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2.0 out of 5.



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La Vetta Martensen, Cowan Systems, Baltimore, MD

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Makes things personal. Shows favoritism. Never took time to see what her employees jobs consist of, but has made decisions to changed procedures she doesn't understand. Her grammar is terrible for someone in that role and she has continued to over staff that department to where people don't have enough work to do.

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La Vetta Martensen, Cowan Systems, Baltimore, MD

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Didn't take the time to learn what her employees do so she could make educated and smart choices with changes to the department. Spends a lot of time indulging in drama and creating it. Made everything personal. Very unprofessional.

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Lavetta martensen, Cowan systems, Baltimore, MD

Rating: 5 out of 5.

One of the best people I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Likes to have fun while getting the work done.

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Lawrence Carter, DHMH, Baltimore, MD

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This *** needs to retire. He is inconsistent, childish, and has ego issues. He treats his staff like secretaries and not as co-workers. He expects for his staff to know what he wants via osmosis. He does not train you, but expects for you to already know what to do. He asks for your opinion, but never uses any suggestions you give. He only wants to make the decisions and call the shots. He will not create a operations manual because he is afraid someone will learn how to do his job better than him and possibly take his position. I cant stand working for this pompous windbag.

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Lisafedele, Cisco systems

Rating: 1 out of 5.

By far the worst manager I've ever seen in my 20+ year career. Political, plays favorites, can't see past the tip of her nose. Avoid. Avoid. Avoid.

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Dustin & Ronnie, Pelican Pointe Car Wash, LaPlace, Metairie, LA, 70068

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I sincerely thought I would be giving this company a rating if “5” after I worked for them since 2014 up until 2021. Sadly, after 7 devoted years of working my way up from being a walk in hired manager who co-managed with multiple other managers at different locations to being given my own wash that I ran for over 2 years without any major problems up until the pandemic started. For some reason we (a car wash) was labeled as “essential”. This did ensure my employment during a very hard time while others were finding themselves unemployed however, my household faced a problem which caused me GREAT emotional, physical and mental hardships - when Covid broke out, my (at the time) 9 year old stepsons doctor contacted my wife and informed her that she would need to lockdown our home to ensure that he didn’t come in contact with this virus due to the fact that he had a low immune disorder and when people did have to enter her home she needed to take all precautions possible. And there I was, having to accept the fact that my working to ensure my families home and financial well-being and being blessed to be able to continue to do so however I found in doing so and returning to our home each day put my stepsons LIFE at risk. I didn’t realize that this internal war I was having within my head was reflecting in my work. Rather than calling me in, sitting me down and talking to me, asking what’s going on, my higher-ups chose to use my few mistakes- and YES, there were literally 2-3 mistakes I made right before my boss who I answer to came to the wash I ran and literally took my shop from me, no questions asked about my mistakes. He stripped me of my head manager title and relocated me to a wash that was approx a 45 min to an hour drive away from my home and my family which was literally smack in the middle of a “high rating Covid zone”. I took this demotion as I was not going to flat out quit due to knowing that finding another job during this time would be near impossible. For about 3-4 months I went out there to work. Within the first week I realized they had canceled my company gas card which I seriously needed in order to continue to have reliable transportation to the newly demoted position. The “head manager” of the location treated me like I was new and this was literally after 7 years of devotion to this company. One day I was late, I called on my way in while stuck in traffic on interstate letting them know I would be there as soon as possible but I was at a stand still sue to a wreck ahead of me. That day nothing was said to me about anything however the next morning when I arrived at work on time, I was called into the head managers office and I was FIRED on the spot! I LITERALLY WAS NEVER THANKED FOR ALL THE TIMES I WAS THE REASON WHY THIS MAN RONNIES BUSINESS LOCATIONS WEREN’T CLOSED DUE TO BROKEN PARTS OF THE WASH - I was way more than just a manager - I WAS THE CAR WASH MECHANIC & THE AUYOMOTIVE MECHANIC bc when the wash damaged a customers vehicle, I was the person who fixed it- not a shop ( unless it was needing to be painted). Needless to say, THE PELICAN POINTE CAR WASH located in SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA AREA TREATED ME LIKE TRASH AFTER I FULLY DEVOTED MY LIVE BESIDES MY HOME LIFE TO WORKING FOR THEM - I even had planned to retire from that company bc I did enjoy my time employed there ... even without praise, thanks or acknowledgement... even after doing good things which benefited the company they chose to degrade anything they chose to rather than admit that on MANY different occasions, I was the ONLY one who was worth a damn. I have RECEIPTS for everything I’ve stated- EMPLOYEE WITNESSES as well as PERSONAL WITNESSES of the way I was treated... As the owner celebrates 10 years of 2 *** shows working got him, he could care less about everything I did - I admitted then AND am saying it now - I WAS MARRIED TO MY JOB... got treated like absolute *** and I honestly REGRET every penny I saved that USING SORRY EXCUSE FOR AN “EMPLOYER”! And YES, I AM in contact with lawyers to discuss possible legal ill-will they caused me due to their treatment of me and their refusal to concern themselves with my well-being during a literal pandemic... DISGUSTING AND UNFORGIVABLE!

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Vicki Suplee, Louisiana DOTD, Baton Rouge, LA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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Vicki Suplee, Louisiana DOTD, Baton Rouge, LA

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Vicki Suplee, Louisiana DOTD, Baton Rouge, LA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This supervisor was allowed to engage in defined health harming workplace harassment behaviors. She makes you sit in her office for long periods for personal conservations but will bite your head off if you approach her with anything work related. She is the office gossip. She is digging for information to spread and degrade and humiliate and sabotage you with. Very stress inducing. If you start trying to tell her that you have work to do to avoid those situations, she doesn't care. She does not care about the work. She does not know or does not want to be bothered with how you are trained. She did not know how I was trained regarding primary (time sensitive) and secondary (not time sensitive) work and overtime. She degraded and humiliated me around the office over this issue, then pounded me for an an hour till I had a breakdown, stood very closely over me in my chair (physical violence and intimidation) I was forced to resign over this issue and to leave my retirement system. Constructive discharge which apparently she had done repeatedly to employees in her 20 years there. She asked me and another lower level employee for back rubs for back pain which I know now was only to degrade and humiliate us. Another employee said she would not work under this woman. Another former coworker described her as vindictive. Another former coworker described her behavior at a social gathering after she left as abusive, unprofessional, disrespectful and humiliating. Harassment behaviors seriously affect the mental health and stress levels of the target which in turn affects work performance, focus and concentration and behavior of the target. She knows this and is allowed to harass with no supervision.

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john google, google, rockville, MD

Rating: 1 out of 5.


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