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Category: Cant Even Say Shes A Teacher Shes Too Fat And Rude.

words can't describe how bad she is, 943 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11226

Rating: 1 out of 5.

ms mcgarrity can go *** herself. i bet all her husband uses her for is to make her some sandwiches (if she can even handle not eating them). All i can say is..... GO BACK TO THE KITCHEN YOU *** I BET YOU HAVE 10 HUSBANDS TO FEED YOU *** 10 LARGE BIG MAC MEALS MINIMUM.

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Category: Boss

Mo wark, Zoiglhaus llc, Portland, OR

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Self centered and out of touch. Is a director of operations so he should be great at communicating and delegating work. Sadly isn't good at either. Is very out of touch with the duties of a front of house general manager. Lies about things he said to do and will blame you for his short comings. Is a director of operations for pints and has had whole restraunts quit on him for his incompetence. Loves to talk about his trip to Vietnam and joke about " going back to serving" I doudt he ever was a server seeing as he has no idea how to sell a ticket and routinely sells smaller tickets in the kitchen before large ones that came in first causing angry customers and comping them beers. Is out of shape and eats for free while constantly raising food prices and employee prices. Stares and excel sheets like he's trying to figure out some sort of complex theory and thinks highly of his skills (or lack there of) when literally any kid born after 1990 could do his job and set up those excel sheets seeing as how to use excel and add formulas and graphs and figure out how to balance expenses and increase revenue since this is all taught in any public high school. I don't know who's *** he has to *** to get this position but he must be able to *** chrome off rims with his income. As I said earlier jokes about going back to serving because minimum wage got raised as if the amount of money we are being paid these days is equivalent to what his fat *** was making in high school but with less buying power. Saying that should be easy to figure out why that's insulting. To joke about that when you're well off and cutting servers hours and making enough money to survive comfortably at that really shows how much he cares. Quality of work has really fallen off and he recently fired our host who was hired as a server and never got serving hours even though the kid always got great reviews (customers seemed to love him) and was always receiving praise for scoring perfect seceret shopper scores. It was sad to see him go after being strung along for so long and was the only worker who lived in the community and truly wanted to see the place thrive. Poor kid was the happiest and most driven person when he started with no experience and quickly picked it up and had an open mind trying to constantly get better. I have been here for years and honestly am leaving soon seeing the direction he's taking the restaurant. I.E. getting rid of the host, getting rid of the front of house general manager,cutting hours while hiring more people for menial jobs (expo,more servers with less hours [keeping hours low as to not give employees insurance.] also does not lead by example when operating at front of house general manager by delegating tasks that take longer to ask someone to do rather than doing it himself and letting the worker know. Gives bullshit excuses as to why it's more logical to make you do something that he should easily know how to do. The more I've seen him involved and sweating and talking to table the less and less I've seen regular customers come in. Does not hesitate to blame other for things that he did. Not to mention he walks up to severs tables after the customers leave to check how much the servers are being tipped. Expects servers to pay for food and soup that they are expected to know how it tastes, how much comes in a serving, and how many people it can feed. Is quick to cut hours, positions, benefits, cut himself when he longer feels urge to work all to keep his salary paid the same. Also enjoys walking up to servers tables while the server is busy making the rounds to their other tables and then act as if the server isn't doing their job. I do not doudt that if zoiglhaus intends to prosper and be a true staple of the community mo's gotta be the first to go, not to mention employing people from the neighborhood seeing as that's what's going to help bring up the neighborhood and bring them together. I've seen a lot less regulars since they got rid of the poor kid who was hired as a server and treated as a host. Honestly he's so bad at communicating that emails me and other employees have sent him about issues that need to be resolved and demands responses to emails that truly do not a require a response. Also likes to talk down to employees by using slightly better diction than a sophomore in an English class as he believes that using clever words to say something rude and unprofessional because he seems to think no one who works below him (saying below because this guy truly doesn't understand the first thing about motivating a team of servers or the kitchen and definitely only considers him self as a big *** instead of part of the team or [family] as he would call it whilst bullshit literally and figuratively pours from his mouth.) the owners who own zoiglhaus and pints should send someone in to watch and see what he actually gets done and how he works under the guise of being trained for a director of operations job at another location because god knows this guy couldn't even pass the test the servers must complete to work there. Likes to add how no one pulls their weight with out taking in to considerstion how understaffed the restaurant is and that poor kid he had hosting instead of working the position he was hired for had his name slandered because mo had asked the poor kid to run food and to hurry and go clean all the tables and had him running around like crazy pointing out dirty tables that the servers are supposed to clean (literally in the job description) which would make him leave the host stand and then talk about him forn not seating new customers after even though when he was trained he was told to only keep the front 8 window side booths clean as to never be far from the host stand. And don't even get me started on the amount of *** he gives us (servers) as an example during the fall of 2016 he had asked a morning server who had a lot of sidework to get done before opening to go sweep the fallen leaves out front in front of our neighboring business which the neighboring business owner yelled at the poor guy for and that mo blamed on the server. Here's hoping you find this review before even considering him for another director of operations/ front of house general manager to save your business the money and loss of customers and valued employees. He has after all already lost pints a whole staff (server, dishwasher, and kitchen) in Arizona I believe and had to leave zoiglhaus for a week as to hire new staff/ crew. If I can save even one company/ person the displeasure of meeting and or hiring/ working with him then I feel as if I've done the community and industry a great service.

