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Dr hatter, 15366 11 st, Victorville, CA

Rating: 3 out of 5.

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Category: Doctor

Dr. Howard Chasolen, wood st. sarasota fl.

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Follow-up After Talking With A Former Worker “ Dear Dr. Chasolen. As you know with all the discussions that we had, hopefully you can understand of my long and odious dental journey that you help put me on , and surly you knew that I had the expense of a total cost to me- starting from the university's cost for $14,000.00 plus Dr. Mish's cost of $11,800.00 and the $37,595.00 to your office ,and to date I have not a single red cent of receiving anything in workmanship nor any money back from you. plus the new cost of $27,000.00 for me to completely start all over again with another dentist, and yet another dentist to correct all of the mistakes at a cost of $29,000.00 so now with a grand total cost of $119,395.00 In all to me. I can not conceive how you must feel, of you departing an 81 year old veteran of $37,595.00 and stalling this case of my going back and forth to your office for two years, and aprox.30 visits at 80 miles per. visit -totaling over 2,500 miles and in very early morning travel (6:00 Am and on several return trips in heavy 5:00 Pm traffic as well) I think in all fairness, I was concerned of you having to pay a fee to the lab in California that you used. -and I offered to sign an affidavit to them in stating that the ten times that they could not get their work right, and that we were not going to accept the unit- as I didn't want them to charge you for the shoddy work that they were doing-time after time, and you said not to worry- as it's being sent back to them, and that they would then realize that you would not be charged at all for it, so instead you were able to keep all the money that I paid to you. I recently met a former worker of yours at the mall and I was told that all your office workers really felt bad for what you were putting me through- and how awful for what you did. I am asking at this time- in all fairness- again- if you would honor a financial adjustment for me ,as if I received a total completion of the work that you started- and if you didn't receive any money – I am sure it would not be fair to you- if you successfully completed my case, and not being paid, you would not like it. You did offer me any models , molds or anything that I may have needed for a new dentist, but I was told that dentist don't really want to use other dentist plans and case items. Please give me a call, an email- or perhaps to meet, and as I mentioned before "that I don't have sour grapes with you" and would be pleased to meet with you if you prefer. I would like to make mention of the $7,000.00 implant cost of Dr. Scott's implant crown- plus the initial cost for you to remove the crown ,as the lab could not line up their work with it, and in all fairness it was damaged at your office by your assistant that chipped it while trying to remove the temp. “Surprising for the two years of my treatments at your office ( you probably worked on my case for about 3 solid hours if any” And that is why it was a total failure, as you did not show any interest for the very complicated case that you stated -when you made me make payment of the $37,595.00 in full long before any work was ever done. You stated to me that it would be better if we removed that $7,000.00 crown to make the lab do their work with less effort, But you charged me $3,000.00 to remove the crown that was chipped at your neglect to removing the temp. unit correctly in the first place. and in closing I did spend an awful lot of unnecessary money- "and I thank God" for not having that additional cost when you sent me to your friend Dr. Ferris- who wanted a ridiculous amount of money for an unnecessary gum graft- and for the sum of $20,900.00- and Dr. Mish laughed and said that I did not need any such gum graft, and the cost to me from your friend Dr. Ferris to tell me of that,- was an additional charge to me for $200.00 Respectfully . Ray Romeo

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Category: Dewntist

howard chasolen, wood street

Rating: 1 out of 5.

