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Dr leornardi, Mercy fitzgerald, Upper Darby, PA

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Very kind, extremely well skilled and talented AND he saved my.life. My deepest gratitude L. Luciani

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Akula, Mercy fitzgerald, Upper Darby occasionally, PA

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Very kind, extremely well skilled and talented AND he saved my.life. My deepest gratitude L. Luciani

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Akula, Mercy fitzgeraldMy occadiinally, Upper Darby, PA

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Very kind, extremely well skilled and talented AND he saved my.life. My deepest gratitude L. Luciani

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Dr. Matthew McClellan, Carlisle, PA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I heard a rumor that he is a *** offender.

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I feel like he is always creepy and I've caught him staring at my *** ...

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Dr. Matthew McClellan, Carlisle, PA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I heard a rumor that he is a *** offender.

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I feel like he is always creepy and I've caught him staring at my *** ...

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Rachel Koster, PA, Cypress Station, Spring, TX

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Rachel Koster, PA (Northwest Diagnostics Center in Spring, TX) helped me out w/ a bad upper respiratory / sinus infection by seeing me on short notice awhile back. I had been symptomatically treating my "cold" with all the right things (rest, fluids, Mucinex, etc). However, after 1 wk, I was still coughing excessively, etc. I followed all her instructions (she added on antibiotic and Flonase). The next morning I woke up 3 times between midnight & 6am. The 2nd time I called & left message for something for my cough. I have yet to get a call back. I feel unimportant to this practice (not the first time this sort of thing has happened). I would recommend a different practice if you have complications with your condition as you probably won't get a call back.

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Dr. Arfan Din, 2020 Sutter Place, Davis, CA, 95616

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Dr. Arfan Din cornered me in an exam room and forced me to consent to a highly invasive elective medical procedure that I didn't want to have. I felt frightened and violated as if I didn't have the right to make executive decisions about my own body. When I posted about my disturbing experience with Dr. Din on social media, he made threats against my employment and tried to sue me in an attempt to intimidate me into silence. I am a cancer patient. Dr. Din is a dangerous and vindictive doctor who will stop at nothing to have the upper hand when his patients fight back against his inappropriate behavior.

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Dr. Levi, somewhere in the Upper East Side, New York, NY, new york

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He refused to answer any questions, spend 10 seconds looking at my eyes, didn't give a diagnosis, then left!!!!!!!

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Alexander Gaukhman, 463 US HWY41 Bypass, Venice, FL, 34229

Rating: 1 out of 5.

BEWARE OF VANESSA & DR. GAUKHMAN !!!!!!! I was told by eight dentist that I had a Complicated case for a 12 unit- upper bridge " And that it was extremely important -to see no one other than a Prosthodontic Dentist" - and that is why when I saw the web page for Dr.Gaukhman- it stated that there was in fact a Prosthodontic on staff as I was led to believe,as Dr. Gaukhman stated that he was not a Prosthodontics- but did have one on staff if needed. We seemed to be having quite a few problems but the so called Prosthodontic did not intervene -and as I found out later that they never did have one, even though the web site showed one -as I showed the web site to Vanessa and told her they should correct the site as it was very misleading. The lab company owner made 7 trips each and every time that I was in the dental chair and not one time was Dr. Gaukhman present, except one time when Vanessa had an augment with the lab guy as he got tired of having to make so many unnecessary trips to the office that the mistakes Vanessa seemed to keep making, and Dr. Gaukhman walked into the room turned around and walked right back out showing no concern whatsoever,in the 10 months of my treatments not one time did he ever do any any work on me- and when I asked him why he was not even assisting Vanessa he simply stated that he has a security camera in all treatment rooms and can supervise through the cameras. In short he had Vanessa decide how to plan the entire 4 unit metal bridge units consisting of 12 teeth -as she ran the whole show making all of the decisions, ''and obviously Dr. Gaukhman Delegated Professional Responsibilities to a Non-Qualified Non Training Non Experienced nor A licensed person (named Vanessa) that failed totally two times and with two plans and with two separate Dental labs, A new attempt was done in Ziconia- in a new plan for where the teeth would be placed but that was a pathetically failed result as well, being of Vanessa's inexperience. "In Life We Learn From Other Peoples Mistakes -So Please Learn From Mine." Ray Romeo.

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Jeffrey Gelwan, western Boulevard, Glastonbury, CT

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Dr Gelwan is a good dr. but I don't know how much of back ground he has in treating my IBS condition. He always seems to come back to what foods do I eat.. My latest visit went better - he wants be to have a test to see how my stomach and intestines are doing. I guess because my IBS is not directly food related-it is more difficult to diagnosis. also his office sends me multiple confirms re: my apt- received 4 last time! it is also very hard to get an appt with dr gelwan- not many good GI dr's around.... my last dr only wanted to see me when it was time for my upper and lower GI-guess I was just a number to them- IBS is a very real medical condition- if they had it, maybe they would pay more attention to it!

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