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calvin blount jr, destin, florida

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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Florida Hand Center, Dr. Stephen L. Helgemo, Jr, Fort Myers, FL

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I was sent to Dr Helgemo for a workers comp. injury. He has no people skills. After doing surgery he snapped "That's impossible" when I tried to tell him the finger wouldn't bend. He ignored 2 Physical Therapist recommendations that I needed a silver ring splint. He refused my begging for a silver ring splint, stating it was an unnecessary expense for the insurance. After a year of suffering with the finger not bending, and after writing my attorney complaining about Dr. Helgemo I was ordered to return to him. He had obviously heard of my complaints. He actually listened and examined hand. He 'suddenly' found that a slight pressure at the base of the finger would allow me to consistently bend it. He recommended I buy myself a regular ring and wear it. After a year of suffering I now have partial use of the finger. I strongly recommend against ever using this doctor. [

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Susan Smith, Blount Memorial, Maryville, TN

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Dr Smith has an incredibly strict policy regarding appointment time. If you are 5 minutes late you HAVE to reschedule. No exceptions. Ever. I didn’t know this (new patient) and tried to call as I was driving to tel them I was running late due to a traffic issue. No one answered or returned the call. I was made to reschedule. I showed up 20 minutes early just to avoid any issues on my end. Dr Smith however was 30 minutes late to my appointment. No reason was given nor was there an apology for wasting my time. When I asked why I had forced to wait past MY scheduled times (with no one coming in to let me know she was running late) she became defensive. She never apologized. Never attempted to diffuse the situation that she created by being late. She instead told me she wouldn’t be seeing me because of my ‘attitude’. As she walked out with no explanation I said ‘holy f***’ due to my shock at being treated that way. Those two tiny words muttered into the air prompted a call to the security guard to *** me out. While they weren’t the most kind words ever, I stand by them because I have never been treated like that before by a doctor. She clearly thinks very highly of herself and her time, while completely disregarding her patients feelings. Anyone would have been caught off guard. I was (no lie) escorted out of the building by the security guard because of my behavior. I know that I didn’t act ‘professionally’. I didn’t really have time to process what had just happened and react in a manner they wanted me to. The security guard was massive overkill and completely unnecessary. The office manager literally hid from me. Why is it that doctors can treat patients so insignificantly and it okay, but when a patient calls them out on their double standard we are the villain?? I cannot recommend this practice. It left me blindsided and humiliated. I know that I was 7 minutes late for the first appointment but I in no way deserved what they did to me today.

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Harned, Airport Road Destin Fl

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Lazy, judges you on paper not to your face… The VA sent me to him and I brought all my history but he never read it because he knew nothing about me!!! No discussion but he writes in his notes that I’m pre Alzheimer’s pre Diabetic, WTH!!! I saw him once and he refused to pay the VA anymore so he dropped me without discussion, I showed up for my second appointment and they said we’ve dropped you, no letter no email no nothing!!!

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Calvin savu, 504, Jonesbor, AR, 72404

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This pain management doctor is very arogant self serving and gives inappropraite orders . Dr. Calvin Savu. This man wasnt good at being a anesthiologists and now practices in pain management . This doctor tells his patients they will be in a wheelchair in a year if you dont do as he says and tries after youve been told that you need surgery by specialists to talk you out of the surgery by pressuring you at each appt you come to see him. He tells you to.lift weight after other specialists tell you not to and he doesnt listen to you or your opinions. He is focused on himself and is very pushy to his patients . His advice or orders are unsafe when he decides to dictate ..he doesnt read your history or send for old records to see what youve had done in the past . you fill out paperwork but he doesnt read anyones history . He just will not hear you when you speak or he blows off what you say to him like you never spoke at all. Its uncomfortable to go to his office knowing you have no opinion as far as hes concerned .he hits your sciatic nerve and states " i needed to do that to find placement " its a lie if he hits your nerve. Hes in the wrong place period . i do not recommend him or his staff . the office has no clue what their doing and run under his control . He is ego driven in every way possible. I give him a 1 for ratings due to his bad advice and his uncaring attitude towards all that go to see him . i would get a second opinion with any advice he gives. He likes to bragg and hear himself speak . he has no concern for your needs and it shows in his attitude . there are other pain specialists in jonesboro please try them first for your safety and health monitoring of your condition . ive been in the medical field for 28 years and hes one of the worst and practioners ive ever seen ... Good luck ..

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calvin s oishi, 405 n kuakini st, honolulu, HI, 96813

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Harry R. Pappas, 160 Boston Ave, Altamonte Springs, FL

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr.Harry Pappas and his team in Altamonte Springs are excellent. Dr. Pappas was recommended to me for Glaucoma treatment and cataract surgery. During the process He explain to me everything about my glaucoma and the need for surgery cataract. The Outcoming was excellent, my vision now is perfect. I am recommended because the professionalism in His staff, techs and clinical are the best at Florida.

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Dr.Anthony Cordisco, 1105 Sunset Road, Burlington, NJ 08016

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Very satisfied with the orthotics that Dr. Anthony Cordisco, podiatrist, “had made for me. Dr. Cordisco provided excellent treatment & advice on dealing with my hammer toe. I’d recommend that family & friends go to Dr. Anthony Cordisco for foot ailments. Sincerely, Ralph G. Clouser Jr.

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Ronald Crater, 41889 Florida Ave, CA, 92544

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Wonderful experience very professional and understanding. All personnel were courteous and on the ball

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William Stetler jr, 225 Baldwin Ave., Charlotte, NC, 28204

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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