Average rating of the most matched results:

1.0 out of 5.



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Mark Fisher, Manor Tavern, Monkton, MD

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Extremely rude and condescending. Treats employees with no respect, makes employees feel stupid or inferior. Would not recommend hiring this man.

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Mr Bill Daubner, Park Manor, Park Falls, WI, 54552

Rating: 1 out of 5.

The worst supervisor ever. He took off all the time to bait for bear and deer during work hours. Lots of staff complaining on his scheduling. Lazy and condescending.

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I worked in laundry for 2+ yrs. Had to work 2 hours free every shift,...

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Mr Bill Daubner, Park Manor, Park Falls, WI, 54552

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I worked in laundry for 2+ yrs. Had to work 2 hours free every shift, no lunch no break. Worked this way to care for the elderly residents in the Home. Administration and State knew but nothing was done. With nearly 2 yrs expernce, had $1/hr pay taken. Also had hours shorted tho work load stayed same. Pay went down 1/3 to 1/2. Was living in Subsidized Housing, and tho I proved pay had dropped my RENT WAS STILL RAISED. No assistance from State there either. Was Evicted from rent controlled apartment and got Fired from job - no Unemployment. This is the tip of the iceberg. It was years ago - both my parents had strokes, and my mom had heart trouble. NEITHER ARE IN THIS CARE HOME. Can there be a LOWER 'Rating' than a '1'?

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Mark Mitchell, 300 W summit Ave Suite 210 Charlotte, NC 28203

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He is abusive, toxic and manipulative. He has his team members work excessive overtime. I’ve worked from a 5am-3am many times and I know other team members have as well. I was constantly contacted on time off or PTO. I was told I could not take my covid sick leave or my medical leave when my neck was fractured. My boss ignored me, clients and coworkers. He has burned bridges with clients, coworkers and other work related relationships. When he messed up he blamed those at the lower levels of the hierarchy to take the heat off himself. He had very poor communication and would give deadlines as late as 4pm and expect them the following morning complete when these assignments normally take weeks. The most unorganized, rude, disrespectful, manipulative, lying, lazy “leader” I have ever worked with. He harassed me during my lunches, on my time off and discriminated my health situation which never got in the way of completing my duties. I was never given the opportunity to take my leave even though it was included in my benefit plan.

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john google, google, rockville, MD

Rating: 1 out of 5.


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Lawrence Carter, DHMH, Baltimore, MD

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This *** needs to retire. He is inconsistent, childish, and has ego issues. He treats his staff like secretaries and not as co-workers. He expects for his staff to know what he wants via osmosis. He does not train you, but expects for you to already know what to do. He asks for your opinion, but never uses any suggestions you give. He only wants to make the decisions and call the shots. He will not create a operations manual because he is afraid someone will learn how to do his job better than him and possibly take his position. I cant stand working for this pompous windbag.

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Lavetta martensen, Cowan systems, Baltimore, MD

Rating: 5 out of 5.

One of the best people I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Likes to have fun while getting the work done.

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Sphere MD, David Shubin, PORTLAND, OR

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Very unpleasant boss who has no concern for his employees and is incredibly cheap.

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La Vetta Martensen, Cowan Systems, Baltimore, MD

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Makes things personal. Shows favoritism. Never took time to see what her employees jobs consist of, but has made decisions to changed procedures she doesn't understand. Her grammar is terrible for someone in that role and she has continued to over staff that department to where people don't have enough work to do.

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La Vetta Martensen, Cowan Systems, Baltimore, MD

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Didn't take the time to learn what her employees do so she could make educated and smart choices with changes to the department. Spends a lot of time indulging in drama and creating it. Made everything personal. Very unprofessional.

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