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GovCity, Molly Cain, MA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This is a company of 1. 1 employee. Molly Cain. She is a well known liar and scam artist from Dallas, Texas. Her LinkedIn profile is a lie. Her work experience is made up (except for the jobs she was fired from). She has several companies that are fronts. She uses these in a tangled web of deceipt to support her other fake companies. GlassHeel. GovCity. SumoVentures.

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Category: Molly Cain

Molly Cain, IRS, GovCity, Capital Factory, Dallas, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Ask Hubert Zacek at Health Wildcatters what he thinks about Molly Cain. He can't stand her and laughed when she was fired and run out of the dallas startup community like the little troll she is.

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Category: Startup Advisor

Molly Cain, DHS Capital Factory GovCity, Washington DC, DC

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Molly looks like a short, bull butch but acts like an entitled princess. Her father in law got her a job in the government working for DHS but her position was merged/eliminated. Plus, her husband filed for divorse so her inlaws couldn't save her bs job. That's fancy for she got fired for all the right reasons. All of us guys at DHS had a party when we heard the news. Ding dong the butch witch is dead. Well, she's not dead. She's apparently a lecturer at Capital Factory claiming she's a lobbyist. Get a life.

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Category: Investor Scam

Gabriella Zielke, Tech Wildcatters, Rowlett, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Gabriella Zielke fired Molly Cain and Clarisa Lindenmeyer from Tech Wildcatters for cause. Molly Cain of GovCity, GlassHeel, and now the IRS. Molly is so awesome and such a visionary that she works with all of the best entrepreneurs and the creative minds at the IRS. That's where the most imaginative and successful business people work...the IRS. Lol. Clarisa Lindenmeyer of Power to Proximity and now on Staff at Gig Wage working for her lover, Craig Lewis. That's right, she's working for Craig. Get you some, girl. Just kidding. That's one of the reasons you were fired...for your *** with Craig during work. Old habits are hard to break. To better yourself, read The Sound of Creation.

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Category: Molly Cain

GovCity, GlassHeel, Sumo Ventures, Epigen, Comerica, DHS, IRS, Yoga Instructor Claiming Sexual Harassment

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Molly alleged sexual harassment and hostile work environment against multiple men at 24 Hour Fitness (she is a volunteer assistant to the assistant yoga instructor), DHS, Tech Wildcatters, and GovCity. As you can tell, she makes these allegations pretty much everywhere she works. If you were bored enough to read her blogs on GlassHeel and GovCity, you would know she is a male-bashing ANTIFA nut that believes in equality as long as it discriminates against men and blacks. Read her blogs if you don't believe me. That's right. She is a raccisst from Texas A and M. She wore black face and loved telling black jokes. She has had 3 discrimination complaints filed against her by men and women, all were black. She was fired from 2 of her jobs for harassing her male employees, and fired from another job from fighting with women. She calls them "no big deal, its just a cat fight". She's a lifeless monster of below average intelligence that nobody wants, which makes her perfect to work for the US government. She works at the IRS. That's right. Ms. Smarty Pants that is a world famous entrepreneur, business woman, blogger, and inventor works at the one place on earth that is despised for its bureaucracy, stifling work environment, power hungry losers, and army of boring, mindless nuts that can't cut it in the real world. Congrats you yoga nazi. You finally found a home.

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Category: Startup Advisor

Molly Cain, DHS Capital Factory GovCity, Washington DC, DC

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Molly Cain, new IRS employee, has really done it now. The video of her being fired from Tech Wildcatters is now on youtube and being sent to the cool people. Watch Molly cry, beg, and fingerpoint. Watch Molly accuse Gabriella and Clarisa of sabotaging her career and calling them the b word. Watch Molly claim hostile workplace and blame black entrepreneurs for setting her up in a discrimination claim. Watch her tears wash off her makeup ending up with the crazy clown face. Watch Molly ask why do I keep getting fired from jobs? Watch Molly threaten to sue then cry. Now we are editing the video of her vandalizing the office. And then there is the videos of her crying, screaming and cursing at her coworkers. Maybe we will have time to upload the video of Molly drunk in the office. Totally wasted. Classy Molly Cain, you are finally a social media star. Good luck shutting down the youtube account. try your best!!!

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Category: Molly Cain

Startup Scammer, Associate Director IRS GlassHeel Sumo Ventures

Rating: 1 out of 5.

By the time Molly was fired from Tech Wildcatters, she had come to work late, drunk, half ***, and crying. I can personally attest to this. One of my projects was to document Molly's unprofessionalism and violations of the company's employee handbook. The company had to revamp the handbook just for Molly. Then the company made Molly sign it. In 2 weeks, she racked up 11 violations. I still have the reports. 3 hours late, intoxicated, sleeping in the office, crying in the office, late again, teamwork violations (yelling at coworkers), and crying in the conference room. She was never cited for dress code but she should have been. She dressed lik

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Category: Molly Cain

Associate Director, Enterprise Digitalization at Internal Revenue Service , Director of Venture at Epigen, 10321 Lynford Dr, Dallas, TX and Washington DC and Virginia

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Anyone that knows Molly Cain knows she is a backstabbing coworker, liar, and xenophobe. From her days at Texas A&M to her short stints at pretty much every startup center in Dallas, she has spread her toxic, wine-infused brand of male bashing, brown hating, white Karen powered rants. With multiple charges of discrimination against her, she retaliates by filing hostile work environment and sexual harassment charges against her coworkers. Quite possibly the rudest person to work with but at the same time, the cracks in her fragile ego make her cry her eyes out at work and in public settings. Its bipolar Jekyll and Hyde at its best. But instead of taking an antidote or listening to her many therapists, she makes a lethal cocktail of prescription antidepressants with cheap wine. She does not work well with other women. Ask any of us that have worked with her and the few poor souls that worked for her. She is a train wreck in heels.

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Category: Financial Advisor

Vorachai Ricky Tejapaibul, Frisco, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I know there a lot of people bashing on Molly Cain, but she has not worked at Tech Wildcatters since 2013. Ricky Tejapaibul has been running it since then. He refused to hire Molly back. His decision set Tech Wildcatters on a path of destruction. They moved offices every year when the lease payments were due. They have closed their doors in their only location, Dallas. Ricky ran off every investor and has been unable to raise a fund. Not a single fund. He brought back Gabriella Zielke, but she lost interest in Ricky. Besides, all of the old investors were after her for scamming them. So Ricky is in charge of classes that are free. Even with free food, no one really attends except his friends and Indian call center scammers like Saif Naveed. What a great face to put on the Dallas startup scene. NOT!

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Category: IRS

Molly Cain, Associate director of enterprise digitalization

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She is the same molly that was fired from tech wildcatters, comerica bank, and zielke investments. Her boss Gabriella thought so much of Molly's skills, that she fired her. That's right. Fired and cursed out. Molly cried like the backstabber she is. She was using Gabriella to pump up her side gigs with glassheel and govcity. Both flopped. Molly is now an employee of the IRS. Perfect place for this friendless, husbandless, barren, cold hearted male basher. I'm sure she'll leave a wake of sexual harassment claims and allegations of sexism there just like she did everywhere else, including Epigen and comerica. No one will touch her in Texas. Not even capital factory. She is like a cancer to any organization.

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Divorced for being a pos cheating ***e. The same Molly Cain that lied ...

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