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Julia Young, Tech Wildcatters, Dallas, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She is unprofessional, unorganized, and lazy.

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Category: Teacher

Julia Young, Tech Wildcatters Gauntlet, Dallas, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She is soooo DUMB. And I am tired of looking at her fat rolls. I heard Texas had a lot of fat people but she is competing with Jabba the Hutt

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Category: Teacher

Julia Young, Tech Wildcatters, Frisco, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Not at all able or committed to helping startups. Shes Ricky's lover. So disgusting I am going to vomit.

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Category: Gabriella Zielke

Tech Wildcatters Owner, CEO and Investor, Dallas, Tx

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I sent Gabriella, my one time mentor and boss, a long email explaining why she is the way she is...a narcissistic and backstabbing person that has image issues that result in her having to sleep with men of all ages (including the elderly). See, I worked for Gabriella on an agreement that she would mentor me and help me build my own brand. I thought it was going well at first, but then she started to blame for her failures. She started to talk about me behind my back and even commented on my appearance to clients. She became so unprofessional and hostile that I dreaded going to work. I felt sick sometimes. Then one day she got physical with me and that was it. I let her know exactly what I thought about her and her office romances. I also confided in a good friend that was a large investor in Tech Wildcatters. Gabriella eventually apologized, but a few months later, she had me fired. She spent those months creating a paper trail of fake problems and issues, which she blamed me for. She didn't have the nerve to fire me and she didn't even come to the office that day. I tried calling and emailing her afterward, but she ignored me. I heard from a friend that still worked there that Gabriella was telling everyone she was going to sue me for harassment. Now that I am doing great and my career has really taken off, I decided to contact Gabriella. Her career has tanked and she is a struggling writer and reality tv star hopeful without a publisher or agent. My advice to everyone is to let people know how you feel and you will feel much better. I know I do. Have fun being a loser Gabriella.

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Vorachai Tejapaibul, Tech Wildcatters, Dallas, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Usually nice but bipolar. He stares at me a lot, which makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't think he has any friends.

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Gabriella Zielke, Tech Wildcatters, Dallas, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

CEO is a scam artist and the accelerator is a bad joke. Investors and debtors have come calling, and she will more than likely be forced to shut down the company or resign. Embezzlement is her game, and now the banks, investors and press are onto her. Oh yeah, all of the employees quit so its just her in that office.

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Category: Scumbag Investor

Ricky Tejapaibul, Tech Wildcatters, Dallas, Fort Worth

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Greedy, lying, incompetent, deceitful, two faced POS running a jerk me off accelerator in DFW that preys on startups and young women. Avoid him and his North Texas Angel Network crooks Jeff Murphy, Trey Bowles, and Chris Wilkes.

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Category: Event Planner

Jewels Clark, Tech Wildcatters, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Naive is putting it nicely. Liar is what she is. Don't let her play her games on you. She made me look real bad in front of my boss. She screwed up and deflected the blame. I'll be okay, but we will never ever work with Tech Wildcatters again.

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Category: Financial Advisor

Vorachai Ricky Tejapaibul, Frisco, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I know there a lot of people bashing on Molly Cain, but she has not worked at Tech Wildcatters since 2013. Ricky Tejapaibul has been running it since then. He refused to hire Molly back. His decision set Tech Wildcatters on a path of destruction. They moved offices every year when the lease payments were due. They have closed their doors in their only location, Dallas. Ricky ran off every investor and has been unable to raise a fund. Not a single fund. He brought back Gabriella Zielke, but she lost interest in Ricky. Besides, all of the old investors were after her for scamming them. So Ricky is in charge of classes that are free. Even with free food, no one really attends except his friends and Indian call center scammers like Saif Naveed. What a great face to put on the Dallas startup scene. NOT!

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Category: Capital Financing

Ricky Tejapaibul, Tech Wildcatters, Dallas, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

After 6 months of working with Mr. Ricky Tejapaibul, I can say with conviction that he is a liar and a crook. Everything from his name to his LinkedIn to his word are all lies.

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