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Dr Jennings, 237, Tell City, IN

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Never every had a doctor's nurse and tell me I can't or he will not take you as a patient, Dr.Jennings at Perry County Hospital denied me is what his hateful nurse told me, she was really hateful and being a smartass to me, don't worry their are better doctor's than you.😡😡😡👎

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Dr. Laura McNaughton, 4301 Sergeant Rd, Sioux City, IA

Rating: 5 out of 5.

If I could give a rating higher than 5 I defiantly would. Dr. McNaughton saved me from a hole that I was being swallowed up by. Dr. McNaughton performed a breast reduction and tummy tuck on me. After my second child my chest grew much larger than I could handle affecting my breathing. I had done the dieting and lost a significant amount of weight but sadly chest or my muffin top was going no matter how much working out I did. I was always bigger chested but when it started to be a problem while chasing the kids around I knew it was time to do something. So I guess you could say Dr. McNaughton was my saving grace! I truly mean that statement because from the moment I woke up I could take a deep breath without having to stop in the middle of a conversation. This may seem very simple and CRAZY to some people but for the ones that do understand what I am talking about words can not explain how grateful I am for her. Another major perk is I have minimal most of my scars are healing and "fading" or "blending" (sorry not sure what is a better word there) into my normal skin tone color. This is even more exciting because I have an extremely fair complexion. Lastly, Dr. McNaughton is ALWAYS (day or night) available for questions or concerns even months after your surgery. As I stated in the being she pulled me out of a deep hole I truly mean that! She has done so much for my family and I simply by listening and having the best bed side manner of anyone I could ever ask for. When you tell her how you feel and what you are thinking she truly listens! I cannot say enough wonderful things about Dr. McNaughton because I feel and know that I do not have enough space here for that. So I guess what I am trying to say if you are needing anything done that involves plastic surgery Dr. McNaughton is the Best and Only choice. I would ever let a family member choice or myself choice anyone other than her.

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Dr (Kristappa) Sangavaram, 303 Molnar Drive, Elmwood Park, NJ, 07407

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Dr Kristappa Sangavaram, MD double charged me $1,000. He charged me and my medical insurance company for the same injection of a steroid. Sometimes he uses the last name "Sangdidram", other times he uses the last name "Sangavarian" and other times he uses the last name "Sangavaram". He told me not to tell the other anesthesiologists but I did and I told the insurance company. Even his ex-partner told me "I know what Dr Sangavaram did to you...I know the story" and that's why he was told to leave and he had to go to a smaller place and he makes less money thanks to me because I told everyone. I spoke to him and he didn't know I told on him and he started trash talking his previous partners. In a way I won because he ended up earning much less money because I told everybody. Always report when physicians do that to you- it happens all the time and never pay a medical bill in this country because all those bills are fraudulent. I know because I worked in the medical field. Don't go to Dr Kristappa Sangavaram because besides that he doesn't do anything that will help you. He's strictly just works with botox and steroid blockers. He will try to shame you if you take pain meds. He calls your family members and gossips to your family members about you before he bills you. Remember: Always report these doctors to every appropriate agency and always name and shame them. This happens all the time in the United States. Only in 11 US states is it not permitted for a physician to over-bill you. In all the other 39 US states they are allowed but you must not pay it. I told you I worked in the medical field in this country.

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John R. Kuhn, 3110 S.W. 89th Suite 200 E., Oklahoma City, OK. 73159, OK

Rating: 1 out of 5.

First visit I had with him he told me I had lots of options to deal with my hearing problem. Second visit with him he installs a drain tube in my ear. Third visit with him I tell him I didn't think it was working (a month and a half later). He says OK then proceeds to pull out the plug, he gives me no explanations, no options, no nothing. Needless to say it hurt pretty bad and his silence made me wonder what on earth is going on. He then walks out. His nurse who is attending him helps me stand up then notices I have blood draining out of my ear onto my face down my neck and on to my shirt she gets several kleenex tissues and cleans me up then escorts me to the front desk. As I'm walking down the hallway to the front their sits Doc Kuhn sitting in a room on the left of the hallway reading a paper and smoking a cigar. This is literally and exactly what he did. No explanations, no goodbye, no see ya later, nothing. He didn't even say whether I was to come back or not. I now think he knew all along that he could do nothing for me so he played me for what he could get out of me. My opinion, he is at best disingenuous and at worst dishonest. Also, He is not forthcoming with anything unless you pump him for answers. His general attitude was that I was bothering him. I do not recommend him.

