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Richard B. Garden, D,D,S, 555 Benfield rd, Severna Park, MD

Rating: 5 out of 5.

DR Garden is the best dentist I have ever been too. His entire staff are so polite and kind and knowledgeable. I needed 2 serious exstractions removed due to my neglect. DR Garden explained the whole procedure to me in terms that I understood and never felt that I was being scolded or talked down too. His personality is up beat and friendly, and his dental skills and knowledge are superb. I am so happy to have been recommended to DR Garden's practice. D. Calabrese, Maryland

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Dr. Michael Sullivan, Gaylord, MI

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Very sad experience. Dr. Sullivan performed a root canal on my number 13 molar. The root canals of this tooth are very narrow and extended. I warned the Dr. that I had a traumatic experience with elongated tooth roots which for teeth being extracted both as an adolescent and as a young serviceman in the Navy. Both of those times the dentists had a rough time with the teeth. The procedures lasted over 4 hours for the tooth when I was a child, and two visits over 3 hours each when I was in the Navy. Dr. Sullivan assured me that he was capable, and that his skill was superior. I believed him. After his first attempt at root canals on this tooth, Dr. Sullivan sent me home telling me that there wasn’t enough time that day to finish the procedure. Mind you I’m under the influence of sedation at this time. I told Dr. Sullivan that I would rather have the tooth pulled than go through another 3 hours in the chair. Amazingly I believed him again when he told me the reason he couldn’t finish was because of scheduling. He also said that he wanted to prove to his dental assistants he could finish the job! Being as high as I was on the anesthesia I made the poor judgement call to return. Two days went by with excruciating pain in my upper jaw. I was having to take Tylenol and Advil to relieve the discomfort. I went back to Sullivan’s office, asked AGAIN if it would be better to just extract the tooth, and he said it was his opinion he could save it, and this time he could finish the job and apply the cap. So I strapped on his gas mask and knocked myself stupid only to have the “Doctor” root around, stretch my jaw and break off half of what was left of the tooth. When I came to I distinctly remembered the snap, the dental assistant saying “Oh God!”, and the good Dr. scurrying away into another operatory. What was I told this time? Of course that I’d have to come back since it was the tooth’s fault it was so damaged that it cracked, and now he had to make a new cap with his machine. Stoned on the good Dr.’s laughing gas I told him “that’s okay, mistakes happen”. What an idiot I was. The laughing gas wore off and the Tylenol Advil routine lasted a week. I went back to Beacon Dental Center, this time for the last time, to finally get the remnants of my tooth capped. This time he squirted the glue in to fill the root canals, fixed the cap on the tooth, and away I went. Fast forward 5 years and I’m in the chair of a very competent dentist. The dentist asks if I’m in any pain and I mention the constant pain I’ve had on my left sinus area. I’ve felt this pain for three years. I’m shown the current X-ray of the area and the Dentist tells me that it’s not normal. The capped tooth is great work (machine made, remember) but there is stuff in the canals of Number 13 tooth that extend into the sinus. After visits to an Ear Nose Throat MD, Oral Surgeon and Endodontist specialists, I’m scheduled to have an operation to remove the so-called saved tooth, and resultant fistula created by the extensive overfilling of the Number 13 root canals with guttapurcha, the latex based root canal filling material. Predictably I could sue and win to recover the costs of these procedures, but the good Doctor has closed his practice, and is now enrolled in a school in Detroit. The lawyer I consulted doesn’t see that my case is strong enough to show the pain I’ve been living through since I trusted Dr. Sullivan. Of course there are risks to root canals. I accepted the possibility of a dry socket, and possible infection, but was re-assured by Sullivan that he’s done thousands of these procedures with no bad outcomes. General dentists can perform root canal procedures along with other dental procedures, but often they refer patients needing endodontic treatment to a specialized practice, who works in collaboration with your dentist. An endodontist is a dentist who specializes in saving teeth. Dr. Sullivan should have not touched that tooth after I warned him of the history of my other root issues, and certainly after he saw the roots narrowness and length.

