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Mo wark, Zoiglhaus llc, Portland, OR

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Self centered and out of touch. Is a director of operations so he should be great at communicating and delegating work. Sadly isn't good at either. Is very out of touch with the duties of a front of house general manager. Lies about things he said to do and will blame you for his short comings. Is a director of operations for pints and has had whole restraunts quit on him for his incompetence. Loves to talk about his trip to Vietnam and joke about " going back to serving" I doudt he ever was a server seeing as he has no idea how to sell a ticket and routinely sells smaller tickets in the kitchen before large ones that came in first causing angry customers and comping them beers. Is out of shape and eats for free while constantly raising food prices and employee prices. Stares and excel sheets like he's trying to figure out some sort of complex theory and thinks highly of his skills (or lack there of) when literally any kid born after 1990 could do his job and set up those excel sheets seeing as how to use excel and add formulas and graphs and figure out how to balance expenses and increase revenue since this is all taught in any public high school. I don't know who's *** he has to *** to get this position but he must be able to *** chrome off rims with his income. As I said earlier jokes about going back to serving because minimum wage got raised as if the amount of money we are being paid these days is equivalent to what his fat *** was making in high school but with less buying power. Saying that should be easy to figure out why that's insulting. To joke about that when you're well off and cutting servers hours and making enough money to survive comfortably at that really shows how much he cares. Quality of work has really fallen off and he recently fired our host who was hired as a server and never got serving hours even though the kid always got great reviews (customers seemed to love him) and was always receiving praise for scoring perfect seceret shopper scores. It was sad to see him go after being strung along for so long and was the only worker who lived in the community and truly wanted to see the place thrive. Poor kid was the happiest and most driven person when he started with no experience and quickly picked it up and had an open mind trying to constantly get better. I have been here for years and honestly am leaving soon seeing the direction he's taking the restaurant. I.E. getting rid of the host, getting rid of the front of house general manager,cutting hours while hiring more people for menial jobs (expo,more servers with less hours [keeping hours low as to not give employees insurance.] also does not lead by example when operating at front of house general manager by delegating tasks that take longer to ask someone to do rather than doing it himself and letting the worker know. Gives bullshit excuses as to why it's more logical to make you do something that he should easily know how to do. The more I've seen him involved and sweating and talking to table the less and less I've seen regular customers come in. Does not hesitate to blame other for things that he did. Not to mention he walks up to severs tables after the customers leave to check how much the servers are being tipped. Expects servers to pay for food and soup that they are expected to know how it tastes, how much comes in a serving, and how many people it can feed. Is quick to cut hours, positions, benefits, cut himself when he longer feels urge to work all to keep his salary paid the same. Also enjoys walking up to servers tables while the server is busy making the rounds to their other tables and then act as if the server isn't doing their job. I do not doudt that if zoiglhaus intends to prosper and be a true staple of the community mo's gotta be the first to go, not to mention employing people from the neighborhood seeing as that's what's going to help bring up the neighborhood and bring them together. I've seen a lot less regulars since they got rid of the poor kid who was hired as a server and treated as a host. Honestly he's so bad at communicating that emails me and other employees have sent him about issues that need to be resolved and demands responses to emails that truly do not a require a response. Also likes to talk down to employees by using slightly better diction than a sophomore in an English class as he believes that using clever words to say something rude and unprofessional because he seems to think no one who works below him (saying below because this guy truly doesn't understand the first thing about motivating a team of servers or the kitchen and definitely only considers him self as a big *** instead of part of the team or [family] as he would call it whilst bullshit literally and figuratively pours from his mouth.) the owners who own zoiglhaus and pints should send someone in to watch and see what he actually gets done and how he works under the guise of being trained for a director of operations job at another location because god knows this guy couldn't even pass the test the servers must complete to work there. Likes to add how no one pulls their weight with out taking in to considerstion how understaffed the restaurant is and that poor kid he had hosting instead of working the position he was hired for had his name slandered because mo had asked the poor kid to run food and to hurry and go clean all the tables and had him running around like crazy pointing out dirty tables that the servers are supposed to clean (literally in the job description) which would make him leave the host stand and then talk about him forn not seating new customers after even though when he was trained he was told to only keep the front 8 window side booths clean as to never be far from the host stand. And don't even get me started on the amount of *** he gives us (servers) as an example during the fall of 2016 he had asked a morning server who had a lot of sidework to get done before opening to go sweep the fallen leaves out front in front of our neighboring business which the neighboring business owner yelled at the poor guy for and that mo blamed on the server. Here's hoping you find this review before even considering him for another director of operations/ front of house general manager to save your business the money and loss of customers and valued employees. He has after all already lost pints a whole staff (server, dishwasher, and kitchen) in Arizona I believe and had to leave zoiglhaus for a week as to hire new staff/ crew. If I can save even one company/ person the displeasure of meeting and or hiring/ working with him then I feel as if I've done the community and industry a great service.

