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Joy Goto, The Kahala hotel and resort, Honolulu, HI

Rating: 1 out of 5.

*** ***

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Grant Leingang, BLVCK DIVMOND, Las Vegas, NV, 89130

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Hello. ? I’m Rebecca and I’ve worked a few times for Mr. Leingang. I LOVE working with him. He cares so much about everyone other than himself, makes sure the projected estimates are always met, and is always supportive during frustrating times. He’s one of the only men I’ve worked for who doesn’t yell, but rather talks it out so everyone is happy. I really enjoy his company and time. Thanks Me. Leingang!

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Grant Leingang, BLVCK DIVMOND, Las Vegas, NV, 89130

Rating: 5 out of 5.

My name is Vanessa and I work for Grant. Grant is one the kindest people I’ve ever worked for, very understanding, intelligent and never goes back on his word. Out of all the people I’ve worked for, Grant is my favorite.

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Jill Hopkins, Bland County Public School, Rocky Gap, VA, 24366

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She never showed up to work! She was always absent! She would come to work after all the teachers and students left and work till late. I think it was so she wouldn’t have to deal with her staff or students because she knew they all hated her.

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Jill Hopkins, Bland County Public School, Rocky Gap, VA, 24366

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She would send out emails to the staff bullying and targeting one person and wouldn’t address the individual but rather bully the whole group. Not a single person actually liked her or thought she was good for the school.

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Jill Hopkins, Bland County Public School, Rocky Gap, VA, 24366

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Not only was she a bad boss but she was a bully and rude. I could speak to her in the hallway and she would ignore me completely.

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Krunal Zalavidiya, Angela, Bradenton, FL, 34208

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I want to people to know what my boss was like. He fired me without an explanation on why. As I ask for an unemployment letter he said he was willing to give me it but as I look he’s writing all My mistakes I’ve done in the very beginning of working with him. I’ve been there for almost 3 years. He has another employee in the room as a “witness” but she was never hired during the times. As I’m in his office I ask him what’s the actual reason for firing me but doesn’t really have an answer for it. Instead he just shows me the letter he’s writing and of course it has my mistakes I’ve done from like 1year ago. He got very close to employees and would treat one better than the other because I know from experience. I got fired for the mistakes I’ve done when still today they are being done by present coworkers.

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Vicki Suplee, Louisiana DOTD, Baton Rouge, LA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This supervisor was allowed to engage in defined health harming workplace harassment behaviors. She makes you sit in her office for long periods for personal conservations but will bite your head off if you approach her with anything work related. She is the office gossip. She is digging for information to spread and degrade and humiliate and sabotage you with. Very stress inducing. If you start trying to tell her that you have work to do to avoid those situations, she doesn't care. She does not care about the work. She does not know or does not want to be bothered with how you are trained. She did not know how I was trained regarding primary (time sensitive) and secondary (not time sensitive) work and overtime. She degraded and humiliated me around the office over this issue, then pounded me for an an hour till I had a breakdown, stood very closely over me in my chair (physical violence and intimidation) I was forced to resign over this issue and to leave my retirement system. Constructive discharge which apparently she had done repeatedly to employees in her 20 years there. She asked me and another lower level employee for back rubs for back pain which I know now was only to degrade and humiliate us. Another employee said she would not work under this woman. Another former coworker described her as vindictive. Another former coworker described her behavior at a social gathering after she left as abusive, unprofessional, disrespectful and humiliating. Harassment behaviors seriously affect the mental health and stress levels of the target which in turn affects work performance, focus and concentration and behavior of the target. She knows this and is allowed to harass with no supervision.

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Gabriella Zielke, Tech Wildcatters, Dallas, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

CEO is a scam artist and the accelerator is a bad joke. Investors and debtors have come calling, and she will more than likely be forced to shut down the company or resign. Embezzlement is her game, and now the banks, investors and press are onto her. Oh yeah, all of the employees quit so its just her in that office.

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Imani, Elijah, Bridgeport, CT

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Her bestfriend is a roach. I don't smoke but I would carry around cigarettes just to burn her with them. She takes forever to let me do things she needs done she's never available Morgan's a ***. Christina's a roach. Imani is the trash can Christina and Morgan take up there residence. One time she ordered me food and had me pay for it like dafuk you think this is. She's also getting bad rattings on yelp

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