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Christopher Pavletic, 13131 s lagrange rd, Orland park, IL

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Dr. Pavletic was wonderful but the office manager was horrible.

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Category: Doctor

Dr. Ronald B Schlotfeldt, MD, 501 Washington, San Diego, CA, 92103

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I was getting screened by the nurse. She asked about my medical history along with the standard questions, have I been exposed to Covid, etc. I told her I had Covid at the end of Nov. She then asked what brought me in today. I told her but she kindly interrupted and said, "you just need a referral, correct." I said yes. I said, I'd also like some blood work done while I'm here, nothing of concern just might as well get a physical while I'm here. I also mentioned my throat was irritating me but I also get chronic tonsillitis at least once a year. I told her it wasn't anything I was really concerned about, but hopefully I could talk to the doc and possibly get a z pack. She said, ok let me go talk to the Doctor. He immediately came in, and read me my rights so to speak. I was actually fearful when he stepped foot in the room. His look he gave me was petrifying. I was appalled at his dismissive, assumptious meanness towards me. He right away said, "why would you ever come into this office with Covid symptoms." I said, I don't have Covid symptoms, what are you talking about. He said you have a sore throat and how dare you come into this office when you're sick. He said, what are you even in here for in the first place? I said, I came in here for a referral and thought it was a good idea to get a physical and mentioned my throat hurt. I said I had Covid the end of November and there's a 90 day period where you are free from reinfection. He was so mean. Not to mention all this took place in front of my five year old daughter. Even my daughter was scared. I said, I know it's not Covid its just a sore throat and you can't automatically just because my throat hurts, it's Covid. He said, well what else could it be then. I was shocked. I said maybe it tonsillitis. Then he said, how would you even get that then. I said, I don't know, germs... It was just back n forth banter. He then came back in a hazmat suit and said it was in my best interest to get Covid swab and Strep throat swab. He came back in 10 min later and cleared me. It was the most pointless waste of time/energy appointment with someone who has zero compassion for anyone and who made me feel like I was this disgusting walking germ in front of my daughter. Never want to see his face again!!!!!

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Category: Teacher

severn school, severna park, md

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Mrs. Clark has no friends

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Category: Doctor

Dr. Richard A Dougherty, 10450 Park Rd Suite 200, CHARLOTTE, NC

Rating: 5 out of 5.

One of few doctors who will take the time to talk with you. He is very knowledgable and his staff is very nice.

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Category: Doctor

Kishore K. Arcot,md, 6005 park avenue,suite 255-b, memphis, TN, 38119

Rating: 5 out of 5.

One of the best Cardiology vein doctor in the area.Others say they you will have to live with it .He says lets see what we can do.

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Category: Doctor

Dr. Richard A Dougherty, 10450 Park Rd Suite 200, CHARLOTTE, NC

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Dr. Eric B. Fisher, Old Country Rd., Plainview, NY

Rating: 2 out of 5.

This dentist performs unnecessary work such as putting caps or crowns on wisdom teeth, leaving broken files in teeth that he does root canals on and putting in fillings on teeth that don't have cavities. He has gotten very greedy and is very inappropriate. Find another dentist!

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Category: Doctor

Craig Ardie Smithed, 7201 Hanover Pkwy, Greenbelt, MD, 20770

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This Dentist Dr Craig Ardie Smith SABOTAGE my “perfect” teeth for his financial gain... he CAN NOT be Trusted!!! He is a LIAR and a CROOK. He sold me a $500.00 mouth guard because he said I was grinding my teeth and that was a LIE... he just wanted the money; he grinned down two “PERFECTLY” great teeth for nothing just to put a crown on teeth so he can make money off his patients... it’s a DAYUM shame this man can not be Trusted because of MONEY!! Really? Put your patients first and your money will come through referrals. DO NOT Trust this man, you’ll be SORRY if u do

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