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5.0 out of 5.



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Dr Brian McGrory, 119 Gannett Drive, So Portland, ME

Rating: 5 out of 5.

My surgery was done by the best Dr in the state and probably in all of America. It was a wonderful experience with my care . I would do my other hip if needed with out fear. So anyone frightened about joint replacement please get it done . The care is the best ever. Thank you Dr McGrory.

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Rating: 1 out of 5.

an hour ago 24 minutes ago The staff was so rude and uncaring l will never go back. Receptionist would not give me her name. They don’t answer phones or return call. I could not even cancel. I had to drive all the way there just to speak with rude staffers. It was three females that could give a crap a about his patients. I asked if he had voicemail they gave me noway to talk to Dr Dinger scared l guess they didn’t want him to find out how rude and uncaring they are. I liked the Dr. to bad his rude staff lost a patient. There are allot of pain places in Boerne l would choose any of them but Dr Dinger.

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Olchawa, St Clair Shores, MI

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I waited over a year to leave a review because I know how hard doctors work to earn their degree. Dr. Olchawa is very condescending. Unfortunately, she doesn't realize that an arrogant attitude is very off putting to her patients. I have since seen another endocrinologist and am MUCH, MUCH happier. I also have serious questions about her medical aptitude. I had been very tired and feeling out of sorts. I also had some dark spots on my skin (not age spots). Because my grandfather died of Addison's disease (before it was treatable), I asked Dr. Olchawa if she would please consider running a test for Addison's Disease. She laughed and said that I was being ridiculous. She said if I had Addison's Disease that I would be lying on the floor. Well, sure--if it was allowed to develop into an Addisonian crisis I would be..... Finally, after third and last visit, she wrote a prescription for an ACTH stimulation test (to check for Addison's)and admonished me that no other doctor would have done so. Well, I now drive an hour to see adifferent endocrinologist. On my first visit he ordered a test for Addison's. Need I say more?

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Dr. Travis Hecker, Hendersonville, NC

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This doctor gave me a drug that my pharmacist warned me about, so I only bought 6 pills. In a few days I got a letter from my insurance company sent me a letter stating this drug is unsafe to give to those over 65 for the side effects were awesome. I passed out so many times but the most dangerous time was I got in my car. Thank God I got a phone call and did not drive the car. I was going to get my puppy from my groomer and could have killed myself and others on the road. After the call, I passed out in the car at around 3 :00 until 7:30 in the evening. Bless the groomers heart for she knew I would not leave my dog and EMS. God Bless that man for I really would not have been able to walk into my home. I confronted Hecker. Asked me what had killed my pain before, told they gave me a drug in the called percoset. I did not really know what it was. I said to him in a very calm manner I could ring your neck, I thought a common saying. He.left the room and in a few minutes, it struck me that this man was angry. and I was upset for I. had profiled his behavior and got up walked a little improvised office, no doors, where I experienced something I have never seen, a temper tantrum to beat the band. In my life time, I flew for a major airline as a flight attendant and a teacher of 12th graders. I have never seen anything like it !!!!. But found my former doctor who told me that he had been fired from that medical system but to cover themselves did not publicly announced it. NOW this powder keg is Brevard County's problem.. The thought of being put under by this man is horrifying to me and should be to anyone. In my opinion, he is an extremely, insecure person which certainly shows if you question his authority. I was thrown out of the pain clinc and given a bottle of oxycodone-7.5_325 It was issused to me on May 17 16 and I still have the bottle with plenty of pills in it. After that day with Hecker, it was amazing of how people called to say how sorry they were. Oh, I went to the NC medical Board, they thought it was perfectly ok. Am sure the hospital backed him completely, but they finally figured it out and let him go. Now my final thought, this was done to a lady who has a spine desinitagrating, a knee that isi in horrid shape and is painful and was 72 years old. Be careful Hendersonville, you have tome bomb ticking but so sure this fool would have another story.

