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David Bennett, 5 Tampa General Circle, Tampa, FL, 33606

Rating: 3 out of 5.


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Michael Harrington, 2 Tampa general circle, Tampa, FL, 34613

Rating: 1 out of 5.

With lacking communication skills, bedside manner, and little to no patient contact, left me puzzled .

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Dr. Robert Bennett, 1 Tampa Circle, Tampa

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Bennett will tell you the truth. I can say, it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. If I had gone another route, my outlook may have been grim.

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Alfred Frontera, 2 Tampa General, Tampa, FL

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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David Jarosz, 100 commercial dr, Keystone Heights, FL, 32656

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. David Jarosz is the best dr I’ve had in over ten years, he’s intuitive to my needs and acts quickly to establish a comprehensive treatment plan , I immediately received my medications that have already garnered positive results. Every visit is a new positive was short to the point informative even in my weakened delirious state of being this morning Friday the 31st 2020. This man deserves more credit than he may or may not be experiencing. I don’t know what goes on in the medical felid as far as recognition goes but he deserves a raise and recognition none the less. I enjoyed every visit with dr. David Jarosz. And furthermore I wish more mds were of his stature in this field of work. He tested diligently for me to make sure everything was in order . I cannot currently think of an better doctor and hope to continue to see this wonderful man. I don’t like these new general practitioner millennial doctors who don’t understand people and they’re ailments to a point where false transcripts are slipping through the crack so to speak and leaving patients in confused roadblock state of mind just for addressing they’re health concerns. Dr. David Jarosz does not make this mistake . From here to shands Jacksonville to Flagler health a”100 mile radius by the way” I’ve never seen a doctor look me in the eyes and diligently work towards a solution for a patient in need. Maybe he’s one of the last in a dying breed to actually give a dam about his patient clientele base.

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Karen M. Milo, 13357 N. 56th St, Tampa, FL

Rating: 5 out of 5.

In my opinion, Dr. Milo rates a 5, hands down. No matter what, she is always concerned for her patients’ wellbeing. I cannot say enough good towards her excellence in thoroughness. I personally know, she has spent additional hours conducting research to help me. A huge THANK YOU!

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Category: Dentist

David W. Edwards, DMD, 541 N PALMETTO AVE #101, SANFORD, FL

Rating: 1 out of 5.

WARNING: I do NOT recommend this doctor! He took $23,000.00 from me to cap my teeth and within 16 months I had issues. He said in writing in a text, he had no idea what was wrong. Several years later I have lost all my top teeth and need DENTURES! He now says I should have come back for a cleaning, yet he cleaned my teeth when I was there and it is a 5-10 hour drive to his office. I have my teeth cleaned every three months by a periodontist 10 minutes away. Three dentist, an internist, an oral surgeon and periodontist who I all see regularly, all agree the work should not have been done and big errors were made. “Holistic Dentistry,” that Mr. Edwards advertises, is NOT recognized by the American Dental Society and now I know why! ….BE CAREFUL.

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David Beaird, Murfreesboro, TN

Rating: 1 out of 5.

General surgeon doesn't review patients complete record resulting in complications and death.

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Jacob Nwosu, 700 liberty place, sicklerville, NJ

Rating: 2 out of 5.

I had a general doctor that was put out of business by a large hospital after 35 yrs. of work. I take a few xanax pills that my general doctor would prescribe for me since I was having panic attacks for 28 yrs(I am 66 and a good athlete). I have had some heart surgeries and a heart attack at 40 but my last surgery was preventative 6 yrs ago and I am in better shape than most people. I used to teach tennis 40 yrs ago and I still play for 2 hours at a time. I had to find a new doctor and at the present doctors are not allowed to prescribe controlled substances.This doctor I saw for the first time 4 days ago and was supposed to prescribe me 2 weeks of Buspar to take along with my .5 mg xanax pills that he didn't give a prescription for and said he would after 2 weeks. He gave me a sample of Rexulti to take for 2 weeks along with my xanax pills(whose prescription expired July 2nd but he noticed I still had enough for about 2 weeks. To this day he has not sent a prescription to Walmart for Buspar and I called his office to find out what is going on. I called them yesterday too. I think he might be irresponsible and I don't trust him right now. I will try to find a new doctor who said I had to see a psychiatrist to get a prescription for those xanax pills. I never did before and I don't take them to get high. I take a half pill in the morning, 1.5 pills before I do 2 hours of exercise and the rest by 2am. The medical world is disgusting. My wife, 69 yrs old, came down with lung cancer 2 yrs ago when we moved into her mother's home to take care of her. Now my mother-in law came down 9 months ago(she's 94) with alzheimers and broke her hip on 12/31/2018 and can't see or hear. I hide down in the basement in this 120 yr old mancave with my own TV, computer, printer and phone. Life is great. I am 66 and have medicare and Aetna. Hardly any money(used to have money to buy a house for cash 12 yrs ago when I moved to NJ but I rented instead). I have nothing coming in wills and I guess I better stay in shape so I can work part time and get social security. I don't feel like working anymore , so I take each day at a time.