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Gail Shibley, State of Oregon, Portland, OR

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Promoted her friends even if they weren't qualified for the position. Power hungry. Unpleasant to work with.

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Sphere MD, David Shubin, PORTLAND, OR

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Very unpleasant boss who has no concern for his employees and is incredibly cheap.

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Rating: 1 out of 5.

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Ozarks Coca-Cola/Dr Pepper, Springfield, MO

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Too blinded by the almighty dollar and arrogance of new management staff refuses to admit they are RAPIDLY declining in employee and customer relations.

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Category: Texas Pandemic

Tower of Toys LLC, 100 Peninsula Dr, Rowlett, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Their IT department is working overtime. More fake 5 star reviews. The fake reviews keep getting removed but more keep coming. When you don't care about Covid 19 or the health of other people, this is what happens.

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Category: Restaurant

Mc Donalds, 5613 se 82nd, portland, 97266

Rating: 1 out of 5.

The experience I had with some restaurant employees was really terrible. Breakfast is supposed to start serving at 4 but I went to pick up an order at 3:30 and they refused to serve it.When I asked the boy why? If breakfast starts at 4, one girl aswer me very rude and disrespectful, YELLING that I had to move and cancel the order (I'm Uber) I told her to calm down, stop yelling me, those weren't manners to talk to a costumer, and I asked her for a complaint form. She told me go to window. After waiting for almost half an hour, another girl came out and gave me Uber cancellation number. I asked for the claim sheet and she told me they didn't have it, she turned her back on me and left. When I asked for the manager, a Latin Lady told me that it was her, I asked her for her employee id and she told that she didn't have one, the manager wasn't there. Another Latin boy replied "the manager had more important things to do than take care of you ". And finally a very young looking american white boy (or girl) came out without id, saying that it was named Mikey, who was the manager, and could not give me the name of the disrespectful employee, He / she TREATED ME TERRIBLE, and asked me to leave ... La experiencia que tuve con algunos empleados del restaurante fue realmente terrible. Se supone que el desayuno comienza a servirse a las 4, pero fui a recoger un pedido regular a las 3:30 y se negaron a servirlo. Cuando le pregunté al chico el por qué? Si el desayuno comienza a las 4, una chica me responde muy grosera e irrespetuosa, GRITANDO que tenía que moverme y cancelar la orden (soy Uber) Le dije que se calmara, que dejara de gritarme, que esos no eran modales para hablarle a un cliente, y le pedí una hoja de reclamaciones. Ella me dijo que fuera a la ventana. Después de esperar casi media hora, salió otra chica y me dio el número de cancelación de Uber. Le pedí la hoja de reclamo y me dijo que no la tenían, me dio la espalda y se fue. Cuando pregunté por el gerente, una Señora de apariencia latina me dijo que era ella en tono de burla, le pregunté por su identificación de empleado y me dijo que no tenía, y que el gerente no estaba. Otro chico latino respondió que el gerente tenía cosas más importantes que hacer que atenderme a mí. Y finalmente un chico (o chica) blanc@ american@ de aspecto muy joven salió sin identificación, diciendo que se llamaba Mikey, que era el gerente, y que no podía darme el nombre del empleado irrespetuoso, e igualmente ME TRATÓ TERRIBLE y me pidió que me fuera ...

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Category: Real Estate

MB Heuer Real Estate LLC, Mike Heuer, Rowlett, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Do not do business with this pushy, insensitive xenophobe. Like other WASPs from his generation, he is a know-it-all with his unimpressive education. He likes to hear himself talk while he lectures everyone around him. He needs to learn that being nosy and pushy only makes matters worse. He shouldn't judge people based on their appearance or age. He needs to worry about his own *** and appearance!

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Category: Restaurant

McDonald's, Columbia Blvd /MLK, Portland, OR, 97211

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Made my order they don't have a screen to tell you your total she said some numbers and took my card no receipt, I had to look at my bank to see what they changed me for my food..

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Category: Doctor

Darrell C Brett, Portland, OR

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Excellelnt Doctor, very thorough and professional. I had great care before and after surgery.

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