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lisa primiani, n/a

Rating: 3 out of 5.

This review is in reference to a United Healthcare virtual visit on July 3, 2022. I'm a 49 year old male who has suffered through anxiety and sleep related issues. To give a little more background I'd previously spoken with 2 other doctors on June 30 and July 2, also through UHC virtual care. But unlike this experience, those two were 5 stars. I originally called because at the time I was going through severe withdrawal symptoms after having to abruptly stop a sleep/anxiety medicine. I had a scheduled appointment with a new primary care physician on July 8 but I had no idea what to expect from the new doctor, plus I needed some immediate relief from the withdrawal symptoms which were making it almost impossible for me to sleep. The first doctor, William Errico, DO was extremely helpful and prescribed a 30 day supply of .1 mg Clonidine to help me. He was friendly and I immediately felt comfortable with him. On July 2, I spoke with Karen Beers, NP. At this point I hadn't noticed much effect from the Clonidine and was looking to gather a little more input on things. She was very patient and helpful and gave me some good suggestions on natural remedies to help with my issue. The 5-HTP she recommended has worked very well for me. By late evening July 2/early July 3 I noticed the Clonidine was starting to have a positive effect. I was still apprehensive about what to expect from the new doctor and I felt that I could possibly gain some more insight from talking to a third doctor and possibly get a refill on the Clonidine since it was beginning to work for me. Plus I had no idea whether a new pcp would even prescribe it. My mistake was getting Lisa Primiani. From the beginning she projected a cold, unfeeling demeanor and I felt uncomfortable with her. The only good thing about the visit was there was no cost because it was fully covered under my insurance. But in this case I got what I paid for. She tended to use the word "unfortunate" a lot but the truly unfortunate thing was this visit. Well, where do I begin? I clearly stated my issue and my concerns and her first response was that I'd already had 3 previous visits with other doctors (it was only 2 - the first visit with Dr. Errico was accidentally disconnected before it had begun). In essence, this made me feel very uncomfortable. Like I'd already called several times already and why was I wasting her time? This isn't what she stated word for word, but it was clearly the impression that I got. To quote a phrase from my 13 year old daughter, it was a "cringe worthy" moment. It got worse from there. At this point I knew I was wasting my time, but I decided to approach the subject of giving me a Clonidine refill. I stated the reasons for this as I did earlier in this review. Her response was basically if I'd taken the whole bottle already then I had a serious problem. These weren't the exact words but they're nearly identical. My initial reaction was complete shock. I honestly don't have words for it. At the time, this comment kind of reminded me of an old lady with a serious case of dementia who will pretty much blurt out the worst possible thing. I was like, no way, she didn't really say that! Also, if I'd actually taken the whole 30 day supply of Clonidine in 3 days then chances are that I probably wouldn't have been having this conversation in the first place. Another truly cringe worthy moment. Unlike the previous 2 doctors, she offered me nothing. Well, actually she did. She offered me an excuse. She stated that her specialty was not "chronic" issues but rather short-term issues or something to that effect. Well, I'll make it a point the next time that I call a telehealth doctor to tell my body not to have a "chronic" issue but a short-term one instead. One word of advice for this doctor, actually 2 words, smile more. A little friendliness goes a long way. I'd love to see the world of telehealth become a kinder place as exemplified by my visits with the first 2 doctors. Every patient out there deserves nothing less.

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This review is in reference to a United Healthcare virtual visit on Ju...