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D. Carlson, 13871 Elk Run Drive, West Burlington, IA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I went in for pain in the abdomen and difficulty breathing. My general MD was not available, so I was referred to Dr. D. Carlson at the Great River Family Practice Center in West Burlington, IA. I was asked and responded 3 times to questions regading my allergies. Despite that, I was given a shot and a medication order to be filled at the pharmacy. When I went to the pharmacy to get the medication order filled, I was told "it was not the right medication for me." They would have to call the doctor for another medication. That could only mean, I was allergic to the medication ordered. That is a flagrant disregard for a patient's safety.

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Dr. Howard Chasolen, wood st. sarasota fl.

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Follow-up After Talking With A Former Worker “ Dear Dr. Chasolen. As you know with all the discussions that we had, hopefully you can understand of my long and odious dental journey that you help put me on , and surly you knew that I had the expense of a total cost to me- starting from the university's cost for $14,000.00 plus Dr. Mish's cost of $11,800.00 and the $37,595.00 to your office ,and to date I have not a single red cent of receiving anything in workmanship nor any money back from you. plus the new cost of $27,000.00 for me to completely start all over again with another dentist, and yet another dentist to correct all of the mistakes at a cost of $29,000.00 so now with a grand total cost of $119,395.00 In all to me. I can not conceive how you must feel, of you departing an 81 year old veteran of $37,595.00 and stalling this case of my going back and forth to your office for two years, and aprox.30 visits at 80 miles per. visit -totaling over 2,500 miles and in very early morning travel (6:00 Am and on several return trips in heavy 5:00 Pm traffic as well) I think in all fairness, I was concerned of you having to pay a fee to the lab in California that you used. -and I offered to sign an affidavit to them in stating that the ten times that they could not get their work right, and that we were not going to accept the unit- as I didn't want them to charge you for the shoddy work that they were doing-time after time, and you said not to worry- as it's being sent back to them, and that they would then realize that you would not be charged at all for it, so instead you were able to keep all the money that I paid to you. I recently met a former worker of yours at the mall and I was told that all your office workers really felt bad for what you were putting me through- and how awful for what you did. I am asking at this time- in all fairness- again- if you would honor a financial adjustment for me ,as if I received a total completion of the work that you started- and if you didn't receive any money – I am sure it would not be fair to you- if you successfully completed my case, and not being paid, you would not like it. You did offer me any models , molds or anything that I may have needed for a new dentist, but I was told that dentist don't really want to use other dentist plans and case items. Please give me a call, an email- or perhaps to meet, and as I mentioned before "that I don't have sour grapes with you" and would be pleased to meet with you if you prefer. I would like to make mention of the $7,000.00 implant cost of Dr. Scott's implant crown- plus the initial cost for you to remove the crown ,as the lab could not line up their work with it, and in all fairness it was damaged at your office by your assistant that chipped it while trying to remove the temp. “Surprising for the two years of my treatments at your office ( you probably worked on my case for about 3 solid hours if any” And that is why it was a total failure, as you did not show any interest for the very complicated case that you stated -when you made me make payment of the $37,595.00 in full long before any work was ever done. You stated to me that it would be better if we removed that $7,000.00 crown to make the lab do their work with less effort, But you charged me $3,000.00 to remove the crown that was chipped at your neglect to removing the temp. unit correctly in the first place. and in closing I did spend an awful lot of unnecessary money- "and I thank God" for not having that additional cost when you sent me to your friend Dr. Ferris- who wanted a ridiculous amount of money for an unnecessary gum graft- and for the sum of $20,900.00- and Dr. Mish laughed and said that I did not need any such gum graft, and the cost to me from your friend Dr. Ferris to tell me of that,- was an additional charge to me for $200.00 Respectfully . Ray Romeo

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Category: Dewntist

howard chasolen, wood street

Rating: 1 out of 5.

