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elmer t sorenson, salem, OR

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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Gregory Craft, Salem, OR

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Can't say enough good about all of the personel at Salem Hospital. Wonderful care. Best peoople!

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Category: Boss

Michelle Tobias, Salem Health, Salem, OR, 97301

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Horrible, hateful, liar and bully. Her supervisor friend brought her to Salem and she likely can’t get employment elsewhere. Don’t work for OR while she’s still there. Staff have left because of her nonsense and her superiors do nothing. There’s no union nor any fair process to make a complaint. Miserable place to work.

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Dr.Dan Sewell, Hope Orthopedics, Salem, OR

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Best Doctor. Takes his time and talks to you. Has done 3 surgeries on me and was great with all. You will not be disappointed

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servais e gary, salem, OR

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Lenka Stankova

Rating: 1 out of 5.

My name's is James. Hi everyone one. I am new to this site. I can see most of you have had dealings with LENKA STANKOVA. You can include me in that group to unfortunately. Lenka stankova didn't show up at my appointment either. I to think she hates people but not just people I think she hates veterans just ask she has destroyed alot of lives. Most Veterans feel powerless as they can not afford to go to the outside and get a real doctor. Ask them they will tell you. I to Agee as I felt I was practiced on I thought then what I still think today no one can be this bad a doctor and be a legit doctor. I was wrong. I also agree with most Veterans the VA does not get quality we are a stop over for most doctors before retirement the last stop or buying time until doctors get good enough to start there own practice. You will not get any disagreement out if me. I agree with all of you. I agree with everyone. She's awful. She will ruin your life. Her subs never give you all the facts because if they did you would walk and they don't want that thus stealing your healthcare choice. Her subs never discuss alternatives to being cut on it all the side effects you might have again because the only thing the care about is getting the surgery at all cost in my opinion She did not show up in clinic not why I was in the hospital not after the surgery when I kept falling down and had trouble getting to the bathroom she was no we're to be found. I have never met her EVER. I could not point her out if she was standing two feet in front of me. You should be able to meet you doctor always especially someone who is going to cut in you not at the Dallas VA. The VA allows this. HOLT allows this bad practice even condones it I also agree with many of your assessments as being known by the name butcher, hacker, and the diablo the rest I had not heard but does not surprise me one bit. She likes to cut on people butcher and hack on them but she does not like to be seen because most people would see her as the fraud she is. I agree also with the assessment she will leave you worse off when she's done with you but you folks already knew that. I found out to late to be saved from this doctor. The Dallas VA allows this as a matter of policy. The management HOLT is his name I think it's ok that you don't meet and can not judge the character of the doctors by allow you to ask questions and look the person who is about to cut in you in the eye. I agree with each and everyone if you. Your assessments if this doctor do not differ my my own.

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lenka stankova, dallas texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

conditions SHE IS not qualified to treat. Adenoid removal. Chronic ear infections. Cochlear implants for hearing restoration. Congenital abnormalities (like a cleft palate or lip or a loss of smell) Deviated septum repairs. Eardrum perforation repairs. Ear tube inserts. Plenty of Good ENT's out there. She is not one of them. Damaged my tongue and continued to lie to me more then a politician. Oh its Ok, It will be Alright. Shes a Bold Face Liar. Let her operate on you but don't say I didn't warn you just how bad she is. My brother VALFRIDO took the bar 5 times does not make him good at being a lawyer. Lenka Stankova is a doctor on paper only.

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Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I had a doctor just like Lenka Stankova his name was Conroy, everyone kept telling me to trust nothing he said and to verify everything never a good sign. Sounds like patients should do exactly that with Lenka Stankova. The second appointment concluded and I told him he was fired cited the reasons. I had to go before I went mid evil on him. Lenka Stankova sounds just like doc Conroy he was the ice burg that sank the titanic if they listened on the radio many would have survived. The bomb that fell on Nagasaki and Hiroshima if they had surrendered sooner many would still be alive. If more people listened about Doc Conroy and more people listened about Lenka Stankova I would guess less people would have been hurt. I would guess somewhere it says how grateful people are to have her on some team or some crap like that. Whose grateful management people she will never service in her entire life are they grateful because shes the bottom of the barrel and cheap just like Doc Conroy was. Did they ask the veterans the people who she was supposed to service who have the most problems with her. I don't think so based on all the comments. Lucy P Keller Texas

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lisa primiani, n/a

Rating: 3 out of 5.