“Follow-up After Talking With A Former Worker “ Dear Dr. Chasolen. As you know with all the discussions that we had, hopefully you can understand of my long and odious dental journey that you help put me on , and surly you knew that I had the expense of a total cost to me- starting from the university's cost for $14,000.00 plus Dr. Mish's cost of $11,800.00 and the $37,595.00 to your office ,and to date I have not a single red cent of receiving anything in workmanship nor any money back from you. plus the new cost of $27,000.00 for me to completely start all over again with another dentist, and yet another dentist to correct all of the mistakes at a cost of $29,000.00 so now with a grand total cost of $119,395.00 In all to me. I can not conceive how you must feel, of you departing an 81 year old veteran of $37,595.00 and stalling this case of my going back and forth to your office for two years, and aprox.30 visits at 80 miles per. visit -totaling over 2,500 miles and in very early morning travel (6:00 Am and on several return trips in heavy 5:00 Pm traffic as well) I think in all fairness, I was concerned of you having to pay a fee to the lab in California that you used. -and I offered to sign an affidavit to them in stating that the ten times that they could not get their work right, and that we were not going to accept the unit- as I didn't want them to charge you for the shoddy work that they were doing-time after time, and you said not to worry- as it's being sent back to them, and that they would then realize that you would not be charged at all for it, so instead you were able to keep all the money that I paid to you. I recently met a former worker of yours at the mall and I was told that all your office workers really felt bad for what you were putting me through- and how awful for what you did. I am asking at this time- in all fairness- again- if you would honor a financial adjustment for me ,as if I received a total completion of the work that you started- and if you didn't receive any money – I am sure it would not be fair to you- if you successfully completed my case, and not being paid, you would not like it. You did offer me any models , molds or anything that I may have needed for a new dentist, but I was told that dentist don't really want to use other dentist plans and case items. Please give me a call, an email- or perhaps to meet, and as I mentioned before "that I don't have sour grapes with you" and would be pleased to meet with you if you prefer. I would like to make mention of the $7,000.00 implant cost of Dr. Scott's implant crown- plus the initial cost for you to remove the crown ,as the lab could not line up their work with it, and in all fairness it was damaged at your office by your assistant that chipped it while trying to remove the temp. “Surprising for the two years of my treatments at your office ( you probably worked on my case for about 3 solid hours if any” And that is why it was a total failure, as you did not show any interest for the very complicated case that you stated -when you made me make payment of the $37,595.00 in full long before any work was ever done. You stated to me that it would be better if we removed that $7,000.00 crown to make the lab do their work with less effort, But you charged me $3,000.00 to remove the crown that was chipped at your neglect to removing the temp. unit correctly in the first place. and in closing I did spend an awful lot of unnecessary money- "and I thank God" for not having that additional cost when you sent me to your friend Dr. Ferris- who wanted a ridiculous amount of money for an unnecessary gum graft- and for the sum of $20,900.00- and Dr. Mish laughed and said that I did not need any such gum graft, and the cost to me from your friend Dr. Ferris to tell me of that,- was an additional charge to me for $200.00 Respectfully . Ray Romeo

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Category: Doctor

Alexander Gaukhman, 463 US HWY41 Bypass, Venice, FL, 34229

Rating: 1 out of 5.

"FOLLOW UP" "BEWARE FOR DR. GAUKHMAN & VANESSA'S WORK:" I filed a complaint against Dr. Gaukhman and his assistant with the B.B.B.and his response to the B.B.B. was that I was happy with the shoddy work that his assistant Vanessa performed- and he told the B.B.B. that I was still wearing it for the 11 months of treatment that was a total failure for the two attempts with two different labs that Vanessa used, however in his response to the B.B.B. he stated In the ("copy That I am sending to you as letter #1") that I was happy with their work and that I was still wearing the prosthesis- which is a TOTAL LIE, and letter #2 that I am also sending to you -is a letter from Dr. Larry Dunford stating that the prosthesis is in fact- in Dr. Dunford's possession, and has been since it was removed as not being fit to be used -as also was in the letter from Dr. Dunford that was also sent to you and along with the photos showing exactly what was wrong with the work that was performed by the assistant from Dr. Gakuhman's office. Dr. Dunford was totally amazed to the fact , even though I emphasized to Dr. Gaukhman that the 6 dentist that I got opinions from, all stated that I needed to have only a prosthodontist dentist do the work on me, and certainly not an assistant as Dr. Gaukhman allowed- and not one single time did Dr. Gaukhman ever assist Vanessa's work other than stating that he watches her on a security cameras located in all of the exam rooms. Dr. Misch stated that his wife being a prosthodontist could not do my case as it being too complicated, and needed a prosthodontist and not a non-professional un-trained person without any experience- nor any help did she ever get from Dr. Gaukhman to do the work that I desperately needed. Dr. Dunford did 95% of my work on me and in 10 visits that was performed before ever sending it off to the lab, and when the unit came back as a one piece Ziconia unit from the lab it was 100% perfect , not like the inferior and nonfunctional 4 separate piece units that Vanessa did- and that her work was in such an unprofessional manner and result, BUT instead I received a perfect functional one piece unit -and aesthetically perfect from Dr. Dunford's work,We Sometimes Learn From Other Peoples mistakes, "So Please Learn From My Mistake When I Didn't See Not The So Many Red Flags- And Got Taken For $27,000.00 From Dr. Gaukhman"

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Alexander Gaukhman, 463 US HWY41 Bypass, Venice, FL, 34229

Rating: 1 out of 5.

"UPDATE FOR DR. GAUKHMAN'S FAKE RESPONSE TO THE B.B.B." As Telling them that I am happy with the failed shoddy work that his assistant Vanessa did. Stating to the BBB that I am using the failed $27,000.00 rip off that they gave me, I gave a stated letter from the dentist that completed my work ,stating that the grossly failed work is in his safe keeping, at the new dentist office, but Dr. Gaukhman refused to accept it back and-to give me any of the money back, and knows it is in the possession of my new dentist,his assistant Vanessa planned the whole two failed units from 2 different labs, and did my 11 treatments totally by herself, as a unlicensed, untrained,unprofessional assistant hence the two failed attempts with 2 different labs and all planned so unprofessionally.