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lisa primiani, n/a

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This review is in reference to a United Healthcare virtual visit on July 3, 2022. I'm a 49 year old male who has suffered through anxiety and sleep related issues. To give a little more background I'd previously spoken with 2 other doctors on June 30 and July 2, also through UHC virtual care. But unlike this experience, those two were 5 stars. I originally called because at the time I was going through severe withdrawal symptoms after having to abruptly stop a sleep/anxiety medicine. I had a scheduled appointment with a new primary care physician on July 8 but I had no idea what to expect from the new doctor, plus I needed some immediate relief from the withdrawal symptoms which were making it almost impossible for me to sleep. The first doctor, William Errico, DO was extremely helpful and prescribed a 30 day supply of .1 mg Clonidine to help me. He was friendly and I immediately felt comfortable with him. On July 2, I spoke with Karen Beers, NP. At this point I hadn't noticed much effect from the Clonidine and was looking to gather a little more input on things. She was very patient and helpful and gave me some good suggestions on natural remedies to help with my issue. The 5-HTP she recommended has worked very well for me. By late evening July 2/early July 3 I noticed the Clonidine was starting to have a positive effect. I was still apprehensive about what to expect from the new doctor and I felt that I could possibly gain some more insight from talking to a third doctor and possibly get a refill on the Clonidine since it was beginning to work for me. Plus I had no idea whether a new pcp would even prescribe it. My mistake was getting Lisa Primiani. From the beginning she projected a cold, unfeeling demeanor and I felt uncomfortable with her. The only good thing about the visit was there was no cost because it was fully covered under my insurance. But in this case I got what I paid for. She tended to use the word "unfortunate" a lot but the truly unfortunate thing was this visit. Well, where do I begin? I clearly stated my issue and my concerns and her first response was that I'd already had 3 previous visits with other doctors (it was only 2 - the first visit with Dr. Errico was accidentally disconnected before it had begun). In essence, this made me feel very uncomfortable. Like I'd already called several times already and why was I wasting her time? This isn't what she stated word for word, but it was clearly the impression that I got. To quote a phrase from my 13 year old daughter, it was a "cringe worthy" moment. It got worse from there. At this point I knew I was wasting my time, but I decided to approach the subject of giving me a Clonidine refill. I stated the reasons for this as I did earlier in this review. Her response was basically if I'd taken the whole bottle already then I had a serious problem. These weren't the exact words but they're nearly identical. My initial reaction was complete shock. I honestly don't have words for it. At the time, this comment kind of reminded me of an old lady with a serious case of dementia who will pretty much blurt out the worst possible thing. I was like, no way, she didn't really say that! Also, if I'd actually taken the whole 30 day supply of Clonidine in 3 days then chances are that I probably wouldn't have been having this conversation in the first place. Another truly cringe worthy moment. Unlike the previous 2 doctors, she offered me nothing. Well, actually she did. She offered me an excuse. She stated that her specialty was not "chronic" issues but rather short-term issues or something to that effect. Well, I'll make it a point the next time that I call a telehealth doctor to tell my body not to have a "chronic" issue but a short-term one instead. One word of advice for this doctor, actually 2 words, smile more. A little friendliness goes a long way. I'd love to see the world of telehealth become a kinder place as exemplified by my visits with the first 2 doctors. Every patient out there deserves nothing less.

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Calvin savu, 504, Jonesbor, AR, 72404

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This pain management doctor is very arogant self serving and gives inappropraite orders . Dr. Calvin Savu. This man wasnt good at being a anesthiologists and now practices in pain management . This doctor tells his patients they will be in a wheelchair in a year if you dont do as he says and tries after youve been told that you need surgery by specialists to talk you out of the surgery by pressuring you at each appt you come to see him. He tells you to.lift weight after other specialists tell you not to and he doesnt listen to you or your opinions. He is focused on himself and is very pushy to his patients . His advice or orders are unsafe when he decides to dictate ..he doesnt read your history or send for old records to see what youve had done in the past . you fill out paperwork but he doesnt read anyones history . He just will not hear you when you speak or he blows off what you say to him like you never spoke at all. Its uncomfortable to go to his office knowing you have no opinion as far as hes concerned .he hits your sciatic nerve and states " i needed to do that to find placement " its a lie if he hits your nerve. Hes in the wrong place period . i do not recommend him or his staff . the office has no clue what their doing and run under his control . He is ego driven in every way possible. I give him a 1 for ratings due to his bad advice and his uncaring attitude towards all that go to see him . i would get a second opinion with any advice he gives. He likes to bragg and hear himself speak . he has no concern for your needs and it shows in his attitude . there are other pain specialists in jonesboro please try them first for your safety and health monitoring of your condition . ive been in the medical field for 28 years and hes one of the worst and practioners ive ever seen ... Good luck ..