I like how you say you "deserve" no less. When does anyone deserve anything. Quit being an entitled pos and bothering 6 doctors a day. Read your post you twat. What kind of man bothers all these doctors and then blabs about what he "deserves" but didn't get. You deserve an arse whipping or a pair of gonads.

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This review is in reference to a United Healthcare virtual visit on Ju...

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lisa primiani, n/a

Rating: 3 out of 5.

This review is in reference to a United Healthcare virtual visit on July 3, 2022. I'm a 49 year old male who has suffered through anxiety and sleep related issues. To give a little more background I'd previously spoken with 2 other doctors on June 30 and July 2, also through UHC virtual care. But unlike this experience, those two were 5 stars. I originally called because at the time I was going through severe withdrawal symptoms after having to abruptly stop a sleep/anxiety medicine. I had a scheduled appointment with a new primary care physician on July 8 but I had no idea what to expect from the new doctor, plus I needed some immediate relief from the withdrawal symptoms which were making it almost impossible for me to sleep. The first doctor, William Errico, DO was extremely helpful and prescribed a 30 day supply of .1 mg Clonidine to help me. He was friendly and I immediately felt comfortable with him. On July 2, I spoke with Karen Beers, NP. At this point I hadn't noticed much effect from the Clonidine and was looking to gather a little more input on things. She was very patient and helpful and gave me some good suggestions on natural remedies to help with my issue. The 5-HTP she recommended has worked very well for me. By late evening July 2/early July 3 I noticed the Clonidine was starting to have a positive effect. I was still apprehensive about what to expect from the new doctor and I felt that I could possibly gain some more insight from talking to a third doctor and possibly get a refill on the Clonidine since it was beginning to work for me. Plus I had no idea whether a new pcp would even prescribe it. My mistake was getting Lisa Primiani. From the beginning she projected a cold, unfeeling demeanor and I felt uncomfortable with her. The only good thing about the visit was there was no cost because it was fully covered under my insurance. But in this case I got what I paid for. She tended to use the word "unfortunate" a lot but the truly unfortunate thing was this visit. Well, where do I begin? I clearly stated my issue and my concerns and her first response was that I'd already had 3 previous visits with other doctors (it was only 2 - the first visit with Dr. Errico was accidentally disconnected before it had begun). In essence, this made me feel very uncomfortable. Like I'd already called several times already and why was I wasting her time? This isn't what she stated word for word, but it was clearly the impression that I got. To quote a phrase from my 13 year old daughter, it was a "cringe worthy" moment. It got worse from there. At this point I knew I was wasting my time, but I decided to approach the subject of giving me a Clonidine refill. I stated the reasons for this as I did earlier in this review. Her response was basically if I'd taken the whole bottle already then I had a serious problem. These weren't the exact words but they're nearly identical. My initial reaction was complete shock. I honestly don't have words for it. At the time, this comment kind of reminded me of an old lady with a serious case of dementia who will pretty much blurt out the worst possible thing. I was like, no way, she didn't really say that! Also, if I'd actually taken the whole 30 day supply of Clonidine in 3 days then chances are that I probably wouldn't have been having this conversation in the first place. Another truly cringe worthy moment. Unlike the previous 2 doctors, she offered me nothing. Well, actually she did. She offered me an excuse. She stated that her specialty was not "chronic" issues but rather short-term issues or something to that effect. Well, I'll make it a point the next time that I call a telehealth doctor to tell my body not to have a "chronic" issue but a short-term one instead. One word of advice for this doctor, actually 2 words, smile more. A little friendliness goes a long way. I'd love to see the world of telehealth become a kinder place as exemplified by my visits with the first 2 doctors. Every patient out there deserves nothing less.

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This review is in reference to a United Healthcare virtual visit on Ju...

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