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Howard M Chasolen, sarasota, FL

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Beware of Dr. Howard M Chasolen's Dental practice in Sarasota Fl. I went to him two years ago to have an upper dental screw in bridge unit made to connect to the wonderful implants and bone graft work that was done by Dr. Craig M Mish and his superb faculty of Sarasota fl. However, Dr Chasolen dramatically failed to the task of making what he had agreed to make and his promise that he could do it for the sum of $38,190.00 that was paid long before the work was ever sent out to a California discount dental lab. The lab failed to perform on over 10 attempts to make the unit functional and aesthetically appealing, as it was sent back and forth Approx. 15 times, 10 for the same corrections and 5 reg. times for the preliminary work. Dr. Chasolen and I agreed to do an entire new dental plan of a less costly glue in unit but for the same cost of the screw in unit, with a new local lab in Sarasota FL. I agreed to this to get the long and tedious nightmare over with, as I traveled 2500 miles and over 25 visits to Dr. Chasolen's office. But again, the so called new dental plan never took place as discussed on 3-14-18. Nor did I get a call back for an emergency call that I placed to Dr. Chasolen for the temp. unit that was falling out while talking and eating, and after over three days of waiting for a call back, I then had no choice but to go to a new dentist and paid a new fee of $27,000.00 for a new dental plan and a glue in unit ($11,000.00 cheaper than Dr. Chasolen's price. No charges were made to Dr. Chasolen for the failed unit that was cancelled and sent back to the California lab, but Dr. Chasolen thought it would be fair for him to keep all the money that I paid him, and he offered me a mere $7,500.00 refund from my $38,190.00 that I already gave to him plus my new expense of $27,000.00 so my total cost is now $65,5190.00. When I went to Dr. Chasolen for my dental plan I recently had a $7,000.00 new implant that was chipped by him while trying to remove the temp. bridge and also for the issue that the lab could not match it, so Dr Chasolen charged me $3,000.00 to remove the chipped crown. Now the new dentist charged me $2,200.00 to add that back into the new unit, I also paid $550.00 twice for a guide that was lost in Dr. Chasolen's possession

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Bright Dental, Dr Syed, 1300 w Lincoln, Milwaukee, WI

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Terrible. Overpriced (a relative played $150 to have a tooth pulled. Dr Said at Bright Dental charged $300.) Very poor management skills (ALWAYS a waiting room full of people. Today, I had an appointment for 10:00; I got there at 9:50. Didn't see the dentist until 11:10.) I don't want to go back but the implant from two months ago is still hurting so will have to go back. Grrr.

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Bright, Lincoln, Milwaukee, WI

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Terrible. Overpriced (a relative played $150 to have a tooth pulled. Dr Said at Bright Dental CHARGED $300.) Very poor management skills (ALWAYS a waiting room full of people. Today, I had an appointment for 10:00; I got there at 9:50. Didn't see the dentist until 11:10.) I don't want to go back but the implant from two months ago is still hurting so will have to go back. Grrr.

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Grace Lo, Rocky Hill, CT

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Dr. Lo and the hygienists are excellent, however we will be finding a new dentist after many years. Each time I have been to the office, over the years, I have waited 7-10 minutes without exception. I had not ever complained about this wait, as we knew that we would be having a high quality experience. We had a family emergency and were running approximately 10 minutes late on March 4th. I called to tell the office. I was told that I would have to reschedule if I would be any more than ten minutes AND the next appointment would be available in September!!! I asked the office clerk to have the dentist call me and she refused. I told her to them tell Dr. Lo that she has now lost two patients, as my daughter and I were both to see her today. She seemed unconcerned. I did not want to kill myself and race to get there, just to be turned away if we were to be 11 minutes late!!! What a shame, as we loved Dr. Lo. If you are reading this, and know Dr. Lo, please ask her to read this. There is NO other way to forward a complaint to her and I feel that she should know. I would imagine that we are not the only patients who might have run late and were offered a rescheduled appointment in 6 months. This is unacceptable! Things come up and are unavoidable, at times. It is a shame that her office always keeps us waiting, but could not offer the same courtesy to us, in a family emergency OR AT LEAST offer a reasonable time to reschedule. We will no longer be going there.

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Category: Doctor

Keith Seidenstricker, Bakersfield, CA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Called due to abnormal lab results. I was worked in but DR's nurse told me to come at 10am. I arrived at 9:45. The time I was scheduled for was 11:00 am. I'm sick and tired of being told to come extra early for no reason. It's now 11:15 and I'm still waiting. Poor organization.

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