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Category: Teacher

ms mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

she a negative infinity tf . she a whole beluga whale with her 90k salary , she just sits around alll day in her room and does nun else i dont even know how she goes up the stairs every morning ? . she be struggling REALLL hard man shes fat as FUJCK and she can smd because ain't no way she looks like she calls deep fried oreos a "quick snack" she look like ursala's reincarnation . whoever said she should be on tlc , i agree , she should be on my 1000 pound life with her *** weighing 10 tons with her 1990's looking *** haircut bro . she could jump off a building for all i care , oh damn wait she cant possibly jump so i hope she falls down the stairs and lands on her head and bleeds all over the place and i hope somebody does the sturdy on her while that

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Category: Teacher

Miss DiBella, Readington middle School, Whitehouse Station, NJ, 08889

Rating: 2 out of 5.

This teacher has been nothing but a nightmare Since day one. my boys came home excited about the new young teacher who is pretty as the months went on all I heard was how she’s dressing to school. Mind you these are 12 year old boys. Low cut shirts tight yoga like pants . Oh boy no wonder they can’t concentrate lmao. It gets better she grades poorly even if your essays are up to standards. As a parent you want to see why she grades the way she does but never shows evidence to why she grades the way she does. So how is a child to know what they’re doing wrong? She calls parents over the tiniest stupid things that she can workout herself. If you come in to speak with her be ready to watch facial expressions if she doesn’t like how the conversation is going. Back to any essays you write if you feel you deserve a better grade and you challenge it she will make your life a living hell in class. Shes young lacks experience and isn’t wise at all. Kids can’t take her seriously and she’s tough too, tough that she loses her classes respect. They despise her. Too bad because she can’t handle criticism so she will never be a great teacher ever. And that Middle school lacks great LAnguage Art teachers. That school is so focused on trying to be ranked high but they don’t have any skills on reaching out to the children. Too busy pushing work through but really not being helpful or taking any criticism by anyone. They act like they’re untouchable. Honestly can’t wait for my kids to be done with school. The system is broken they need to revamp education altogether.

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Category: Teacher

ms mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Reminder that none of the words she saids to you and the way she is overly strict and disciplinary isn't relevant to real life in any way. She is a sad human being that projects her own problems onto poor 12 and 13 year olds. If she yells at you, don't take it personally, please, I took it personally for many years and needlessly suffered over nothing. Just remember that she is a NPC bot who is upset about her own lack of control of her life, so she powertrips to control little kids. She has no one, not even the fiance she claims (a lie she's been saying for over a decade). So just feel pity for this sad human being. Don't take anything personally. Nothing you do is your fault, just be yourself and never let her dictate your own worth. Remember you can always report her to Mrs. Sadiki if she does something unfair to your grade. Then report her again once she becomes passive aggressive to you afterwards for reporting her. It doesn't matter, just mention how she bullies kids and wrecks their self esteem.

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Category: Teacher

ms mcgarrity, is187, is 187, new york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

man she *** *** bro this fat *** lays around in her chair for 12 hours, she cant even get up, the technology she teaches us is *** bro she needs to get fired, they’ll probably fire her by giving her a year of free mcdonalds bro. When she gets up an earthquake occurs bro this teacher gay as *** she probably spend 6 hours trying to find a chair on ebay that fits her. Shes so rude to us and when were late for like minutes because the last teacher had to talk to us she says your late and when we try to explain she says nope nope no. Like bro she so fat she cant even sleep on the wrong side of the bed bro.