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Thomas Nguyen, San Luis Obispo, CA, 93401

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Dr Nguy?n is an unethical physician. He dropped a patient because the patient complained about his refusing to do a test even though it was medically necessary. He made no effort to find an alternative doctor even when the patient just received notice that he had kidney failure. He won't come to the phone or even accept email. His bedside manner is virtually non-existent. He doesn't tell his patients what tests he orders, and he does unnecessary or redundant tests. He essentially practices second class medicine. His staff are rude and unresponsive. They are also incompetent. It took them 4 weeks to refill a routine prescription, resulting in very unpleasant symptoms. It also took them about 8 tries before they got another prescription right. Stay away from this awful medical practice.

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Doris Hamawy, Coral Springs, FL, 33065

Rating: 2 out of 5.

The nurse practitioner Erica, started off by telling me she would not be there much longer. I went for two issues, a post op which she didn't bother to check and fmla papers which I was advised that the doctor would determine if she could when I made the appt. Just to be told by the nurse practitioner that the doctor does not "generally" complete these forms. Why are we speaking in generalities? I am referring to a speciic issue. Which one is it? If I had been told the doctor generally did not do these and that the nurse practitioner would be leaving and wouldn't bother checking my incisions then I would not have made an appt. She couldn't fill out my forms "generally" but she could prescribed me sleeping medication specifically because medication is what I apparently need, not time. But co pay is always collected promptly. What a joke. I must say the office staff has also changed since I began. What used to be a lovely experience can now be likened to getting a tooth extracted. During another visit, I was charged for a visit I canceled and was advised the day of the occurrence that i would be given a credit only to be spoken to rather nastily by someone else on the day of my actual visit advising me I had a co pay. I advised that I spoke with someone else and they said they would notate the chart. To which the response was "well she is not here". And then the person proceeded to stand there as if this would make a differencence to me. What made it worse is that no one was getting my chart ready as if I would not be seen for a pre-op appt I must add. After some time, the nurse finally told me to have a seat (and I am assuming decided to do her job) at which point she comes out the door and tells me what I already knew. During this exchange I am preparing myself to present the charge showing on my statement when i noticed I was charged slightly more (I will admit it was not much) but it was more than my co-pay). When I inquired about it, I was told that the girl who input my card information (even though my appt was canceled) saw I had a small balance and tried to call me but could not reach me (that's funny because I have updated my number and had several telahealth appts on my current number). Instead of waiting to see me (which I was an active patient) and advising me of the additional balance they took it when taking the copay they should not have. I advised that this is never to be done without my consent again, I don't care about the amount. (Can someone also tell me how the front desk person did not know i paid but was able to tell me the scenario for which my card was charged and also able to tell me why the additional charge occurred?) Yeah right. My experiences prior to these recent experiences were always very good and my interactions with prior nurse practitioners and staff (who are all no longer there) had been great. My interactions with Dr. Hamawy have always been wonderful, however she needs to become aware that the people she hires represent her and currently they are doing a very poor job.

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Kenneth Izoura, Las vegas, NV

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Can’t even see this Dr, due to the office staff being COMPLETE IDIOTS! They tell me to leave my number so when my referral comes in they will call me, 2 1/2 weeks I’ve been trying to check on my referral and nobody has called me, I finally talk to an office staff and they tell me he’s booked until January but if I have my primary dr put urgent on my referral they will get me in sooner, so I get ahold of my primary dr and she resends my referral and still no call from Dr Izouras office saying they received my referral so I call again and what do you know there’s my referral so the girl on the phone says hold on let me check what The soonest available appointment is, and I then tell her my Dr put urgent on the referral like the other office staff told me to do and she then places me on hold. After 19 minutes on hold the line disconnected, I wait a few minutes for a call back and nothing!!!! So I have to call again and push all these different numbers to get back in the wait line for someone to pick up the phone and after 12 minutes someone answered and said she has nothing and that the front office had to override and see if they can get me in before January, she says I will get a call within 48 hrs so here I’m assuming I’m going to have to wait forever or call them back again myself but low and behold I got a call back within 10 minutes with sorry but we can’t get you in until January!!!!!!!! WTF why tell me to have my primary put urgent if you can’t doing a *** thing about it!!! So pissed, wasted 2-3 weeks waiting to get seen for nothing, could have been referred to another dr and been seen by now!!!?

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