my adult life and NEVER observed a Dr. overstep her bounds the way this Doc did. This Dr. needs to check her EGO at the door!

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Category: Doctor

D. Carlson, 13871 Elk Run Drive, West Burlington, IA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I went in for pain in the abdomen and difficulty breathing. My general MD was not available, so I was referred to Dr. D. Carlson at the Great River Family Practice Center in West Burlington, IA. I was asked and responded 3 times to questions regading my allergies. Despite that, I was given a shot and a medication order to be filled at the pharmacy. When I went to the pharmacy to get the medication order filled, I was told "it was not the right medication for me." They would have to call the doctor for another medication. That could only mean, I was allergic to the medication ordered. That is a flagrant disregard for a patient's safety.

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Grant Leingang, BLVCK DIVMOND, Las Vegas, NV, 89130

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Hello. ? I’m Rebecca and I’ve worked a few times for Mr. Leingang. I LOVE working with him. He cares so much about everyone other than himself, makes sure the projected estimates are always met, and is always supportive during frustrating times. He’s one of the only men I’ve worked for who doesn’t yell, but rather talks it out so everyone is happy. I really enjoy his company and time. Thanks Me. Leingang!

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Category: Doctor

Hayley Miller, Missoula, MT

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Primum non Nocere? Really? I tried three times to get in to see this physician, Hayley Miller, MD. I have never met her to date! In my first visit, she made me wait over an hour... and I left. My second visit, I had to cancel because I was stuck in a business meeting. I booked another meeting. I live 65 miles from the Community Medical Center Clinic at the north end of Missoula.... hour trek. I showed up, filled out all of the extensive first visit paperwork (which was very good, btw) and I was very enthusiastic to see her. I waited 30 minutes. The "nurse" greeted me and we sat in the patient room. Next the nurse (nursing assistant, not a nurse), handed me a certified letter which she claimed they tried to send me. In decades here I have never had "mail delivery problems." The letter stated that because of my "missed" two visits, Dr. Miller would reluctantly care for me for 30 days but not further. I left. This was intentionally mean. I do not recommend this Clinic or this doctor. I hope you have better luck. I am a doctor and I know how I should have been treated. This was sadistic and wrong. This conduct is emblematic with what is wrong in modern medicine. The caring stops at the till and impersonal droids bereft in any human values have taken over.

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Mark Mitchell, 300 W summit Ave Suite 210 Charlotte, NC 28203

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He is abusive, toxic and manipulative. He has his team members work excessive overtime. I’ve worked from a 5am-3am many times and I know other team members have as well. I was constantly contacted on time off or PTO. I was told I could not take my covid sick leave or my medical leave when my neck was fractured. My boss ignored me, clients and coworkers. He has burned bridges with clients, coworkers and other work related relationships. When he messed up he blamed those at the lower levels of the hierarchy to take the heat off himself. He had very poor communication and would give deadlines as late as 4pm and expect them the following morning complete when these assignments normally take weeks. The most unorganized, rude, disrespectful, manipulative, lying, lazy “leader” I have ever worked with. He harassed me during my lunches, on my time off and discriminated my health situation which never got in the way of completing my duties. I was never given the opportunity to take my leave even though it was included in my benefit plan.

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Category: Salon

World nails salon, Nga nguyen, royse city, TX, 75189

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Mean witch of a boss cuts yous hours and money. she fake 2 faced. she dont know how to run business. she was nasty street girl before. Call for good time (972) 635-2830

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