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Category: Dentist

Don Foster, 2205 Clinton Hwy, Powell 37849, TN

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Let me just say that if I can just keep one person from making the mistake of going to this place I will. I feel strongly that word of mouth for businesses is a strong and powerful thing. I had read the reviews for this dentist office and from that I had made the decision to take myself and my two kids there. I made the appointment and had to wait three whole weeks before we went. I made the appointment for us all three to go the same day my Son missed work and my daughter missed School we drove from Kingston to Powell and when we got there we were stopped right off the bat and told that they were going to have to reschedule us with a grin on their face the whole entire time and an attitude as if they could care less that the hygienist had just left because she said she was sick well that's all fine and good however I didn't get a call to say hey we need to reschedule no they waited until we got there to tell us this then proceeded to make me feel like it was my fault and really just had an attitude the whole entire time that they could care less when I told them that school was missed and work was missed the plan for that day was to all three have our teeth cleaned and then the dentist come in and do an initial analysis on what was going to need to be done for us in the way of cavities and such and then we would come back another day to get that stuff done well when I told the lady that that was the plan that I had made with whoever I made the appointment with that day she acted like I made it up or something and so I was at the understanding that she was saying even though they were having to reschedule us we still wasn't going to have gotten our teeth cleaned and a review of our teeth that same day so with a lot of anger building I said okay well my son can't miss work too much because he just started this job so we were going to have to put him a couple of weeks out and me and my daughter needed the next available because like I said it had been three weeks waiting on this appointment and told her that we needed the next available to have our teeth cleaned and have him look at her teeth to tell us what needed to be done and she got very snippy and rude and said well it will be a whole month out at least and even then I can't guarantee you that you can get your teeth cleaned and looked at on the same day even though that was the plan that we were going to do this day then when I said no we cannot wait a whole other month we've already waited 3 weeks to come today we just can't wait that long and she said well that's not my problem and just made me and my daughter feel like it was our fault that the hygienist had left early that day and was very very very rude so we just wound up saying forget it we would go somewhere else and all her and the other *** had to say was sorry in a very sarcastic manner and a *** eating grin on there ugly *** faces so anyway i can't stress enough to anyone who is reading this how rude and bitchy this woman was if I can just stop one person for making a mistake of going there then so be it it is called the Smile Center of course we never did get to go back and see the dentist so I do not know if he is a nice guy or not but I will bet you that he does not know what a *** his front ladies are being to his potential customers and he might want to look into it because he's going to be losing money because of them anyway I just hope that this review may help some people in making their choice I know there are so many dentists out there and like I said I made this appointment based off of reviews that I had read but my experience with this place was terrible I left there in absolute tears.

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Category: Dentist

craig berry, woodmere, long island, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I decided to write this review regarding Dr. Craig Berry (endodontist) so as to warn everybody about his guy. In one short plain sentence-------He is one inconsiderate money grubbing fellow that is interested in one thing only ------namely making lots of money. The patient for him does not exist--- only how much money is involved for his service !! I went to hlm for a root canal and he urged me to get the authorization from my insurance company to allow him to go ahead with the work. It was not easy to do and took me four weeks and many phone calls to get it done (and that was working with his office too). Finally it came to me and I made an appointment to see him. I got to the office---- sat in the waiting room for 2 hours and then he calls me in to sit in the dental chair---- and asks me what he can do for me. I showed him the authorization for the root canal-- He looked at the x ray for 3 seconds--- never looked into my mouth and then said "I can't do anything for you" !!!!!! To say I was upset is an understatement !!!!--- I begged him to do the root canal and he got real angry---- the more I talked the angrier he got---- I even asked him if he could just clean out the cavity and not do the root canal--- just remove the cavity---- he did not not want to touch me. So I left the office in a rage---- To add "insult to injury" ---- before I had an opportunity to get further advice about the root canal, it got worse--- my face got swollen and I had to have the tooth extracted Thanks to this GUY. Immediately I understood that Dr. Berry was not happy with the money my insurance company was going to pay for his service. So why why did he make me go to all the trouble and come to his office (by car service because I have a disability and cant walk easily) and then sit for two hours---- all for nothing If you are looking for an endodontist----- this is one guy you want to avoid

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Category: Teacher

Anh Nguyen, California High School, San Ramon, CA, 94583

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Even as a summer school teacher she is disorganized, doesn't know what shes doing, inconsiderate, and is always confused. As a teacher of 21 years I would have expected more as a geometry teacher as well. She doesn't TEACH the curriculum she just says the information and isn't making sure the students actually understand it. After lecturing she expects you to fully know the information and if you are stuck on a question she would say "You just learned this." She also has a rude attitude, if you are stuck on something she literally makes you feel stupid. she gets a 1 because she gives out lollipops. (how are we gonna pass a class that we failed, we are here for a reason and she is in no way helping)

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Category: Teacher

ms.mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 3 out of 5.

I must admit that you have a point. Being "oversensitive" is not a real state of being. Some are naturally more sensitive; others are naturally less sensitive, and no one's sensitivity level inherently makes them a better or worse person. That's why, in my opinion, "oversensitive" and "undersensitive" are not true traits. Do you know what does determine someone's morality though? How they *react* to others. When someone accuses a person of being oversensitive, they sometimes are getting at a very genuine problem: a person behaving irrationally. Namely, they usually mean that the "oversensitive" person complains about minutia rather than prioritizing more important issues--or that the person is simply being unfair in their criticism. I hate to tell you, but based on your rampant reviewing of Ms. McGarrity, it seems you take out quite a bit of anger on her for unfair reasons such as her giving you bad grades or her weight. That said, I do not like that she called you oversensitive because like I explained, there is no such thing as being "too sensitive." You probably will not be able to stop being sensitive, which--unlike Mrs. McGarrity would like to believe--is totally okay! :) However, you can change how you respond to negative influences in your life...including Ms. McGarrity. You can stop incessantly going on about people's perceived flaws, and you know what? People will probably take your criticism more seriously. When you write a logical review about Ms. McGarrity's unfairness, a review that doesn't shame her for her weight or how it must be her fault you got a bad grade--you will start to have real influence over people. If Ms. McGarrity really is a bully and incapable of teaching, your school's administrators may see your terrible-but-legitimate review and think, "Wow, we don't want her around our kids anymore. Let's fire her." So please try to use more logic--or risk continuing to make yourself look like a weak, entitled kid.

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She accused me of being oversensitive. What??? I can't believe she wou...

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