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Category: Dentist

Dr. Michael Sullivan, Gaylord, MI

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Very sad experience. Dr. Sullivan performed a root canal on my number 13 molar. The root canals of this tooth are very narrow and extended. I warned the Dr. that I had a traumatic experience with elongated tooth roots which for teeth being extracted both as an adolescent and as a young serviceman in the Navy. Both of those times the dentists had a rough time with the teeth. The procedures lasted over 4 hours for the tooth when I was a child, and two visits over 3 hours each when I was in the Navy. Dr. Sullivan assured me that he was capable, and that his skill was superior. I believed him. After his first attempt at root canals on this tooth, Dr. Sullivan sent me home telling me that there wasn’t enough time that day to finish the procedure. Mind you I’m under the influence of sedation at this time. I told Dr. Sullivan that I would rather have the tooth pulled than go through another 3 hours in the chair. Amazingly I believed him again when he told me the reason he couldn’t finish was because of scheduling. He also said that he wanted to prove to his dental assistants he could finish the job! Being as high as I was on the anesthesia I made the poor judgement call to return. Two days went by with excruciating pain in my upper jaw. I was having to take Tylenol and Advil to relieve the discomfort. I went back to Sullivan’s office, asked AGAIN if it would be better to just extract the tooth, and he said it was his opinion he could save it, and this time he could finish the job and apply the cap. So I strapped on his gas mask and knocked myself stupid only to have the “Doctor” root around, stretch my jaw and break off half of what was left of the tooth. When I came to I distinctly remembered the snap, the dental assistant saying “Oh God!”, and the good Dr. scurrying away into another operatory. What was I told this time? Of course that I’d have to come back since it was the tooth’s fault it was so damaged that it cracked, and now he had to make a new cap with his machine. Stoned on the good Dr.’s laughing gas I told him “that’s okay, mistakes happen”. What an idiot I was. The laughing gas wore off and the Tylenol Advil routine lasted a week. I went back to Beacon Dental Center, this time for the last time, to finally get the remnants of my tooth capped. This time he squirted the glue in to fill the root canals, fixed the cap on the tooth, and away I went. Fast forward 5 years and I’m in the chair of a very competent dentist. The dentist asks if I’m in any pain and I mention the constant pain I’ve had on my left sinus area. I’ve felt this pain for three years. I’m shown the current X-ray of the area and the Dentist tells me that it’s not normal. The capped tooth is great work (machine made, remember) but there is stuff in the canals of Number 13 tooth that extend into the sinus. After visits to an Ear Nose Throat MD, Oral Surgeon and Endodontist specialists, I’m scheduled to have an operation to remove the so-called saved tooth, and resultant fistula created by the extensive overfilling of the Number 13 root canals with guttapurcha, the latex based root canal filling material. Predictably I could sue and win to recover the costs of these procedures, but the good Doctor has closed his practice, and is now enrolled in a school in Detroit. The lawyer I consulted doesn’t see that my case is strong enough to show the pain I’ve been living through since I trusted Dr. Sullivan. Of course there are risks to root canals. I accepted the possibility of a dry socket, and possible infection, but was re-assured by Sullivan that he’s done thousands of these procedures with no bad outcomes. General dentists can perform root canal procedures along with other dental procedures, but often they refer patients needing endodontic treatment to a specialized practice, who works in collaboration with your dentist. An endodontist is a dentist who specializes in saving teeth. Dr. Sullivan should have not touched that tooth after I warned him of the history of my other root issues, and certainly after he saw the roots narrowness and length.

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