“Follow-up After Talking With A Former Worker “ Dear Dr. Chasolen. As you know with all the discussions that we had, hopefully you can understand of my long and odious dental journey that you help put me on , and surly you knew that I had the expense of a total cost to me- starting from the university's cost for $14,000.00 plus Dr. Mish's cost of $11,800.00 and the $37,595.00 to your office ,and to date I have not a single red cent of receiving anything in workmanship nor any money back from you. plus the new cost of $27,000.00 for me to completely start all over again with another dentist, and yet another dentist to correct all of the mistakes at a cost of $29,000.00 so now with a grand total cost of $119,395.00 In all to me. I can not conceive how you must feel, of you departing an 81 year old veteran of $37,595.00 and stalling this case of my going back and forth to your office for two years, and aprox.30 visits at 80 miles per. visit -totaling over 2,500 miles and in very early morning travel (6:00 Am and on several return trips in heavy 5:00 Pm traffic as well) I think in all fairness, I was concerned of you having to pay a fee to the lab in California that you used. -and I offered to sign an affidavit to them in stating that the ten times that they could not get their work right, and that we were not going to accept the unit- as I didn't want them to charge you for the shoddy work that they were doing-time after time, and you said not to worry- as it's being sent back to them, and that they would then realize that you would not be charged at all for it, so instead you were able to keep all the money that I paid to you. I recently met a former worker of yours at the mall and I was told that all your office workers really felt bad for what you were putting me through- and how awful for what you did. I am asking at this time- in all fairness- again- if you would honor a financial adjustment for me ,as if I received a total completion of the work that you started- and if you didn't receive any money – I am sure it would not be fair to you- if you successfully completed my case, and not being paid, you would not like it. You did offer me any models , molds or anything that I may have needed for a new dentist, but I was told that dentist don't really want to use other dentist plans and case items. Please give me a call, an email- or perhaps to meet, and as I mentioned before "that I don't have sour grapes with you" and would be pleased to meet with you if you prefer. I would like to make mention of the $7,000.00 implant cost of Dr. Scott's implant crown- plus the initial cost for you to remove the crown ,as the lab could not line up their work with it, and in all fairness it was damaged at your office by your assistant that chipped it while trying to remove the temp. “Surprising for the two years of my treatments at your office ( you probably worked on my case for about 3 solid hours if any” And that is why it was a total failure, as you did not show any interest for the very complicated case that you stated -when you made me make payment of the $37,595.00 in full long before any work was ever done. You stated to me that it would be better if we removed that $7,000.00 crown to make the lab do their work with less effort, But you charged me $3,000.00 to remove the crown that was chipped at your neglect to removing the temp. unit correctly in the first place. and in closing I did spend an awful lot of unnecessary money- "and I thank God" for not having that additional cost when you sent me to your friend Dr. Ferris- who wanted a ridiculous amount of money for an unnecessary gum graft- and for the sum of $20,900.00- and Dr. Mish laughed and said that I did not need any such gum graft, and the cost to me from your friend Dr. Ferris to tell me of that,- was an additional charge to me for $200.00 Respectfully . Ray Romeo

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Deborah White, Saint Joseph, MO

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I have been trying to figure out my diabetes for years. At first, I believed she was a great doctor, but as I'm wanting different options, I'm starting to doubt her. What she says in person versus what she writes in clinical notes don't match. She doesn't accurately portray my desires and concerns in her notes either, which makes me seem like a stupid, uneducated patient. She writes that she suggested a treatment but never mentioned said treatment to me verbally. She failed to list reasons for requesting medication changes. It feels like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde situation. I've considered recording conversations so that future doctors will know the truth versus what's in my records. I have messaged her and her supervising MD regarding my concerns. If they are addressed properly, I will gladly change my rating and review. If not, I will be finding a new primary care doctor for both my daughter and I.

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Alan Tuckman, 231 Granite run, Lancaster, PA

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr Tuckman was so pleasant and helped with my ankle injury. I also saw his PA Brian and he had great bed side manor. I recommend this team for you foot or ankle pain.

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Dr. Brian Harmych, Maple Ave, Zanesville, OH, 43701

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Dr. Harmych did nothing for me. He insisted I am an "ideal candidate" for the Lateral nasal implant. After my insurance company denied this procedure three times, he tossed me aside like a piece of trash. He was not even willing to discuss other options. No procedure is ideal if the patient cannot afford it. I do not believe that Dr. Harmych cares about anything except the almighty dollar

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